Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 405: Huoyunjiaozi

Star fire urged, and suddenly, a ray of star fire was born, walked in Ye Xing's body, and came to the hand.

The fire of stars is as thin as silk, hard to see with the naked eye.

The scent of death in the corpse jade is also as thin as silk. Only a slender flame can refine the breath of death without refining the energy of the stars together.

The slender star fire penetrated Ye Xing's fingertips into the corpse jade.

Under Ye Xing's super-brain scan, whether it is the slender fire of stars or the slender death of silk, Ye Xing is clear.

Under the control of Ye Xing, the fire of the stars followed the trajectory of death breath in the corpse jade exactly. Wherever it passed, the death breath was incinerated and disappeared without trace.

After only about twenty breaths, Ye Xing collected the slender fire of the star in the corpse jade.

At this time, there was no trace of death in the corpse jade, and only pure star energy remained, which could be directly refined and absorbed without side effects.

Such corpse jade can be continuously absorbed, and its value is greatly enhanced. Ye Xing shot it with 3,500 Zhongpin Xingjing, absolutely no loss.

Ye Xing did not rush to absorb the corpse jade, but closed it first.

As time goes by, subsequent auction items are also valuable and valuable, such as top-grade spirit soldiers, but they are not attractive to Ye Xing.

It wasn't until the final sale of the auction that Ye Xing refreshed and sat up straight for a few minutes.

"Next, we will conduct the last auction today. I believe everyone knows the items that have been auctioned, and there are also many friends who came for this auction item. Haha ... So arrogant, bring her up

!! "

With the words of the auctioneer, there were suddenly two female warriors. With a beautiful woman in red clothes, about ten years old, came to the auction floor.

In the VIP room No. 079, Ye Xing stood up instantly, and his eyes were shocked.

That woman in red is sister Lin Tongyu!

Not seen for months, Lin Tongyu lost a lot of weight.

At this moment, Lin Tongyu looked straight ahead with no eyes, and his body was completely controlled by two supportive warriors. Where she helped, she went.

Obviously, Lin Tongyu was under mental control.

Ye Xing narrowed his eyes. The eyes became sharper, his fists clenched, and the anger in his heart boiled instantly.

If there is enough strength, how could Ye Xing wait until today, and entered the bone bone auction last night. Forcibly grab someone. Why let Lin Tongyu be an auction item today and let people auction it!

"Sister. I assure you that this is your last humiliation. Although I have no strength to rob you back, I have enough Zhongxing Xingjing to let you escape the quagmire and no longer be humiliated. Today, no matter who you are Take you away from me! "

Ye Xing muttered to himself and vowed clearly.

When Lin Tongyu was put on the auction table, the auctioneer continued: "What do the auctions look like, friends can judge for themselves and I will not introduce them.

Such a beautiful virgin slave, as well as the six-fold cultivation of the Star Whirlpool, is extremely difficult to encounter. The starting price is 5,000 Zhongpin Xingjing, and the price increase must not be less than one hundred. Dear friends, please release The boldness in your heart, start the auction! "

"Five thousand ...!"

"Five thousand and one hundred!"


"Seven thousand three hundred!"

"Seven thousand five hundred!"


"Nine thousand--!"

The sound of bidding comes from the VIP room. Although there are many real people in the hall, we can only forget about such prices.

There are a lot of real people in Zhenxuan Realm. Although the proportion of rich people is not high, the number of rich people is quite large.

The reserve price of 5,000 Zhongpin Xingjing has exceeded the value of a top-notch spiritual soldier, but many people still bid.

Prices soared all the way, and soon rose from 5,000 to 9,000, almost doubling the initial price.

"This is 10,000 less!"

There was an arrogant voice in the VIP room No. 7, which revealed a sense of indifference, which was ignored by many who bid.

The bidder is naturally Yun Tianhao.

Just now, the highest bidder was the 9,000 Zhong Pin Xing Jing. As soon as Yun Tianhao said, he raised the price of 1,000 Zhong Pin Xing Jing, making the auction price break through five digits.

Such a price increase, even if it was a real person in the VIP room, could not bear it, and the scene suddenly calmed down.

Ten thousand star products, this is not a small number, enough to buy two top-quality spiritual soldiers is more than enough.

If it is a lower-level sect gate in the marginal area, and the warriors above and below the sect, all the Chinese star crystals in the hands are put together.

It can be seen that 10,000 Zhongpin Xingjing is already extremely expensive.

In addition, the items auctioned are not talents, but a beautiful woman. They are only enjoyed when they are photographed. They have no effect on martial arts practice.

In many people's eyes, the warrior spent 10,000 Chinese stars for enjoyment.

Of course, how big a person's heart is depends on how much he has in his hands.

Ten thousand Chinese stars are an astronomical figure for most warriors, and of course they feel that it is not worth spending a lot of money to play a woman.

But for Yun Tianhao, the son of Huoyunjiao, ten thousand Chinese stars are not much.

Besides, he is a five-star real person. He can go to some dangerous places where the first-level real people do not have the strength to earn middle-class stars that are astronomical to the first-level real people.

Quiet scene, it took two full breaths before someone continued to bid: "10,100!"

The regulations have increased by one hundred Chinese products, which is the lowest value.

Yun Tianhao was clearly determined to win this auction, and immediately said, "This is 11,000 less!"


In the hall, there were suddenly a large number of warriors, and they drank air-conditioning.

Some poor one-star real people may have about a thousand Chinese stars, and the poorest may not even have a thousand.

However, Yun Tianhao only raised the price once, which is already equivalent to the entire net worth of these real people, naturally they were amazed.


"It's 12 thousand less!"

After two breaths, another round of bidding appeared. The other party raised the price by one hundred. Yun Tianhao raised the price to the next thousand.

"you win……!"

The real person competing with Yun Tianhao gave up.

Seeing Yun Tianhao's price increase trend, we know that Yun Tianhao is determined to win and cannot be beaten.

This time, the real people in the VIP room were surprised. Most of the warriors in the hall did not know the person who gave up the auction, but most of the real people in the VIP room knew that they could tell by listening to the voice. The six-star real person of Wuliangzong-Yue Gu.

Yue Gu is as famous as Yun Tianhao, because, more than ten years ago, Yue Gu was also the No. 1 in the Dixuan list.

Today, Yue Gu is over 35 years old, and he is a six-star of Xinghuang Realm. He is no longer a disciple of Wuliang Sect, but has been promoted to elder, the youngest elder of Wuliangzong.

If it is created by organic fate, Yue Gu's future is hopeful to break through the high level of the starry realm and become a superior.

Such a character, with 10,000 Chinese stars, is naturally a breeze.

But even so, Yue Gu also gave up the competition with Yun Tianhao. After all, Yue Gu's Zhongpin Xingjing is not infinite.

In addition, with Yun Tianhao's bidding trend, even if Yue Gu continued to compete, there was no hope. To a certain extent, he naturally had to give up.

Even the ancient capital of Yue gave up, who can compete with Yuntianhao?

Yuntian Hao laughed suddenly, and said, "This girl is less enjoyed."

Yun Tianhao knew that Ye Xing came for Lin Tongyu, but now the price has been auctioned for 12,000 Zhongpin Xingjing, and Yun Tianhao has ignored Ye Xing.

A disciple disciple of a star in a remote area just broke through the astral realm yesterday. Where can there be so many Chinese stars?

Not only Yun Tianhao thought so, but some warriors who knew Ye Xing's purpose also thought so.

However, they were clearly wrong.

As soon as Yun Tianhao's words fell, Ye Xing bid: "15,000 Zhongpin Xingjing."

Since no one bid again, Ye Xing naturally shot.

Moreover, Yun Tianhao's bidding trend proves that he is determined to win Lin Tongyu, but Ye Xing is more determined to win.

Even if she lost her home, Ye Xing had to take back her sister Lin Tongyu and didn't care about spending any amount of Zhongpin Xingjing.

Therefore, Ye Xing has to be stronger than Yun Tianhao to let everyone know his determination.

The price of 15,000 Zhongxing Xingjing really scared all the warriors.

Yun Tianhao is surprising enough, but it is only a price increase of 1,000, while Ye Xing has raised the price by 3,000 at one time, and on the basis of 12,000, it has increased the price by 3,000. The first-level real people sighed, even the middle-level real people were shocked.

Although the middle-level real people are richer than the first-level real people, their wealth is limited, and it is not easy to come up with 15,000 Chinese stars.

In particular, it costs so much ~ ~ just for a woman, 99% of middle-level real people, think it is not worth it.

Knowing that the bidder was Ye Xing's warrior, it is not surprising that Ye Xing was willing to bid 15,000 for Lin Tongyu. It is strange that Ye Xing has just broken through the star realm. Where are so many Chinese quality stars?

Yun Tianhao was also surprised, but even if he wanted to understand, he said, "It seems that you destroyed the Sun Moon Sect's stronghold yesterday and got a lot of Zhongpin Xingjing, but you can't compare it with Ben, and you bid 16 thousand less. thousand!"

The warrior in the auction hall only heard Yun Tianhao's words, and it turned out that the warrior in VIP room 079 turned out to be Ye Xing, who is the most prosperous genius in Zhenxuan Realm!

Knowing Ye Xing's identity, the martial artists were equally surprised. As a real star who just broke through, there were so many Chinese stars.

Ye Xingzhi will win, and continue to bid: "20,000!"

In the VIP room No. 7, Yun Tianhao smiled coldly and said, "This should be your limit, this is 21,000 less!" (To be continued. (Lwxs520.))

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