Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 459: The inner eye

The whole song doesn't have much ups and downs, and the ending part is simply neat.

When the music stopped, Li Zian slowly took off the peaked cap on his head, and silently bowed to the audience.


Until then, many people broke free from the depressive atmosphere created by Li Zian's rap, and the applause faded from sparse, and soon turned into a wave of applause.

"it is good!"

The applause kept coming.

Some people violate their conscience and give up their dignity.

But some people stick to the bottom line and their knees are hard.

This song by Li Zi'an has greatly encouraged many people who have been sticking to the bottom line.

There are too many people chasing fame and fortune without the bottom line?

This is the norm in society, but is it right?

Many people have been hesitating and hesitating once before, often reflecting on themselves, whether it is their own reasons.

But today, in Li Zian's singing, they heard the deep disdain and criticism.

Li Zian told everyone with singing...

Those who chase fame and fortune and abandon the bottom line are wrong!




Many people stood up on their seats and used the most commonly used methods and vocabulary of hip-hop singers to pay their respect to Li Zi'an.

Soon, the host Gao Yan and Da Shan walked onto the stage from the background.

"Da Shan, how do you evaluate Li Zian's pure rap debut?"

Standing between Li Zian and Dashan, Gao Yan asked Gao Yan with a smile.

When Dashan heard the words, he pondered for two seconds, and slowly said: "Many times, our inner eyes are closed, so we can only see benefits, but not the truth, and all things, but not beauty, and the world. , But we can’t see God, our days are full, our lives are empty, our minds are full, but our hearts are empty.”

"And today's rap by Teacher Li has far-reaching meaning and clear criticality. I think this is a very valuable and meaningful rap. I like this rap by Teacher Li very much!"

Da Shan spoke very seriously, and at the same time gave Li Zian's rap a very high evaluation.

Faced with the high praise from Dashan, Li Zian leaned slightly to show respect.

"Teacher Dashan said very well, and very philosophical."

"Then I won't waste time, this round of voting is about to begin..."

"Audience in the audience, if you like Mr. Dashan's work, please press button 1 to support, if you like Mrs. Li Zian's work, please press button 2 to support!"

"just now……"

"The voting channel has officially started!"

With Gao Yan's order, the voting channel on the spot officially began. 300 spectators in the audience picked up their voting machines and started voting.

The voting time of 100 seconds is fleeting.

"The singer who won this round is..."

"Li Zi'an!"

Since the competition between Li Zi'an and Dashan did not involve elimination, Gao Yan did not sell too much and announced the result very happy.

After hearing the result, Li Zian and Da Shan hugged each other.



Dashan said with a smile.

"Brother Dashan, your rap today is also very good, I like it very much."

Li Zian responded with a smile.

The two talked as they walked towards the stage, and there was no embarrassment between each other because of winning or losing.

"Ms. Li, the fact that you write lyrics is too strong. When will you have the opportunity to teach me? I have always been a shortcoming in writing words."

Li Zi'an said with a smile: "We can ask each other for advice if we have the opportunity."

The two talked and laughed, and soon disappeared from everyone's eyes, and returned to the rest area of ​​the upper zone.

Next, three groups of six singers continued to compete.

The upper zone Zheng Yi faced Cheng Ke. Cheng Ke was upset and unexpectedly defeated Zheng Yi, a rock veteran.

When the two groups of singers played in the lower area, the atmosphere became much more tense.

Jiang Xuanyu faced Chen Haisheng. In the end, Jiang Xuanyu had 153 votes over Chen Haisheng with 139 votes, narrowly defeating Chen Haisheng by a narrow margin.

Pei Yuan faced Suning, Suning got 178 votes than Pei Yuan 118 votes, Suning won by a considerable advantage.

This game is a knockout match, Chen Haisheng and Suning both eliminated.


After the game.

It's time for dinner again.

This time the director Huang Che organized a hot pot bureau. When Li Zi'an arrived, a small hot pot was placed in front of everyone's position, and the table was filled with all kinds of meat and vegetables.


"Good food!"

Li Zi'an rubbed his hands. Because everyone has different tastes, everyone's hot pot bottoms are different. Some like spicy pot, some like mushroom pot, and some like tomato pot.

In fact, after sitting down, Li Zian looked around, and it seemed that only he, Zheng Yi, and Dashan's pot bottoms were spicy, and the bottoms of the others were basically either clear soup or fungus pot.

"Do you have such a light taste?"

Li Zi'an asked with a surprised smile.

"Teacher Li, do you think we don't want to eat spicy pot? We sang high-key songs just now. If it is spicy, our agent might be able to kill directly from behind the camera." Cheng Ke said with a wry smile. UU reading

Li Zi'an heard this and immediately remembered that the songs of Cheng Ke and the others just now had very high keys, and the strongest was Cheng Ke, and those with high keys were about to take off.

After using your throat excessively, you really can't eat spicy food.

"I didn't pay attention." Li Zi Anlue smiled embarrassedly, and then said: "Then it seems that this meal is cheaper for me, Teacher Dashan and Teacher Zheng Yi."

Everyone said and laughed.

In contrast, Chen Haisheng and Pei Yuan, who were eliminated in this field, are not very high.

Chen Haisheng had a restrained personality, but now that he was eliminated, his restrained temperament almost made him lose his sense of existence.

But Pei Yuan seemed a little silent, he became famous when he was young, and he had a smooth journey. Now that he has been eliminated from Waterloo, he must be a little uncomfortable.

"Haisheng, Xiao Pei, the next issue will be the Resurrection Challenge. Then you two will still have a good chance to return to online singers."

Huang Che noticed that Chen Haisheng and Pei Yuan were not in a high mood, and smiled and comforted.

"Yes, I'll come back next time!"

Da Shan echoed with a smile.

Hearing everyone's comfort, Chen Haisheng and Pei Yuan seemed to cheer up.

Everyone talked and laughed, and a meal was almost eaten in no time.

After the recording of the show officially ended, Li Zian and others went straight back to the hotel of the show group to rest.

Li Zian took Yin Zhen and Pei Xiong, and the three of them got on the plane back to Zhongdu early.

Two hours later, the three of them landed again.

After getting off the plane, the three of them went straight to Superstar Media. At this time, many people had arrived in the No. 1 meeting room in Superstar Media...

PS: Thank you for the 50,000 rewards of Silver Tail White Fox and the MST33 for your rewards!