Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 73: Are you there?

   The next day.

  When Li An woke up, it was already nine o'clock in the morning.

   He sat up from the bed. He rubbed his swollen head, only to feel that there was a lot of knowledge in his head.

  Last night before going to bed, Li Zian crossed the screenwriting skills to the apprenticeship level, and directly went to the work level, so that Li Zian spent the night before learning the screenwriting knowledge.

  Work-level screenwriting skills make Li Zian have a deeper grasp of the skill of screenwriting. At this time, when he recalls those film and television works in his memory, his feeling is completely different from before.

With the skills of a screenwriter, he is now fully confident that he can restore 60% of the film and television works in his mind to the script, and the online drama he wants to shoot is naturally in this 60%. Within the scope.

  Li Zian reviewed the knowledge in his mind, and then reached out and took the mobile phone beside the bedside.

  Looking at the news on the mobile phone screen, Li Zian saw that many of them were entertainment news related to him.

   Open Weibo, the hot search about #黑幕# has disappeared, replaced by other hot searches related to Li Zi'an.

  #Hundreds of colleges and universities nationwide broadcast "Chasing Dreams of Chi Zixin"#

  # "Chasing Dreams of Chi Zixin" tops the list of new Chinese Golden Songs! ##

  # "Dream of Chi Zi" swept across Asia, with a total network traffic exceeding 1000w+! ##


  Five related hot searches are all related to Li Zi'an's "Dream Pursuit".

  Li Zian clicked and looked at each hot search, and each hot search was very popular.

   But on the topic related to last night's shady, Li Zian rummaged through the entire network, but didn't even see it, as if nothing happened last night.

   "Do you spend money to withdraw the hot search?"

  Li Zi'an is very calm, because this kind of thing has long been his expectation.

   concerns the reputation of CCTV. How could such a thing be left unattended, and today's full screen search has both the meaning of distracting attention and the meaning of making up for Li Zi'an.

   For these things, Li Zian understands that his mentality has been calmed down at this time. Instead of worrying about the above things, he clicked on his Weibo personal homepage.

  However, when he saw the number of fans under his Weibo profile, his eyes suddenly widened slightly.

   "Six...Six million?"

  Li Zi'an is a little unbelievable. He clearly remembers that his Weibo followers only have more than 3 million fans. Why did he jump by 3 million overnight? !

   This harvest is a bit amazing!

   Next, Li Zian turned around on the mainstream platforms of the network, and found that not only did his popularity soar on Weibo, but the popularity on all mainstream platforms of the entire network had a huge increase.

   With the song "Dream of Chi Zixin", plus the topic of his being eliminated by the show, he has gained great exposure and also gained a lot of fans.

   also has an invisible harvest, that is, the cohesion of the fans, which has been greatly improved in the events of last night.

  After learning the general situation, Li Zi'an set his phone aside and walked out of the room.

  Breakfast was placed on the dining table, but his aunt was missing, 80% of the company went to work again.

  After washing, Li Zian heated the breakfast in the microwave, then he took the breakfast directly to his house, and turned on the computer while eating.

  Today's rest, Li Zian intends to use the day today to knock out the script first.

For Li Zian, writing a script is like copying a book. Just copy it intact according to the original plot, and then change some subtle places in the script according to the differences between the two worlds. .

  Three people and two ate breakfast, Li Zian sat in front of the computer, began a day of code work.


  From the sun to the east, to the sunset, and finally to the night.

  Li Zian sat in front of the computer, except for going to the toilet, almost all the time in front of the computer code word.

   Finally at nearly ten o'clock in the evening, he knocked out the last word of the whole script.


   "Finally done..."

  Li Zian leaned weakly on the chair, his face full of fatigue.

  After backing up the written script in the cloud disk, Li Zian shut down the computer.

   "Finishing the script is the first step of the Long March, and then there are the second step, the third step, the fourth step..."

   Threw himself on the bed, thinking about the next series of things like finding actors, teamwork, borrowing equipment, approving film and television drama procedures, etc., Li Zian felt his head hurt.

  Some things are not so difficult when you first think about them. However, when you actually do it, you will find that the rare things are often not big things, and the most difficult are the countless small things.

   For Li An, who has no entertainment company behind him, he can only do everything by himself, which is hard to imagine.

  Li Zi'an lay on the bed for a while, and felt a sense of hunger flooded his heart.

   This whole day, apart from eating something in the morning, he has never eaten anything.

   Addicted to code words, his hunger was automatically blocked, and now he felt hungry.

   climbed up from the bed, Li Zi'an walked out of the room and saw that the room opposite his aunt was lit, and he didn't even notice when his aunt came back.

However, instead of looking for his aunt, he went to the kitchen alone, took out a box of instant noodles from the refrigerator, and then skillfully boiled the instant noodles. The whole process went through the flow of water. The last box of instant noodles plus two braised eggs and a brittle bone A late night combination of intestines and a braised chicken leg appeared on the dining table in the living room.

Smelling the smell of instant noodles, Li Zian rubbed his hands excitedly, but just before he started to eat, I saw that the door of Han Qian’s house suddenly Han Qiancon in pajamas Came out of the room.

   "Well, I said that I smelled the aroma of instant noodles, and it was your kid who was adding meals!"

Looking at Han Qian, Li Zian quickly protected his supper combination with his hands, and looked at Han Qian who walked quickly with his watchful eyes: "Auntie, you have to eat and then go to the bubble. Have!"

   Han Qian raised her eyebrows. She glanced at Li Zian's arms, and then akimbo: "Two braised eggs, a crispy intestine, and a braised chicken drumstick, you kid can eat it!"

  Li Zi'an smiled: "I'm not a long body..."

   "Separate me a braised egg and half a crispy intestine, chicken legs won't grab you!"

  Li Zi'an thought for a while and nodded: "Deal!"

   Han Qian was satisfied, turned around and walked towards the kitchen. She soon soaked a bowl of noodles and sat opposite Li Zi'an.

   finished splitting the two people, and then each person held a mobile phone and played while eating.

  Li Zi'an hadn't brushed his circle of friends for several days, so he ate his noodles slowly while brushing his circle of friends.

   brushing, Li Zian brushed to Li Zimu's circle of friends, a photo sent three hours ago.

   I saw that she was wearing a burgundy woolen coat, standing on the playground of Huaxia University of Art, holding a fat and sweet smile in her arms. The two shallow pear vortexes do not know how many boys' hearts were buried.

  Looking at the picture on the screen, Li Zi'an suddenly remembered that he seemed to be back from Kyoto. He had never contacted her except to report a peace.

   He hesitated and clicked on Li Zimu's dialog box. His finger flicked quickly on the screen and made two words.

   "Are you there?"

   PS: Handsome guys, are you there? Cast a vote?