Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 75: Sweet heart is sweet

   The video call was connected, and Li Zian, who was wearing pure white short sleeves, appeared on Li Zimu's screen.

  At the same time, Li Zimu, wearing suspenders, appeared on Li Zi'an's screen.

   looked at Li Zimu's delicate collarbone, as well as the white skin, and the looming fullness and greasiness, which made Li Zian's eyes flicker, and his mouth could not help but dry.

  At first Li Zimu didn't care, but when she saw Li Zian's eyes, she glanced down from time to time, and she found out later that the problem was.


  Li Zimu exclaimed in a low voice, and then snapped the phone on the table with a "snap".


   Li Zimu scowled blushingly, and quickly took a piece of clothes from the closet next to him.

   In fact, her suspender pajamas are not very exposed, that is, the common girl suspender pajamas, but Li Zimu still feels ashamed, mainly because she had never had a video with a boy at night before, so I just ignored this point.

  Li Zimu was wearing a jacket on this side, and Li Zian was looking at the suddenly dark screen, and he touched his nose with some conscience.

   "It's you who wears little, how come I'm a rogue again." Li Zian whispered softly.

   "The gentleman should not be ignored, you know I don't remind me of wearing too little, my eyes are still chaotic." Li Zimu retorted somewhat.

   So kung fu, Li Zimu put a casual jacket with a high collar zipper on his body, and then picked up the phone again.

  Li Zian deflated his mouth and did not argue with Li Zimu, but reached out and hugged the ball beside him, and raised her paw: "Ball, look at who this is."

  Seeing that Li Zi'an took the ball over, Li Zimu also brought the fat over: "Fatty, say hello to your uncle Uncle An!"


  Li Zi'an was a little ignorant.

  Li Zimu's lips were slightly picked, and he grunted: "Yes, it's uncle, our family is only two months old and fat, don't call your uncle what!"

  Li Zian raised an eyebrow, he glanced down and looked at the fairway: "Come on, say hello to your Aunt Mumu!"

   "I'm not an aunt, I'm not a teenager yet, so I'm a sister!" Li Zimu argued.

   "Wow, we are three months away, hello, double standard!"

   "Hum, anyway, I am sister, you are uncle!"

  Li Zi'an and Li Zimu quarreled naturally. The two did not become alive because of their distance. They were still familiar with each other as they did in previous days.

  The two guys teased the two little guys for a while. At first these two little guys were quite happy, but soon they were both sleepy.

   The ball went to Li Zi'an's chest, closed his eyes and stopped moving, and Li Zimu's fatness was even more direct. He slept on Li Zimu's desk and Li Zimu dragged his tail to no avail.

   Seeing that the two little guys are sleepy, they didn't toss them anymore.

   "How are you doing recently, has your study and life been going well?" Li Zimu leaned on her small head with one hand and the mobile phone in the other, with a gentle thought in her voice that she didn't even notice.

  Li Zian smiled: "It's all going well. The only thing that is a little annoying is that there are too many fans in the school. There are little girls around every day, and there is less freedom in the school."

   "Hum~" Li Zimu hummed softly, red lips slightly murmured: "How come I didn't see that you have the slightest trouble, surrounded by so many little girls, someone should be particularly happy in her heart!"

"Cough, in fact, the first day is indeed a bit dark." Li Zi'an finished this sentence, Li Zimu suddenly showed a look like this, he quickly continued: "But soon I felt uncomfortable at all There are a bunch of people who follow me everywhere I go, and I take photos with my mobile phone, and even I don’t even let me go to the toilet.

  Li Zi'an told Li Zimu what he had encountered in the past few days. She looked at Li Zi'an's sometimes mad looks, and she could not help giggling.

  Li Zi'an said for a long time, and after he finished, he asked back: "Just patronize me and say, what is your situation, have you been surrounded by countless boys?"

"I don't have your treatment. I'm a university and a dance school. Most of them are girls. There are very few boys, and I'm currently training in the Taoli Cup. The dormitory and the practice room are on a daily basis. Quite normal," Li Zimu shook his head.

   "Then you are fine..."

   talked casually about what happened recently, and almost an hour passed in the blink of an eye, but no one felt that time passed slowly.

   "By the way, I plan to make an online drama. I plan to make it during the winter vacation this year. If the plan goes well, it can be turned on in about mid-December." Li Zian said.

  Li Zimu heard the speech, and was a little surprised: "You move quite quickly. Have you planned so soon?"

  Li Zi'an nodded: "Yeah, I have written the script, and then I am ready to take the team."

   "Is there anything I can help?"

Li Zian pondered for a while, and said: "Really, can you help me to ask where to rent the shooting equipment? Is there anything more about the approval procedures for film and television dramas? Also... "

  At first, Li Zian was talking and Li Zimu was listening, but soon Li Zimu got serious and took a small book to record all the questions Li Zian said.

"My teacher is the deputy dean of the School of Dance, Huaxia University of She knows many teachers and professors of the film school, you tell me your questions, and then I ask my teacher to ask someone to ask "" Li Zimu said seriously.

  Li Zian heard the words and hesitated: "Is this alright?"

   "It's okay, don't worry, my relationship with my teacher is super good, sometimes I often go to the teacher's house to eat, this little thing does not hinder." Li Zimu said with a smile.

   Hearing Li Zimu say this, Li Zi froze for a moment, and suddenly said: "Your teacher's boys and girls?"

   "Of course it's a girl...!"

  Li Zian let out a sigh of relief: "Since this is the case, don't remember it first, wait until I have time to sort out these problems and then send them to you in a unified way."

  Li Zimu tilted his head: "That will do, then do as you say."

  After talking, Li Zimu looked at the time.

   "It's almost twelve, you high school student should go to bed!" Li Zimu laughed.

  Li Zian heard Li Zimu's ridicule and hummed: "What's so great about college students, I will be a college student next year!"


  Li Zimu grimaced at Li Zi'an, very cute and cute.

   "Okay, then you take a break early, I hang up?"

   "Good night~"

   "Good night~"

  No more, Li Zian asked Li Zimu to hang up the phone.

   Thousands of miles away, a boy and a girl looked at the dimmed screen of the mobile phone, and the corners of their lips provoked a touch of arc.

  Youth's ignorance makes people's sharp heart sweet...

  PS: The author of the ticket, the tip of the heart is also sweet~