Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 631: Meng Cang's death!

[Make the second change on August 4th]

Overlord's Gun. "≤,

Extremely powerful and violent and overbearing, Ye Xing's strongest killing trick.

Even though Meng Cang's strength is higher than Ye Xing, but in the face of such a horrible shot, how can he resist with a random punch.

Extremely strong and strong, crushing all the feminine changes, Meng Cang's fist contains water and vitality, and his stamina overlaps like waves, but he is completely and instantly destroyed by this gun.

Lie Yan Xuan Gun continued to beat down with a horrible flame of power, fiercely beating on Meng Cang's fist.

Both hands of Meng Cang wore the gloves of the Xuan-class subordinates, and the fist was not torn directly by the Lien Xuan gun.

However, the horrifying power passed through the gloves and rushed towards Meng Cang's body.

Uh ...

In a blink of an eye, the clothes on Meng Cang's arm were shattered, and the arm's flesh and bones came with a sudden pain.

And, with the impact of the force, this pain suddenly spread to Meng Cang's internal organs.

Meng Cang spit out blood, and his body suddenly fell to the ground, like a meteor falling.


Meng Cang's body collided fiercely with the ground, and gave out a loud noise.

The power of the fire gun is too horrible. Meng Cang made a mistake in making a judgment and was immediately injured by the gun.

However, the vitality of the middle-level lord is surging. Although this shot made Meng Cang spit blood, it did not let him be hurt too much. Ye Xing did not stop there.

Instead, kill him while he is ill!


Ye Xing yelled loudly, the momentum of the fire, the flame aspect, the vitality of the fire, and the physical strength all smashed to the limit. The power broke out in the strongest state.

嗖 ——

The Lie Yan Xuan Gun crossed a red light, followed Meng Cang's body from the sky, with horrible power. Go to Meng Cang.

This shot was too fast. Ye Xing directly threw it, more than twice as fast as the speed at which he stabbed him with a gun.

Although Meng Cang was injured, he knew very well that he must shift his position immediately after landing to prevent the opponent from continuing to attack.

However, when his body collided with the earth fiercely, the severe shock caused his mind to have a short blank.

This brain is blank time. It was an instantaneous thing, but at this moment, the fierce flame mysterious gun that Ye Xing threw was already dropped.

The Lieyan mysterious gun pierced through Meng Cang's chest and back, then penetrated into the ground below, nailing Meng Cang's body directly to the ground.

Meng Cang. Wearing the Xuan-class lower body armor, the defense is very strong, but Lie Yan Xuan Gun is the middle-class Xuanbing. And coupled with Ye Xing's throwing force, the horrible penetrating force of the point of the gun with the click surface is not something that can be resisted by the inferior inferior nails. Naturally was punctured.

This shot consumed all the power of Ye Xing, and his energy was greatly consumed. It flickered slightly in the sky, almost fell, and quickly smashed the wings of Qingyun, so that the body did not fall from the sky.

On the ground, Meng Cang looked at Ye Xing in the sky, and his eyes were full of unbelievable color. His magnificent four-star lord died in the hands of a one-star lord.

The color of life in Meng Cang's eyes is rapidly receding. Lie Yanxuan pierced his heart. Even the high-ranking Lord of the Astral Realm, the heart is the deadly vital point, the heart is pierced, and Meng Cang is naturally life Quickly passed, but for a few breaths, Meng Cang's eyes darkened and he was killed by Huang Quan.

First, two one-star lords, then four-star lord Long Xingyu, and then four-star lord Meng Cang, who died in the hands of Ye Xing.

One star lord, killing the four star lords in three realms is completely unheard of. East Shenzhou, when has there been such a star lord?

Is this still human? Maybe only the legendary demons have such powerful strength?

At this moment, the emperor of the Canglong Empire, Long Yuanguang, and the real army of the Canglong Empire looked at Ye Xing, leaving only panic and fear in his eyes.

"Withdraw—! Withdraw all--!"

Long Yuanguang's voice was shaking, and he quickly returned to the Xuan class spaceship.

"Long Yuanguang! Can you escape?"

Ye Xing screamed, raised his hand to retrieve the Lien Xuan Gun, and Qingyun's wings slammed toward the Xuan class spacecraft.

The mysterious spaceship is located between many spiritual-grade superbly crafted ships, but Ye Xing rushes into it, but like no one, who is the real person on the spiritual superbly crafted ship, who dares to start with Ye Xing?

Even the real people on the mysterious spacecraft no one dared to blast star cannons to Ye Xing again.

In just a few blinks of time, Ye Xing had been on the Xuan class spacecraft.

"Dog **** of the Canglong Empire, you all die!"




At this time, a landslide tsunami-like shout came from the inner city of the Imperial Palace of the Qingyu Empire.

The matrix law banned, and one spacecraft rushed out. They were all spiritual-grade superbly crafted ships. Among them, there was a mysterious spaceship with several honorables standing on it.

Long Yuanguang shouted to withdraw, and the real people of the Canglong Empire were frightened, of course, they immediately withdrew.

At this time, the army of the Qingyu Empire was killed, and there were shots of the Supreme Master. Naturally, it was like cutting melon and cutting vegetables. The real army of the Canglong Empire was defeated across the board.

On the Xuan-class spaceship of the Canglong Empire, when Ye Xing boarded the ship, some ordinary four-level array law bans appeared, sealing the entire ship.

Ye Xing's super brain scan, the ordinary four-level array method, which is almost non-existent for him, Ye Xing held the Lie Yan mysterious gun, a few shots broke a large array of law bans, and slid into the cabin.

Ye Xing was easily broken by the ban on the formation of the spaceship, and eventually, it completely disappeared. Ye Xing and Long Yuanguang met again at the bottom of the cabin.

Long Yuan's wide face was as dead as ever, and never expected that the lord of the star was still a powerful array mage.

"Hero lives ...!"

Long Yuanguang looked at Ye Xing ~ ~ he completely lost his will, leaving only fear in his heart, kneeling on the ground, and begging for mercy: "Hero ... you have a lot of adults, please beg you Let me go, don't kill me ...! "

Ye Xing looked at Long Yuanguang coldly, but he did not expect that the other side, as the emperor of the empire, the lord of the Xingji Realm, was so uncomfortable in the face of death.

Ye Xing's voice was indifferent: "Let me off? Have you let me off?"

Long Yuanguang was puzzled, surprised: "Hero, when did I offend you?"

Ye Xingdao: "The two-star Lord of the Canglong Empire once chased and killed me. As the emperor of the Canglong Empire, you dare to say that it was not your order?"

Long Yuanguang didn't know what Ye Xing was talking about. When he thought about it, suddenly his face changed, his face shook and he exclaimed.

"How could it be, you ...?"

[Complete this month's update first, then add the monthly ticket last month and add more] (To be continued.)