Superstars Start with Krypton Gold

Chapter 92: Sudden visitor

Aunt Yang and Uncle Zhao in Li Zi'an's mouth are none other than Zhao Yuqian's parents Zhao Bin and Yang Xin. These two people can be said to have grown up watching Li Zi'an since they were young. Their relationship is not relatives but better than relatives.

  Li Zi'an was very happy to see the two of them. He quickly took over two chairs and greeted them to sit down.

   "Aunt Yang and Uncle Zhao, why don't you two say hello, I'll pick you up at the school gate." Li Zian laughed.

"You are so busy here, how can we bother you." Zhao Bin waved his hand and smiled: "I don't want to come today, but I can't hold up to you, Aunt Yang, she wants Sissi, you Uncle Zhao is at home You know your status, I can’t stop your Aunt Yang."

   Hearing Zhao Bin, Li Zian couldn't help but smile.

  Zhao Yuqian's family is very happy. The parents are loving and the family is very warm. When Li Zi'an was young, she was envious of Zhao Yuqian's family.

   Even though Zhao Bin and Yang Xin are both forty years old, Zhao Bin is like a handsome middle-aged uncle, and Yang Xin is still charming. From the appearance of Zhao Yuqian, it is not difficult to know what they looked like when they were young.

Just when Zhao Bin's voice just fell behind, Yang Xin was a little embarrassed, she secretly glared at Zhao Bin: "You're so sorry to say me? Who was robbing me when Cici called every night? Dare you say you don't want a girl?" "

  Zhao Bin heard the words and couldn't help but embarrassed, and laughed twice: "It's done, it's not coming, is Zi An still there!"

  Yang Xin glared at Zhao Bin.

Looking at the two people who were quarreling in front of them, the smile on Li Zi'an's face remained undissipated: "Aunt Yang and Uncle Zhao, you can talk like this, you too take me as an outsider, come and see you I’m still worried about this, I’m not happy anymore."

"Zi An, don't blame your aunt and uncle, it's really Sissi she wouldn't let it. In fact, I wanted to call you a few days ago, but Siss didn't let us come every time she called, she said The rest of the actors in the crew are about the same age as hers. They are all alone. She doesn’t want to be special. Today neither of us came to tell her that we came quietly.” Yang Xin sighed.

Li Zi'an is silent, Zhao Yuqian's character is soft and strong, she is a very hard-working and strong person. From these days, she can obviously see that she has developed acting skills. She is trying her best to play this role. .

   He often can see that little body often runs around in the crew holding the script, and seeks people who understand what he doesn't understand.

   At first she didn't understand the transformation of the plane, she followed the photography director Xu Zhenlin's **** every day to ask for advice. When there was no drama, she followed Xu Zhenlin's photography team.

  From unfamiliar to skilled, she only spent three days.

   Li Zi'an didn't say this, but how could he hide the things in this crew, Xu Zhenlin once praised Li Yu'an's hard work more than once.

   Many people in the original crew had a good relationship with Zhao Yuqian because of Li Zi'an's relationship with her. But now many people's goodwill towards Zhao Yuqian was won by Zhao Yuqian with his own ability.

  As Li Zian, Yang Xin and Zhao Bin talked to each other, the arrival of the two was finally discovered by Zhao Yuqian.



  Zhao Yuqian discovered that her parents were here, she was both happy and annoyed.

   She came to Li Zi'an upside down, she twitched a little: "Mom and dad, don't you not let you come, why are you still here."

   "Cici, I let Aunt Yang and Uncle Zhao come. You don't want Aunt Yang and Uncle Zhao, I still want it." Li Zian smiled and took the words to himself.

   "Really? I don’t believe it..."

  Zhao Yuqian whispered softly.

Both Yang Xin and Zhao Bin glanced at Li Zi'an gratefully. Yang Xin smiled and said, "My father and I are afraid that you are not wearing enough clothes here, so I brought you some clothes and brought you and Zi An and what you said. Those little friends brought a lot of snacks."

   "I can't eat snacks, I have to keep my figure so that it looks good on the photo!" Zhao Yuqian muttered.

   "You really don't eat?" Li Zian next to Zhao Yuqian raised her eyebrows: "If you don't eat that kind of snack, I will take it all away, and I and Fang Chang will separate them."

   "Then...then I'm too lost, I'll take a little less..."

   Hearing Zhao Yuqian's words, all three of them laughed.

   "When we came just now, I saw you filming with Sissi. You two played really well. I didn't know before that Zi'an, you would still be acting. It was quite good." Zhao Bin laughed.

  Li Zian smiled and said modestly: "Uncle, it's just that this role fits me well, my acting skills are not as good as you said..."

   "Dad, Son Ang is humble. His acting skills are good. Usually, we starred in a few of the dramas we starred in, which is super powerful."

  Li Zian saw Zhao Yuqian expose him short, he glared Zhao Yuqian angrily, and Zhao Yuqian returned a grimace.

  When filming, Zhao Yuqian would never dare to deal with Li Zian in this But in private, she had no worries, and she still got along with Li Zian in the mode of getting along with her.

   "Li Dao, Cai Fang is ready, and the dining car is coming too. Would you tell everyone to eat?"

Qin Chao went back and saw Yang Xin and Zhao Bin in front of Li Zian. Although he didn’t know who he was, he saw Li Zian treated so seriously. Report to Li Anhui.

Li Zian heard the words and nodded gently: "Inform the departments to have a meal, take a rest for half an hour, and organize the field staff to move the equipment to the classroom after the meal. Pay attention when they move the equipment. You let Deputy Director Wang follow them."

   Qin Chao frequently nodded to Li Zi'an's instructions. After Li Zi'an had ordered, he hurriedly left and organized the on-site staff to eat.

   While Li Zi'an and Qin Chao were talking, neither Yang Xin nor Zhao Bin made a sound. Looking at Li Zi'an at this time, he clearly felt the change in his aura.

   Yang Xin and Zhao Bin looked at each other and could see the emotion and comfort in each other's eyes.

"In the beginning, when Qian Xi told us that you wanted to make an online drama, you and your uncle guessed that you might be making a fuss. I didn't expect you to have such a big battle." Yang Xin lamented. .

  Li Zi'an said with a smile: "Aunt Yang, this battle is not very big. Compared with those real big productions, I'm just a little bit of trouble."

   The four people chatted briefly. Originally Li Zian wanted to take Yang Xin and Zhao Bin around in the crew, but his aunt suddenly said there was something to find him.

   So he finally had to let Zhao Yuqian accompany her parents, and Li Zian came to Han Qian in a hurry...