Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 471: Insane death

puff! puff! puff! puff!

Between the electric light and flint, the dark dragon gun like the scorching sun pierced through the four dragon guns and shattered them.

Ye Xing's flame potential is approaching Dacheng. He is extremely accomplished in the microcosm. With the best flame astrology, the power is not as simple as one plus one.

The terror of flames swept through like the ocean. At the moment when the four dragons were smashed, Long Hong spit blood and flew backwards.


Long Hong fell a hundred meters away, and at this moment, the light flashed, and Ye Xing was shot again, like an electric fire meteor.

"Stop it!" Long Hong screamed!

The wicked eyes froze, looking forward to Ye Xing's non-stop shot and stabbing directly, killing Long Hong.

In this way, the Canglong Empire will definitely send someone to investigate the cause of Long Hong's death. Ye Xing will provoke the Canglong Empire and it will undoubtedly die.

The hope of insidiousness did not materialize, and the tip of the dark dragon gun stopped at Long Hong's throat.

Ye Xing's eyes were like electricity, staring at Long Hong, saying, "Do you have any last words?"

Long Hong coughed up blood, and his face was fierce, and said, "I ... I am the Dragon Clan of the Canglong Empire. I do n’t understand, Canglong Empire. Do you dare to hurt me, do you want to die?"

Ye Xing raised her eyebrows, and a deep flash of anger flew deep into her eyes. This man turned out to be a member of the Royal Clan of the Canglong Empire.

Ye Xing hates the Canglong Empire and the Dragon Clan.

However, Ye Xing's heart was calm, and he could not kill the dragon. Once Long Hong died, the Canglong Empire would send someone to investigate. Ye Xing didn't want the Canglong Empire's attention to focus on the Qingyun area.

"Give him a life, even if he wants revenge. He will only invite friends to come, he is a six-star real person, and how strong a friend can be invited. If he dies, the Canglong Empire will probably send a very strong master. Come investigate! "

Ye Xing closed the dark dragon gun and said, "Get off!"

Long Hong got up, ate a healing spirit, his face immediately improved, and his expression grew irritable, and he said, "Boy. Knowing that I am from the Dragon Clan of the Canglong Empire, dare to be so arrogant, Lao Tzu ..."


The hot breath blew towards his face, and Ye Xing shot out suddenly.

The gunshot flew into the air like a scorching sun, and Long Hong screamed suddenly, and his body was shot hundreds of meters away, with a blood hole in his body.

Ye Xinghan whispered: "Give you a second chance, get off--! If I still see you within ten minutes, you will go to Jiuquan to brag about the identity of the Clan Dragon Empire Dragon Clan to the ghost!"

Long Hong coughed up blood. His body was cold, and he thought he had revealed his identity. Ye Xing would definitely accompany him and ask him for forgiveness. How could he have expected Ye Xing to disregard his identity so much and go straight to his hands.

Long Hong still didn't understand. His identity of the Dragon Clan of the Canglong Empire could not scare Ye Xing at all. If he tangles again, Ye Xing will surely kill him.

When thinking of death, Long Hong was afraid. He quickly got up and ran for his life.

"Don't let me see you a second time!"

Ye Xing's voice came from the back, which made Long Hong feel cold.

Long Hong fled hurriedly, and soon disappeared. Ye Xing's eyes fell on the soldiers of Sun Moon Sect.

The same people, the same eyes, but at this moment, the feelings of the Sun and Moon Sect warriors are completely different.

As soon as Ye Xing's eyes were swept away, they immediately trembled in their hearts, and it seemed that the favorable blade crossed the body.

They were already afraid of Ye Xing.

When Ye Xing's eyes fell on Yin Wudao, the fear of Yin Wudao finally appeared, and he shouted: "What compensation do you want, I will pay you this case, and I can dissolve Sun and Moon cases. , I can agree! "

Ye Xing's gaze was killing, and he said, "It's too late to say this now!"

The words fell, Ye Xing's breath erupted suddenly, the flame astral ray bloomed, and the endless star light fell, the flame star power was extremely strong.

call out--

Ye Xing's "burning down", stabbed in one shot, endless flames raging out, like a sea of ​​fire pouring out.

Ye Xing is not embarrassed, he directly breaks the battle!

He scanned his eyes and had already seen the position of the Sun and Moon Sect clearly. He knew naturally where the formation was weak.

Sun Moon Sect is a one-star medium sect that has been passed down for more than a thousand years. The sect of the sect is composed of countless small three-level formations, one after another and endless.

Foreign enemies storm, middle-level real people, can't shake at all, even if they are seven-star superiors, if they do not understand the formation method, it is extremely difficult to break the line.

However, as soon as Ye Xing shot, wherever the gunmang went, it was the matrix formation that collapsed, and the three-level formations, which were all small ones, seemed to be made of tofu and lost their power.

The Sun and Moon sect warriors looked terrified, and Yin Wudao was even bloodless. Without Long Hong, the Zongmen formation method was his only defense, but now it seems that the Zongmen formation method can't stop Ye Xing .

Ye Xing can break the array so quickly, there is only one possibility, that is, he knows the structure of the Sun and Moon sect, and knows the flaws of any formation.

This makes the Sun and Moon sect martial arts incomprehensible. How could Ye Xing's formation be clearly structured?

When Ye Xing fired his gun, the formation method collapsed, and several of the array masters of Sun Moon Sect were completely stunned.

Yin Wudao first reacted and yelled at several elders of the formation: "Fast, destroy all formations, kill this kid, and kill him-!"

The Sun and Moon Sect has been passed down for more than a thousand years. How many formations are left behind?

Even if Ye Xing breaks through the array quickly, it won't be broken in a short time. There are still a lot of Zongmen formations. If they are destroyed, the power is still amazing.

Several array elders reacted and were about to disrupt the array but were stopped by Yin Hongdan.

Yin Hongdan said: "Open the formation, don't resist it!"

Yin Wudao's face was horrified, and he was startled: "Too elder, what do you say?"

Yin Hongdan's face was iron-blue, and he yelled, "It's all because of you that this sect ended like this. The millennium foundation industry is ruined by your hands ~ ~ You kill yourself!"

Said Yin Hongdan looked at several array elders: "Open the array!"

Yin Hongdan is obviously more prestigious than Yin Wudao. Elders of the Array Fa have shot and opened the Array to avoid being destroyed by Ye Xing.

"No--! I don't want to die! I don't want to die ...!"

Seeing that the Zongmen array was opened, the insomnia was almost insane, shouting and rushing into the air, trying to escape the birth.


Yin Hongdan rose into the sky, caught up with Yin Wudao in a blink of an eye, and was photographed with a palm, falling on top of Yin Wudao.

Yin Hongdao's head was shot directly into the chest by Yin Hongdan, instantly killed, and fell from the sky.

In Qingyun area, Yin Wudao can be regarded as a generation of heroes, but it ended like this.

(To be continued ...)

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