Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 62: It feels good to be at home

Han Qian’s home is located on the edge of the urban area. Although it is in the urban area, it is a little far away from the most prosperous center of the city. The house prices there are sky-high, not much worse than those in Kyoto. Her salary level is naturally unaffordable, and even for the house in this marginal position, it is difficult for her to repay the loan.

   However, despite the urban fringe location, the community's environment is not bad, and the surrounding public facilities are also complete. Most of the residents here are similar to Han Qian's economic level, and most of the young residents are fighting alone.

   After putting the car into the warehouse, the two of them dragged the big bag and put it on the elevator.

Han Qian’s house is located on the 16th floor, 98 square meters, with three bedrooms, one hall, one kitchen and one bathroom. It is a compact room type. Although it is not large, it is very functional. Han Qian has a room, Li Zi’an has a room, and there is a study room. , The decoration is quite warm, taking the simple style route.

   "You said your child, come back and chant, what to buy so many things to do."

   In the elevator, Han Qian looked at the two of them in big bags, and said with some blame.

  Li Zian laughed and said: "Going far away, famous and making some money, you can't go home empty-handed, this is not the case."

   "You are a child, who can pick you out!"

   "I have finished my birthday, I am an adult, not a child!"

  Han Qian has no way to take Li Zi'an, but this is all Li Zi'an's filial piety. She is naturally not good to say more. In fact, although she said so, her heart is still warm.

"Your mother arrived yesterday. I heard that you came back and prepared a lot of your favorite dishes for you. I have been busy since this morning. She is worried about you and worried about you during this time, but is afraid to disturb you. The job there, so she rarely calls you even if she thinks you want it better."

   In Qian Qian's somewhat emotional words, the elevator quickly reached the 16th floor.

   The two quickly walked out of the elevator, Han Qian took out the key, opened the door, and the two went in.

   Perhaps hearing the voice, Li Jing’s mother Han Jingwen came hurriedly from the kitchen.

   "Qian Qian, is Zi An back?"

   The voice is far and near, just as Li Zi'an's heart slammed faster and faster, the figure that often appeared in Li An's dream appeared in front of Li Zi'an.

  'S gentle smile, full of care and love, let Li Zian's slamming heart gradually return to peace.


   This greeting seems to pass through time and space.

  Li Zian's nose was a little sour. He threw away the parcel luggage in his hand and stepped forward to hug Han Jingwen gently. He wiped out some of his wet eyes outside Han Jingwen and Han Qian's eyes.

   "Mom, I'm back!"

   Han Jingwen and Han Qian are not surprised by Li Zi'an's behavior. After all, they have been under so much pressure outside after so long away from home.

  Li Zi'an just hugged briefly, and didn't hug for long.

   After separating, Han Jingwen looked at Li Zi'an and smiled: "It's good, less childish, and has become more mature. It seems that this time I went out and gained a lot."

   Faced with his mother's praise, Li Zian was a little embarrassed and scratched her head with a smile.

   Watching his eldest son return unharmed, Han Jingwen's joy was all on her face, she said with a smile: "You two put things together, change clothes, and then wash our hands, we are ready to eat."

  Li Zi'an and Han Qian agreed, and Han Jingwen smiled and returned to the kitchen.

The two put on slippers, and Li Zian pointed to the little guy who was sleeping in the cat cage and sleeping, he smiled and said: "Auntie, I am going to keep the ball in my house, so if it loses hair Yes, it’s easy for me to handle. If you are busy with your work, I won’t bother you.”

Hearing Li Zi'an saying this, Han Qian glared at Li Zi'an: "Your kid wants to eat solitary? Although the ball was bought by you, I also like it. Okay, let me keep the ball in the study, Wait until I pack up the useless things in the study, then build a nest for it and buy some toys or something!"

Looking at Han Qian's calf protection, Li Zi'an could not help but have to say, "Since Auntie you are not in trouble, then according to what you said, if you like the ball, play with it as much as possible, it is a little female cat , Character is a bit sticky."

"Hey, it's good to stick with people." Han Qian looked at the little sleeper who was asleep, and her eyes were full of love: "I have long wanted to raise a small animal or something. I didn't expect you to go to Kyoto and give me a realization. desire."

   talked and laughed, and quickly packed up everything.

   After changing clothes and washing hands, Li Zian and Han Qian sat down at the dining table, and the dining table was filled with hearty dishes.

"Look, you are the one you like to eat. Red braised meat, scrambled eggs with tomatoes, sweet and sour pork ribs, spicy fried green bamboo shoots. In the morning, it is estimated that your flight meal should not be full. Eat something." Han Qian handed Li Zian a pair of chopsticks and smiled at Li Zian.

  Li Zi'an nodded again and again, actually looking at the large and colorful dishes on the big table in front of him, he was already hungry.

   "There is the most dish, braised dish fish head!"

  Han Jingwen put the last dish in the center of the dining table, and then she also sat on the chair.

   "Let's have dinner!"

   Han Qian shouted quite ceremonially, and then the three began to move their chopsticks and began to eat.

  Don’t look at Han Qian who has a maiden fan, but her food is really not complimenting, and Li Zi'an can't compare with her in speed.

   Seeing that Han Qian and Li Zi'an were extremely satisfied, the smile on Han Jingwen's face had never disappeared.

   Eat quietly for about ten minutes before Han Qian and Li Zi'an slow down.

"Sister, do you know how stupid Li Zi'an is, how much money did I make in Kyoto this month?" Han Qian held a rice bowl in his left was holding a chopstick in his right hand. Knocked on the bowl: "He said he made 8.8 million, no wonder everyone wants to be a star now, the speed of making money is almost comparable to the money printing machine!"

"so much?"

   Han Jingwen was extremely surprised and shocked to hear this number.

  Li Zi'an looked at his mother in amazement. He smiled, he didn't wait for them to take the initiative to ask, and he started to talk about this month's experience.

  In addition to concealing the traversal and system things, Li Zi'an basically said the other things. As for the "Sadness Against the Current" and Li Zimu's things, they were simply skipped and did not elaborate.

   "You said that your "Sword as Dream" is only a license, and the crew gave you 250,000?!"

  Li Zian nodded cleverly.

"That's making money, clearly giving money!" Han Qian murmured to herself, thinking that she would get up early and greedy like a dog, and the money she earned a year could barely catch up with a song by Li Zi'an. The authorization made more money, and she suddenly looked at Li Zian and said: "Zi An, look at the image of Auntie, is it too late to debut?"

Han Jingwen patted Han Qian with a smile, and said, "Don't be fooled, take your class, get older and still debut, you can compare them with their children, the face of collagen You can't compare!"

   Han Qian heard that she smiled, she was just making a joke.

   The three of them were eating and talking to the sky. This extremely warm family atmosphere made Li Zian relax.

   Feeling at home...

that's nice!

  PS: It feels good to have a recommendation ticket. I also want to have a good time, please satisfy me~