Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 507: Great Fire

"So fragrant ...!"

Ye Xing was roasting the tender meat of the Crystal Fire Beast, Wei Qingxuan smelled the scent, his index finger moved, and his face was intoxicated.

These superb ingredients are hard to find, and even the king of Heibiao loves it. Wei Qingxuan smelled this delicious flavor for the first time.

Ye Xing has become accustomed to the tender flesh of the crystal fire beast. It doesn't smell amazing, but he also has a tongue and a strong appetite.

Soon, the tender meat of the crystal fire beast was roasted by Ye Xing to become golden yellow, and the oil was fragrant and tender. Ye Xing and Wei Qingxuan had a full meal, which was delicious and delicious. They both felt very comfortable.

"Is there a place to go next?" Ye Xing asked after eating the tender meat of Crystal Fire.

"In the mysterious realm of Shenzhou, there is endless ice in the far north and endless flames in the far south. I am going to go to the far north to understand the trend of ice." Wei Qingxuan said.

"There is such a place in the myth of Shenzhou?" Ye Xing looked surprised, he didn't know much about the mystery of Shenzhou.

Wei Qingxuan nodded and said: "I see that the martial arts you are performing are the martial arts of the fire department, and the general situation of the world is also the general situation of fire. You should go to the far south, where the flame contains the high flame situation.

Ye Xingdao: "Okay, I'm going to the far south."

The two separated, one to the north and one to the south.

Ye Xing smashed the wings of Qingyun, and the speed was extremely fast. In more than a day, he came to the far south of the secret continent of Shenzhou.

Wherever you look, there is a sea of ​​fire ahead, endless.

Ye Xing's gaze was far-sighted, and he saw more than a hundred miles, but he did not see the end of the sea of ​​fire.

"It's such a strong flame, it seems like ... the fire of the stars outside?"

Ye Xing murmured feeling the flame of fire in front of him.

Ye Xing's response to the fires of extraterrestrial stars is very sensitive. Ye Xing has been encountered in the mysterious setting of the stars and in the ancient clouds of Qingyun.

The extraterrestrial fire of stars can be absorbed by the fire of stars, and can enhance the realization of the general trend of fire. Ye Xing determined that the sea of ​​fire in front of it was the fire of the stars outside, and an excited smile appeared on his face.

In the Qingyun ancient land, Ye Xing devoured the fire of extraterrestrial stars, which not only greatly increased the level of the star fire species, but also increased the power of the flame astrology, so that the flame astrology reached the limit of the upper astrology.

If we go further, wouldn't the flame astrology make a qualitative breakthrough and become the highest astrology?

The power of extreme astrology is far superior to that of superior astrology. If the flame astrology is upgraded, Ye Xing's strength will increase greatly.

嗖 ——

Ye Xing rushed into the sea of ​​fire in front of him, and the use of fire was in full swing. Ye Xing's body burned a translucent fire of nothingness to protect Ye Xing from the flames.

Ye Xing walked through the sea of ​​fire, and went forward a hundred miles before stopping. Sitting on the floor.

This sea of ​​fire is enough to burn any warrior underneath the dead, not even the saint, but. Ye Xing's understanding of the general situation of fire is too high. It is almost complete, and the ordinary lord cannot reach this level.

and so. Ye Xing can defend the burning of the flames in the sea of ​​fire with the momentum of fire.

Black hole astrology!

Star Tinder!

Ye Xing's two-pronged approach, destroying the power of the black hole astrology to absorb the flames while improving the flame astrology level. It also destroys the Star Tinder, absorbs the power of the flame, and improves the grade of the Star Tinder.

Ye Xing's black hole vortex also spins up rapidly, producing the force of devour, increasing the speed at which the fire of the stars can absorb the force of the flame.

I saw the depths of the sea of ​​fire, the flames swirling around Ye Xing, as if a tornado was blowing.

The flames in all directions are affected by the black hole astrology and star fire, and they come together with Ye Xing as the center.

Every moment, there is a huge amount of flame power, which is consumed and absorbed by Ye Xing.

The sea of ​​fire in Shenzhou's secret realm stretches for hundreds of miles, but under the engulfment of Ye Xing, the edge of the sea of ​​fire is gradually shrinking, and the volume can be seen to decrease indefinitely.

In Ye Xing's eyebrow space, the flame astrology is very small compared to the black hole and Sagittarius stars, and is located on the edge of the eyebrow space.

However, with the constant phagocytosis of the power of the black hole relative to the flame, Ye Xing's flame aspect gradually increased, and the volume also increased, slowly moving towards the center of the eyebrow space.

Finally, at some point, when the flame astrology was raised to the size of a fist, it suddenly moved a large distance to the center, and its breath suddenly increased sharply.

The flame astrology has been upgraded to the extreme astrology level, and its power has greatly increased.

It ’s impossible that the extreme flame astrology can't be compared with the highest-level black hole astrology and Sagittarius astrology, but it is at least stronger than the flame astrology at the higher level, and it is no longer the edge of the eyebrow space. .

The flame astrology is promoted to the extreme level, and the speed of the black hole astrology to swallow the flame is not reduced. It continues to absorb the essence of the flame and enhance the flame astrology.

The polar astrology is far from the limit of the astrology, and there is still a lot of room for improvement.

In the Dantian Star Whirlpool, after absorbing the power of the flame, the star flame has gradually become larger, the quality is gradually increasing, and the flame contained in it has become more and more intense.

Time passed day by day. Three days later, Ye Xing stopped the engulfing of the black hole astrology, and his flame astrology has been consolidated to the extreme. The flame quality here cannot continue to strengthen the flame astrology.

The power of the flame absorbed by the star fire is obviously more than that of the flame star. After three days, it is still being absorbed continuously.

On the fifth day, Ye Xing sensed the vortex of the Dantian star, and a horrible breath broke out. The qualitative progress of the star tinder appeared, which contained the appalling flame power.

Ye Xing destroys the star fire, and a ray of flame radiates out. Ye Xing scans the power of this ray of flame, which is almost no less than the flame in the sea of ​​fire outside.

And the flames in the sea of ​​fire can burn any warrior underneath the dead, and even ordinary saints can't bear it ~ ~ It can be seen that the grade of the star tinder has reached such a level, If you want to draw a level, it should be equivalent to the Lord of the Astral Realm, and the flame intensity contained almost reaches the level of killing the Lord.

After the qualitative progress of the Star Tinder, Ye Xing felt that he continued to absorb the power of the flame, and the growth of the Star Fire was already extremely slow. It seems that the intensity of the flame here can only make the power of the Star Tinder reach the ordinary respect Level.

Ye Xing continued to absorb for a few days. When the quality of the star tinder completely reached its limit and could not continue to improve, Ye Xing stopped absorbing.

At this time, the sea of ​​fire, which was hundreds of miles wide, had shrunk a large circle.

Flame astrology, reaching the highest level.

The Star Tinder has a qualitative breakthrough, and its power is comparable to that of ordinary Venerable.

In addition, Ye Xing's understanding of the general trend of fire also increased with the rise of the ship, breaking through the limit of the microcosm, reaching the level of potential, the unity of heaven and man. (To be continued ...)

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