Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 588: Son of the stars

??? The best magic defense set, how powerful the defense is, even the Supreme Master, it is difficult to break the defense with one hit!

But the three star arrows shot at the same point, but they shot through the helmet.

Ye Xing's arrow path attainment is so high that it changes with the heart and the heart has six levels, even the ordinary lord can't reach such a state.

Coupled with Ye Xing's black flame arrow, it reached the realm, matching Ye Xing's nearly-burning star puppet's extraordinary performance and the convergence of various world trends.

The most important thing is the star power of the flame astrology and sagittarius, especially the star power of the sagittarius, making the power of the arrows completely improved by a large level.

It can be said that the power of the arrow of starlight burst is no less than that of the ordinary Lord.

Twenty-three arrows of starlight are equivalent to three attacks of the Lord.

His Majesty attacked three times with full strength, and all attacked at the same point, breaking the defense of the Need for Magic weapon set, naturally there is no problem.

The star light arrow shot into the helmet and stopped until it hit the other side of the helmet, which meant that it penetrated the entire head of Meng Yuanzhen.

A scream screamed, it sounded instantly!

The horror power contained in the star's arrow of light, with Meng Yuanzhen's body exploded backward, and then hit the void wall behind him heavily.

I waited for Meng Yuanzhen to fall, she was lying straight on the ground, and died!

Xun lost the destruction of Xing Xuan. Meng Yuanzhen's out-of-the-box magic weapon set disappeared and disappeared. He automatically retrieved his storage ring.

Starlight Arrow. Containing the power of Xeon, Ye Xing did not take back at half an hour. Do not dissipate within dozens of breaths, and still stay on Meng Yuanzhen's head.

Now the Superb Spirit Kit has disappeared, as can be seen. This arrow hit exactly where Meng Yuan really brow, no wonder he was instantly killed by an arrow.


The supreme high king Meng Tie, with a roar, murderous tide, "Ying Xing, my king wants to slaughter your nine families!"

The remaining warriors. At this moment, we are all stunned. Looking at Meng Yuan's body in the sky, I can't believe it!

Meng Yuanzhen, holding a mysterious soldier, attacking the level of the Supreme Master, and the best spiritual suit suit body, will die in the hands of an eight-star superior?

不 Can't figure it out! The martial arts couldn't figure it out. Can't believe the result!

The voice of the supreme king Meng Tie awakened the martial arts from shock, only to be convinced that Meng Yuan was really dead. No one questioned that Supreme King Meng Tie would be wrong.

At this time, Lord Yuhuo and other warriors in the North Youzhou looked at the warriors of the Blood Front Empire such as Lord Mojian. Some are cheered up.

What about No. 1 on the destiny list, and what about the sons of the stars?

The Yuan Dynasty dynasty wanted to die alone, so there would be no hiding place in the entire star continent, and the result would be death.

What disappointed Lord Youhuo is that Mo Jianzun's look only shocked Ye Xing as the son of the stars. As for fear, nothing!

In the empty space, Meng Yuan really lost his life, all of his Jiuzhang Qiyun disappeared, and he turned into a blue light and merged into Ye Xing's pillar of Qiyun.

The Ye Yunxing's beam of fortune exploded from Jiuzhang to Shizhang instantly, and the color was already blue.

Twenty feet of luck, blue and blue, this is the highest astral continent air fortune, some fortune attached, representing the martial arts can become the star of the star continent.

Of course, if you can live to that day!

In the history of the continent of stars, there are not a few strong people who have obtained ten feet of luck. Within the recorded 100,000 years, more than forty people have won ten feet of luck in the starry sky.

多 About 60% of these forty people, after entering the extraterrestrial land, never returned, it should have fallen.

The other 40%, about 20 people, left more than half of the starry sky, and then fell and were killed by the dynasty that ruled the star continent.

The other half survived and eventually became the Xeon of the Star Continent. These people have one thing in common, which is to end the previous dynasty and create a new dynasty.

For example, the founder of the Yuan Dynasty, Meng Wu, was the one who got ten feet of luck in the starry sky and then survived.

According to the usual practice, the extraterrestrial land that has gained ten feet of air transport will be one step higher than other warriors who have received air transport from the stars.

The extraterrestrial celestial land contains infinite treasures. A higher grade means that the treasures inside are higher and the harvest is greater. Therefore, there are many benefits to gaining luck.

Of course, the greater the gain, it also means that the risk is greater. Entering a more high-end extraterrestrial land, the fall rate is as high as 60%, while the warriors entering the common extraterrestrial land, the fall rate is less than 10%, sometimes one falls, sometimes None will fall.

Ye Xing turned a deaf ear to the roar of the supreme king Meng Tie. He had already prepared to hide the Luo Xingzong and the Ye family. Now the Yuan Dynasty sent people to Qingyun area, which he could not find at all.

With a wave of Ye Xing's hand, the arrow of starlight turned into a ray of light and disappeared, and then Meng Yuan really put blood on his forehead.

This time the battle was over, the formation did not rush Ye Xing back to its original position, and the sound became louder:

"The battle for luck is over. The sons of the stars have won ten feet of luck and had the opportunity to travel to the outer land of the middle land and venture with the genius of the middle continent."

The words fell, and the void in front of Ye Xing changed. After flicking his fingers, a void light gate appeared.

"Go in, son of the stars, the extraterrestrial star land that the Void Array Gate leads to, and the closest to the mid-continent Xingyue continent. You will explore with the genius of the Xingyue continent to find treasures!"

The sound of the array was empty, and the voice rang again.

Xie Yexing closed Meng Yuanzhen's mysterious soldier ‘Jinyan Gun’ and stored the ring. He glanced at Wei Qingxuan and nodded.

Wei Weiqingxuan also nodded. Although they did not speak, the words were already in their eyes and they took care of each other.

Xie Yexing walked to the front of the void array ~ ~, and his eyes swept away from each platform, finally colliding with the eyes of Supreme King Meng Tie.

The eyes of the Supreme Master Meng Tie are as sharp as a sword, extremely sharp, and as powerful as a mighty army, looking vigorously at Ye Xing.

According to past practice, as long as Ye Xing does not fall on the extraterrestrial stars and land and return to the star continent, he will inevitably rise rapidly. Supreme King Meng Tie has made up his mind to kill Ye Xing in the cradle no matter how much it pays.

Otherwise, when Ye Xing grows up, he will become the most powerful of the star continent in the future. The rule of the Yuan Dynasty is at stake.

"Ye Xing, you must die!"

The High King Meng Tiehu looked at him, and said secretly in his heart.

Ye Xing's expression was calm, and eventually his mouth slightly tilted, stepped forward, entered the void array, and disappeared instantly.

After three breaths, the Void Gate disappeared. (To be continued.