Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 664: Still a master of archery!

If you wait for the stars to condense into an arrow shape, it will take longer. Although the arrows fired are more powerful, the Mongolian front has time to prepare.

At present, Ye Xing only pulls and releases one by one, and the speed of the star light ripples is too fast, which is unpredictable.

Without any precaution, if the starlight ripple hits him, I am afraid that Meng Zhanfeng will have to drop his head.

Therefore, in an instant, Meng Zhanfeng shivered and felt the threat of death.

嗖 ——

Meng Zhanfeng's body suddenly bloomed [Golden Light, exploded quickly.

The blooming golden light is the defensive layer formed by Meng Zhanfeng's body.

However, the starlight ripples emitted by Wu Xuan Gong are really sharp, and the golden light defense layer is cut like a stream of water, and the starlight ripples continue to cut to Meng Zhanfeng's neck.

call out--

Meng Zhanfeng's rapid retreat, coupled with the defense of the body shield, finally earned him a moment of time, the sword was retracted, and the sword was cut off.

Although the starlight ripple is sharp, it is just a virtual object like a stream of air. It splits into two in an instant under the knife light.

It seemed that Meng Zhanfeng's sword was very aggressive and instantly counterattacked in front of Ye Xing.

In fact, the threat of the starlight ripples is still there. After the starlight ripples have been cut with two swords, they continue to blast forward.

In Meng Zhanfeng's horrified eyes, the star light ripple flashed on both sides of his neck. Although there was no pain, Meng Zhanfeng also felt a coolness from both sides of the neck.

Obviously, both sides of his neck have been swept by starlight ripples, but because the starlight ripples swept too fast, he didn't feel pain.


A loud noise came immediately, but it was the flames of Wu Xuan Bow in Ye Xing's hands that burst into terror and collided with the sword light.

Ye Xing hit. Resembling the fire gun in the gun art, the power is violent and overbearing, shattering the knife light instantly.

However, the strength of the battle front sword was really horrible. Ye Xing was shaken back. This coincided with Ye Xing's intention and accelerated his pace to retreat.

Far enough from Meng Zhanfeng, Ye Xing had enough time to open the bow and exert the true power of Wu Xuan bow.

Close-up starlight ripple attack. Although it is invincible, it has insufficient power. If Meng Zhanfeng has defense in his mind, it is difficult for Ye Xing to hurt him with the starlight ripples.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Xing had been away from the Mongolian front for thousands of kilometers, his breath converged, and he merged into the dark world, silent.

Meng Zhanfeng's neck sides. Two bloodstains appeared, and the blood slowly spilled out. At this time, Meng Zhanfeng felt the pain from the neck, and he was afraid for a while.

Fortunately. This starlight ripple only swept across the edges of both sides of the neck, not deeper than two centimeters, and the trachea and aorta were not damaged, and were not seriously injured.

If you know that this starlight ripple is cut off, you can continue to attack. Meng Zhanfeng's knife just now will definitely not be cut vertically, but swept away. The power of the starlight ripples is not strong. Sweeped away by the sword.

Wait for Meng Zhanfeng to reflect. He thought that the next time he met Starlight Ripple, he would not suffer any more. He was shocked in his heart that he had lost his sense of Ye Xing.

It was dark all around. Although his golden astrology was blooming with golden light, it looked very dim in the dark world, and Meng Zhanfeng couldn't see much distance.

Before the Mongolian Zhanfeng was able to lock up Ye Xing, because of his continuous attack, Ye Xing kept backing down, and the trajectories were all expected by Mongolian Zhanfeng.

Now that Ye Xing has completely converged, hiding, Meng Zhanfeng naturally cannot find it.

The matrix law is banned, blocking this space, and people outside can see everything in the matrix mask, but cannot intervene, even the sound cannot be transmitted.

Therefore, the warriors who watched the battle could see Ye Xing's figure, but they could not remind Meng Zhanfeng.

Meng Zhanfeng ran the star-sting, locked the blood of his neck, and put his sword in a defensive posture, calming himself and feeling all around.

In order to kill Ye Xing, the middle-level princes participating in this life-and-death gambling battle were trained with closed eyes. As long as there is any wind blowing or the power of the stars fluctuates, the Mongolian war front can sense the existence of Ye Xing. .

Ye Xing sneaked into the dark world and came to the edge, five or six miles away from Meng Zhanfeng.

Ye Xing didn't rush to do it, but sat cross-legged on a stone and meditationally adjusted his breath. He was spitting blood by Meng Zhanfeng just now. Ye Xing had never had a chance to deal with the injury.

If there is an elixir for healing, this minor injury is of course instantaneous, but it is forbidden to use elixir in the battle of life and death. Ye Xing did not bring in the elixir, and was only able to recuperate.

Now, Meng Zhanfeng is in the bright place, Ye Xing is in the dark, and the initiative is in Ye Xing's hands. When Ye Xing wants to take a shot, he can take it whenever he can. He can wait quietly, nourish his body, and restore his energy.

But Meng Zhanfeng couldn't calm down. He didn't know when Ye Xing would start. Therefore, he had to guard against Ye Xing's attack at all times. He had to be alert and not afraid to relax.

Time passed slowly, there was no movement in the mask of the formation, and the martial arts watchers were all bored.

When Ye Xing Yungong was recuperating, Meng Zhanfeng was also recuperating and recuperating. He recovered his neck injury. It was almost recovered. Seeing that Ye Xing had not yet shot, Meng Zhanfeng moved.

In the distance, Ye Xing stood up and Wu Xuan bowed in one stroke.

Can't wait any longer, Meng Zhanfeng began to arrange the formation. If he arranges the formation, Ye Xing's movable space will be lost, and the difficulty of killing Meng Zhanfeng will be greatly increased.

Ye Xingxing twitched, and the physical power broke out, pulling the bow string sharply.

Even if Ye Xing exerted his best efforts, he only pulled Wu Xuan bow about halfway and couldn't pull it into a full moon.

Wu Xuan bow opened ~ ~ actively gathered the power of the stars, condensed into an arrow of stars.

Meng Zhanfeng immediately felt the fluctuation of star power, and the figure flashed like gold, and rushed towards Ye Xing.

A pair of mysterious flying wings appeared behind the Mongolian war front, and the distance to him was only a blink of an eye.

However, Meng Zhanfeng did not have a blink of an eye at all, and the star arrow on Wu Xuan bow had burst out.

The master of archery who changes at will, the arrows that shoot out are amazing, how horrible the power is, and Meng Zhanfeng feels difficult to resist when standing in place. Of course, he dared to continue to rush forward, of course, he stopped in an instant, and felt a knife by his instinct. Cut it out.

Uh ...

Meng Zhanfeng's sword fell into the sky, and the arrow of starlight changed direction in the volley, changing several times in an instant.

The sword in Meng Zhanfeng's hand closed and moved as the direction of the Starlight Arrow changed. (To be continued ...)

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