Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 3: Jiang Ganyan!

1414: 00 on December 7, 2014!

The God of Arrows ushered in the best recommendation before the shelves and strong push-Sanjiang Fengtui!

very happy! very happy!

Thank you readers who like Arrow!

Thanks ~ ~ for the platform provided!

My editor-in-chief is great, the editor-in-chief of the blue spirit is great!

In the last recommendation cycle, Arrow God has added 3,200 readers!

I hope that this recommendation cycle, the family of Arrow God will join more brothers!

Life is not easy! Code words are not easy!

This year, my wife became ill, my grandfather died, my sister got married, and the house was down payment ... a series of things happened!

My parents are rural people. After I no longer work outside the house, there is no source of income, and I will be responsible for all expenses in the family!

So, I spent all the savings I had on hand this year, and were heavily in debt!

Forced! I never double-opened, double-opened once!

写 Writing two novels at the same time, I have tried it, I am tired! very tired!

The shuttle between two different worlds, one is the fantasy world, the other is the fairy world, almost insane!

But there is no way. In order to live, I have to persist, I must persist!

Fortunately! After the launch of Arrow, it has won praise from the vast majority of readers. From the same period of results, it is more than any previous book!

Brothers love to watch, it makes me very happy!

However, I still feel a little uneasy in my heart!

Before it was on the shelves, there was no income from the new book except for rewards!

Although the vast majority of readers say that it is good-looking, there are a lot of collections! But the arrow clicks and recommendation tickets of the arrow gods are not very good in the new books of the same period!

的 The income after listing is closely related to the results of the new book period. Brothers, Arrow God needs your support!

点击 With each click and every recommendation ticket, you can make Arrow God's score higher, and make Arrow God more hope to be followed by more book friends!

Now, during the period of Arrow God's stay in Sanjiang, the most needed thing is ‘Sanjiang Ticket’.

Sanjiang tickets can be cast on the Sanjiang Channel!

If you like Arrow God, please go to Sanjiang Channel and vote for Arrow God. Thank you Chocolate!

Voting process: Enter Sanjiang Channel-click to get Sanjiang ticket in the upper right corner-find "Extreme Arrow God" below-vote for Sanjiang!

I will work hard to code, and dedicate the best text to everyone, thank you for your support! !! !!
