Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 91: Asian Vinegar King

  The life of filming is hard, but not boring.

   As a singer, Li Zi'an's satisfaction is to conquer the audience on stage with singing.

As a director, looking at the picture in his mind was photographed by himself a little bit, this sense of accomplishment cannot be expressed, on the basis of the original finished product, add your own ideas, and sublimate the original work, this sense of creative achievement This is the fundamental reason for keeping Li Zian always enthusiastic.

   In the fast-paced life of filming, ten days are fleeting.


   The fall of the dusk is always lazy, the mist is filled with the earth, the dim daylight is giving way to the darkness, and the last touch of the setting sun touches the horizon with nostalgia.

  Yangcheng No. 1 middle of a forest road, the staff of the Xiaomei film crew watched the two of them in the center of the studio very quietly.

In this area, in addition to the staff of Xiaomeimei crew, there are also some teachers walking around Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School. These teachers are very qualified. They do not speak in the theatre, and they will never take a mobile phone to shoot. They know how to score. .

In the middle of the set, the scene of Li Zi'an and Zhao Yuqian reached its climax.


   "Aren't we scheduled to go to watch the game on Saturday?"

   "This jersey is very difficult to buy, I finally bought it!"

   "I originally wanted to buy you Manchester United tickets, but I met Wu Baisong where I was working..."

Both Li Zi'an and Zhao Yuqian made a big difference in height, and Zhao Yuqian raised her small face. At this time, there was a little grievance on her small face, and she quickly spoke towards Li in front of her. Zi An explained.

  However, when Zhao Yuqian mentioned the three words Wu Baisong, Li Zian's cold face showed a touch of impatience.

"how much is it?"

  Shen He, Fang Chang and Chen Ruolin standing at the back of the crew, the three of them had preserved fruit in their hands, and they watched the show while eating, watching with relish.

"Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhtoah the smell of vinegar, even if I can smell it here, I feel that after our movie was officially released, our title of Li Dao, our younger brother, may have to become the king of Asian vinegar.” Chen Ruolin Whispered quietly.

Shen He heard the words, he glanced at the Fang Chang around him: "Sister Lin, Director Li is really jealous, but you said that this vinegar smell came from Li Dao. I think you may have made a mistake. The vinegar smell is clearly from here..."

   said, Shen He made a mouthful to Fang Chang.

   Chen Ruolin looked at Fang Chang. Fang Chang's eyes stared at Li Zi'an and Zhao Yuqian in the center of the field, biting the fruit in his hand bitterly, as if the fruit in his hand seemed like an enemy.

  Chen Ruolin laughed loudly and slammed her lower head with her shoulders: "Well, the show is not a sugar show. This is a quarrel. What kind of vinegar are you eating?"

  After more than ten days of getting along, Chen Ruolin and the four people lived and ate together every day. They had long been confused and could no longer be familiar with it. For the fact that Fang Chang liked Zhao Yuqian, Chen Ruolin and Shen He also knew.

   Fang Chang heard Chen Ruolin, he turned his head and looked at Chen Ruolin, a little stunned: "Is it?"

  Chen Ruolin nodded his head rightfully: "Yeah, didn't you read the shooting notice? This scene is a classic scene of Chen Xiaoxi and Jiang Chenman."

   "Oh, like this." Fang Chang suddenly relieved, and he threw a preserved fruit in his mouth: "This preserved fruit is quite delicious."

   Shen He and Chen Ruolin glanced at the fruit that Fang Chang had almost finished eating, and they were speechless.

  After eating for so long, I realized it was delicious? !

   shook their heads helplessly, and said nothing more, and continued to look at the center of the field.

"is that enough?"

   "Can you stop following me?"

  Li Zian frowned slightly and said to Zhao Yuqian in front of her.

   Zhao Yuqian looked down at the money in her palm. When she looked up again, tears began to appear in her eyes.

   "Do you have to go too far?"

   "Is it because I like you that I can make you lose my temper!"

  Li Zian's face didn't change, he looked down at Zhao Yuqian without changing his voice and tone.

   "Did I make you like me?"

   Hearing Li Zi'an's words, Zhao Yuqian staggered back slightly, and the tears in her eyes began to circulate in her eyes.


   "You didn't make me like you!"

   "It's my passionate act!"

   Zhao Yuqian shouted at Li Zi'an.

  Li Zian was silent for a while, as if distressed, but he still said in his mouth: "Just know it."

  Zhao Yuqian raised the money in her hand sadly, originally wanted to throw it on Li Zi'an's face, but hesitated, but did not have the heart, and finally smashed the money at Li Zi'an's feet.

  Li Zian glanced deeply at Zhao Yuqian and turned to walk behind him.

  Zhao Yuqian looked at Li Zian's back, and after Li Zian walked out a few steps, she shouted loudly, "I will not like you alone for such a long life!"

   When she shouted this sentence, the tears that had been swirling in her eye sockets just slipped from her eye sockets.

   At the same time, she turned and walked in the opposite direction to Li A little back, grieved and wiped her tears while walking.


   Qin Chao shouted with a big horn on his side, and the originally extremely quiet crew also resumed the clamor again.

   "Li Dao, this shot was very good, Zhao Yuqian played particularly well!" Qin Chao walked down from the monitor and he smiled at Li Zi'an.

  Li Zi'an nodded with a smile. Just now that Zhao Yuqian had a little outburst meaning. As a person playing Zhao Yuqian's opponent, he naturally has a very intuitive experience.

  Looked at the time, Li Zian said with a smile: "Ask Cai Fang, is the lunch box ready at night? If it's ready, let's have dinner, it's almost six o'clock, everyone should be hungry."

   "Oh, I'll ask."

   Qin Chao responded very cheerfully, and was extremely cooperating with Li Zi'an's orders.

   During this time, Qin Chao followed Li Zian every day, and Li Zi'an's growth rate was simply rising at a rate that was visible to the naked eye.

He has a premonition that Li Zi’an’s future will be infinitely bright, and that he can make good contact with such a new potential director. It will greatly help his future. If Li Zian becomes a big director, if he can think of him Let him mix with the group, then his qualifications can change dramatically, the benefits are naturally great.

   Qin Chao walked away quickly, just before Li Zi'an thought of the monitor and watched the replay of the scene just now, and suddenly he heard a familiar voice behind him.

   "Zi An?"

  Li Zian heard the sound and looked back.

  After seeing the person calling him, there was a surprise on his face.

   "Aunt Yang, Uncle Zhao, how are you here!"

  PS: This Friday