Supreme Arrow God

Chapter 998: 'Cross the border'

For ordinary true gods, flesh and blood is broken into life particles, as if being attacked at the time of Nirvana, the vitality field collapsed and died directly. ?? ~ ~ But the immortal **** is different. His vitality is much stronger than the true god. Even if the state of life particles is reached, the life force field can still exist. A life particle can Rebirth.

In the blink of an eye after the flesh fragment was shattered into the void, the undead prince reappeared in the void, the **** body reorganized, and continued distant.

However, even though the vitality of the immortal monarch is extremely powerful, he was still a little bit pale and hurt his vitality.


Ye Xing was slightly surprised, and said, "See how many times you can withstand the attacks of Shinto arrows!"

嗖 嗖 嗖 ——

Between the thoughts in his heart, Ye Xing opened the bow again, shooting out the Shinto arrow, and then continued to open the bow, shooting continuously.

At this point, the undead prince escaped two thousand miles away, but was caught up with the Shinto arrow instantly and hit the arrow again.

After comprehending the law of arrows, Ye Xing's archery can no longer be described by degrees. Within a certain distance, there is no time difference at all. If the arrow is off the string, it can hit the target.

The body of the immortal prince shatters instantly, and then the particles are reborn and the body is reorganized.

At this point, the second Shinto arrow fired, and the newly reorganized **** body was shattered again. Reading 1 ·

The screams of immortal God screamed fiercely, and the body continued to reorganize, but with each reorganization, his face became pale. After the seventh shot, the body was reorganized, and it was as pale as paper.


An arrow of sacred Shinto fired again, and the body of the immortal king was shattered again.

"Ah-!" A loud howl rang through the sky, this time the undead **** never reorganized and died completely.

Ye Xing breaks through the virtual pupil, even if it is a life neutrino, he can see that he knows that the life particles of the undead **** have been completely crushed, and one that is left is indeed dead enough to die.

Confirming the death of the undead prince, Ye Xing's eyes looked far away. Soon, Saitama was the true god, and the two masters of Tianyuan fell into Ye Xing's field of vision.

Ye Xing killed King Jinyang in succession, immortal King. Tianyuan Sovereign and Saitama True God have fled thousands of miles away.

The visible distance of the true eye of the true **** is in the heavenly realm, which is about a thousand miles away, and the thousands of miles apart, the master of the heavenly emperor and the true **** of Saitama who have not practiced pupil technique. Ye Xing's figure has not been seen for a long time.

However, the two were in different directions, and they were still extremely fleeing.

"Do you really think you can escape?"

Ye Xing smiled coldly, breaking the virtual **** pupil first locked the true **** of Saitama.

As a nine-star true god, Saitama's induction is extremely sensitive, knowing that he was locked by pupil surgery, Saitama's complexion changed. One reading · 1? K? A? Nshu ·

"He is catching up?" Saitama true **** opened the eyes of martial arts **** to Shi Zhan, and looked back, but did not see Ye Xing's figure.

But she still didn't dare to take it lightly and use the firewheel to defend her surroundings. Continue far away.

Ye Xing stood still, and pulled away the Yin Long to shoot the bow of the sky, cast the ‘Shinto Arrow’, and fired at the Saitama true god.

The arrow path breaks through the void, and the arrow can shuttle through the void and the target locked by the eye, but the arrow shoots the target.

However, in the heavenly sacred realm, the space is extremely stable, and the true gods can't shuttle through the void and teleportation, the arrow path of the 'broken void' realm. Also lost the ability to shuttle the void.

However, Ye Xing's arrow path attainment now reaches the level of 'crossing the border', the heavenly sacred realm. Extraordinarily, it is impossible for Ye Xing to shoot arrows out of the interface outside the heavenly realm, but it is enough to shuttle in the space within the heavenly realm.

诛 Shinto arrows leave the string. Instantly shuttled through the void, disappeared, and the next moment, the God of Shinto arrows appeared in the void thousands of miles away, behind the God of Saitama.

With the eyes of the broken virtual pupil locked in the country, Saitama Shinjin just sensed that there might be danger coming, but the appearance of the Shinto arrow, Saitama Shinsen felt the real danger of life and death.

In addition, the Shinto arrow appeared too suddenly. He did not shoot from thousands of miles away, but directly shuttled through the void and appeared behind Saitama Shinjin.

If the Saitama real **** had taken precautions beforehand, and cast the magical wheel 'Fire Wheel' in advance, she would certainly have no time to resist this arrow.

However, even if he had taken precautions, the 'Fire Wheel' could not withstand the attack of 'Shinto Arrow'.


With a loud bang, the ‘fire wheel’ was smashed. Although the power of the Shinto arrow decreased, it was still extremely extreme and shot into the body of Saitama.

This time, not only the power of the supernatural powers, but also the power of the law of arrowheads, Saitama's body was immediately torn apart.

Not yet waiting for Saitama's true blood and flesh to regenerate, the law of arrowheads allows everything around to be turned into sharp arrows, and the divided body is suddenly blasted into pieces of flesh and blood.

Saitama's heart was terrified and terrified, and she was hurt to such an extent with a single arrow. Wouldn't it be necessary to die with another arrow?

call out--

The second 诛 Shinto arrow shot out from the void. Whatever Saitama really was worried about, what came!

Saitama was born again with flesh and blood. Before the **** body could be reorganized, she was shot by the Shinto arrow and smashed directly into particles of life.

Although it is a nine-star true god, but the vitality, Saitama true **** is far from the immortal monarch. Even if she uses magical resistance to resist, she lost her life with just two arrows.

At this point, the Emperor Tianyuan had fled eight thousand miles away. He had no idea that the real **** of Saitama who had fled at the same time had been shot by Ye Xing.

The eyes of the true **** of Saitama and Ye Xing broke the eyes of the virtual god, and locked the Tianyuan Sovereign eight thousand miles away.

Although Ye Xing didn't know the identity of the Supreme Master of Tianyuan, but since the other party came to kill him, he also gave one gift to another ...

Eight thousand miles away, there is a team of gods searching for ‘Tiandao Shards’, which is a team of gods in the Holy Land of Death. Among them is the Nine Dead Sword God. He is already a God of Eight Nirvana and has created magical powers.

The Emperor Tianyuan fled all the way, suddenly seeing the deities in front of him, and suddenly felt in his heart. As a separate nine-star true god, the deities of the Supreme Holy Land naturally have a sense of fear, can avoid but avoid, quickly changed direction, escape Look elsewhere.

When the Emperor Tianyuan saw the deities in the Holy Land of Death, Ye Xing's broken eyes closed his eyes and locked him, but the moment when the Emperor Tianyuan shook ~ ~ the mind shook and ignored this Road pupil surgery.

After all, eyes are invisible, and there is no movement or sensation when they are seen by the eyes. Only the subtle sensations in the mind can detect it. Once distracted, it is not normal.

Unaware of being locked by pupil, Tianyuan Sovereign was naturally unprepared.

call out--

At this moment, Ye Xing fired a Shinto arrow.

诛 The Shinto arrow left the string, disappeared, and flew through the void for eight thousand miles, appearing behind the Emperor Tianyuan.

It wasn't until the sacred arrows appeared that the Sovereign Lord was shocked and felt the danger of life and death, but it was too late to evade, and too late to resist!


In the arrow of the Emperor Tianyuan, the deities burst instantly and turned into flesh fragments ... (To be continued.)


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