Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 63: The next stage plan

   Eat this meal for almost two hours, basically Li Zian is talking, Han Jingwen is listening, Han Qian occasionally intervenes to discuss two sentences with Li Zian.

   Han Jingwen and Han Qian were very tacit and did not mention Li Zi'an's retirement, and Li Zi'an didn't mention the man. He didn't want the man to destroy the current atmosphere of harmony.

   "Zi An, since the matter of "Guo Feng Juvenile" comes to an end, you should hurry back to school tomorrow. You still have to focus on learning now. After all, you will have to take the university exam next year." Han Jingwen reminded.

Li Zi'an nodded, but hesitated and said, "Mom, I will go back to school tomorrow, but I may not be studying at school all the time, because I have a plan next, which may delay the school's studies. ."

  Han Jingwen heard her words. She looked at Han Qian, then looked at Li Zian, and said softly: "Do you have any plans, can you tell your mother? If your plan is reasonable, your mother can support you."

   Hearing her mother’s words, Li Zi'an was very attentive. From a young age, she would always discuss with Li Zian in an equal position for both parties.

If it is a useful thing, she will always do her utmost to support it, and if it is harmful, she will not criticize harshly, but she will reason with reason and make Li Zian understand this matter. Bad.

   Therefore, Li Zian basically had nothing to hide from Han Jingwen since childhood, but only after deliberate thinking, he and Han Jingwen elaborated, and finally the two reached a state of consensus.

   "Mom, I want to test the director department of the Film Academy of Huaxia University of Arts!" Li Zian took a deep breath and said seriously to Han Qianwen.

   "Director of Film Academy?"

Han Qianwen, who is eating shrimp, has oily lips. After hearing Li Zi’an’s ambitions, her eyes are a little dazed: “Isn’t music your dream? The music school with special exam-free tricks doesn’t take the exam. What movie do you take? College?"

   "Qianqian, you let Zi'an say, since he said that, he must have his ideas, don't interrupt him." Han Jingwen said softly.

   Han Jing deflated his mouth, and put the stripped bottom into Li Zi'an's mouth: "Speak, how to go out, why did your kid change his ambition?"

  Li Zian smiled, repeated what he and Li Zimu said on Cangwu Mountain yesterday, and then made it clear that they wanted to obtain the hard standard of the director of the film school.

"and so……"

   "I plan to prepare for the production of a film and television work in recent days!"

   Han Jingwen and Han Qian looked at each other, and were a little surprised at Li Zi'an's somewhat big plan.

"Zi An, if you want to shoot a film and television work, you can't shoot it with your forehead. First of all, you have to have money, which requires a huge amount of money. Second, you need to have a good script, and then you choose actors. , The formation of crew, and other trivial things, everything is very important and troublesome." Han Qian looked more serious this time and said to Li Zian very seriously.

  Li Zian heard the words, he smiled and said: "Auntie, I naturally know what you said, I said that I want to shoot film and television works is not a temporary intention, but my decision after careful and thoughtful thinking."

"The key issues you mentioned, first of all, I can solve the funds alone, and secondly, I have a good idea of ​​the script. As for the selection of actors and the formation of the crew, I can use my star status to register for film and television. Trade unions, choose the right people in the film and television trade union to build the team."

"I have read the books about the director for a long time, and during this time I spent a month in Kyoto with the "Guo Fengjun" program team. I have a very detailed understanding of many details. I want to challenge As for myself, whether I can succeed or not, anyway, I have a special enrollment for the music academy, and I don’t want to regret it."

  Li Zi'an said very sincerely. As for the last thing about reading the director's book, it was purely nonsense.

   But for him, the director, screenwriter, and drawing skills, as long as the krypton gold can be easily mastered, so in this way, he is considered bragging, and even modest.

  After listening to Li Zi'an, Han Qian didn't say more, but turned his attention to Han Jingwen.

  Han Jingwen pondered for a moment, and finally said: "Zi An, since you are confident, and have dreams and ideas for the film and television industry, then you can let go and do it. Mom supports you."

   "But regarding the academic aspect, your mother still hopes you don't try to pull down as much as possible. After all, the Huaxia University of Arts you want to take the exam has a high requirement for the score of the college entrance examination.

Li Zian saw his mother’s support, he was relieved in his heart, a smile appeared on his face, hehe smiled and said: "Mom, you can rest assured, it is now the end of October, it takes a lot of time from casting to the crew, etc. Things are scheduled, and it's almost mid-December when the phone is turned on."

   "Before the crew is turned on, I will always be in class at school. I will catch the big things. I can let my aunt do the trivial things!"

   Han Qian, who was originally looking down and eating prawns, heard Li Zi'an's words, her eyes suddenly glared: "Oh, you stupid boy, the abacus is very beautiful, and I want to make me work for you!"

   "Auntie, don't worry, I won't let you do nothing, give you a reward!"

   "What does it have to do with money, I am always busy with my work and have no time!"

   "Six-digit compensation..."

   "Hey, I suddenly felt that my work was not so busy, and it would be fine to do some work for you."

   The speed of Han Qian's face change was unexpected, and her face was full of smiles, UU reading www.uukanshu. Com keeps peeling shrimp for Li Zi'an.

  Looking at the look of Han Qian, Li Zi'an and Han Jingwen were both crying and laughing.

In fact, the remuneration is just a joke. Even if Li Zian does not mention the remuneration, Han Qian will eventually agree, and this remuneration, although Li Zian said it is remuneration, actually he wants to share with Han Qian. Some pressure, the pressure on her is really too heavy.

   Before Li Zian looked at him, he was not capable, but now he is capable. He naturally has to help Han Qian as much as he can. After all, this is what he can say is his closest relative besides his mother.

   Moreover, the formation of a crew involves all aspects of the matter and various financial expenditures. If there is no trusted person to check it, how can Li Zi'an rest assured.

   This meal was also considered to be a long time to eat. After Li Zi'an finished this, the three of them got up and started to clean up the table.

   "Sister-in-law, I will not eat at home at night. Fang Chang and Sissi know that I will come back and ask me to eat at night." Li Zi'an said to the two of them while packing up the chopsticks.

   Han Qian's eyes turned to Li Zi'an: "Your mother will come once, and you won't accompany your mother much."

   Han Jingwen smiled and said: "It's okay, the children have their circles, Zi An just contacted them to see what the school said during this time, and I can be prepared for school tomorrow."

"Hey, my mother is right!" Li Zian smiled and continued: "Not to mention that I am not going to the party this time. If it goes smoothly as expected, the two important characters in my script may have Landing..."

  PS: Yesterday I said to take my aunt’s out and accept the beating of socialism

  (?Ω?)=つ≡つhit you