Supreme Divine Dynasty: Begin To Usurp the Throne and Become Emperor

Chapter 176: An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!

"Kill, don't let them run away!"

"To annihilate this parliamentary army, one cannot be spared!"

At this time, the leaders of the First Route Army and the Second Route Army of the Royal Family saw the 8,000 parliamentary soldiers who were about to flee, and they hurriedly ordered.

You know, this tactic of using trenches to fight, they also plan to use it when the main force of the parliamentary army attacks Tianyue City next time!

If the 8,000 members of the parliamentary army escaped back to Minghai City and informed the parliament of the existence of these trenches, then the role of the trenches in the next battle would be extremely limited.

Therefore, both the first and second troops of the royal army have made the same plan, that is, to annihilate that small parliamentary army at all costs!

Hearing that, these royal soldiers no longer cared about the bunkers. They dug out of the trenches one after another, and kept firing in the direction of the parliamentary army while chasing.

Although the distance between the remaining 8,000 parliamentary soldiers and the trenches was constantly widening under the galloping horses, they had not yet left the pursuit range of the semi-automatic rifle.

So, under the shroud of bullets in the sky, some of these 8,000 members of the parliamentary army were continuously hit by stray bullets, and they died!

After a few minutes of gunshots, the 8,000 members of the parliamentary army were chased and killed by the royal army, and there were only less than ten people left, still galloping on horses.

But even so, there were a large number of non-fatal gunshot wounds on the bodies of the less than ten parliamentary soldiers, or on the horses under their crotch!

At this time, the last few members of the parliamentary army had reached the limit of the effective range of the semi-automatic rifles in the hands of the royal soldiers.

Seeing this, those royal soldiers are in a hurry!

They pulled the trigger with all their strength and shot at these parliamentarians, but most of these stray bullets flew past the other side instead of killing them.

But just when these parliamentary soldiers were about to leave the pursuit, some royal soldiers had an idea. They no longer aimed at the parliamentary soldiers on the warhorses, but instead aimed their guns at those warhorses!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

The size of those war horses is several times that of the parliamentary army soldiers, so the chance of hitting these war horses is much higher than the parliamentary army soldiers who hit the war horses.

With the sound of gunshots, stray bullets broke through the air and shot into those war horses!

The neighing sound of the war horses sounded, and they were forced to fall to the ground after being hit hard by stray bullets, and the parliamentary soldiers on them even fell to the ground.

What's more, when he fell, he was trampled by the horse behind him, and he was seriously injured and died!

But no matter what, after the soldiers of the parliamentary army were shot and killed by the horses under their crotch, they would lose their combat effectiveness because they fell to the ground, and they could not escape the fate of being shot and killed by the royal soldiers in the end!

After this perfect ambush was over, the leaders of the Royal Army's 1st Route Army and the 2nd Route Army sent troops to clean up the battlefield, and then reported the data about the war to the military minister.

After seeing this battle report, the military minister's eyes flickered.

"Destroyed 50,000 parliamentary soldiers... You did a great job!"

"Xuanyuanhong, you transferred 50,000 soldiers from the first-line army, and followed the method of the parliamentary army to harass them in Minghai City."

"With these 50,000 small units of the parliamentary army annihilated by us, even if you openly attack it with semi-automatic rifles outside Minghai City, they will only regard these semi-automatic rifles as arms that we have captured, Not what we bought from the Martial God Empire."

"In this way, we can not only weaken the power of Minghai City, but also ensure that the arms obtained by our royal army are not known to the parliamentary army."

The military minister arranged this.

The Xuanyuan Hong he mentioned was naturally the person in charge of the First Route Army of the Imperial Family Army.

Hearing this, Xuanyuan Hong nodded quickly and said solemnly, "I promise to complete the mission!"

Only then did the military minister show a slight smile and said, "Okay, you go down!"

This war outside Tianyue City can be said to be the first victory for the imperial army since the parliamentary army obtained the arms from the Wushen Empire.

It's no wonder that there is a smile on the face of the usually unsmiling military minister.

After receiving the order, Xuanyuan Hong, the head of the First Route Army of the Royal Army, quickly walked out of Tianyue City, and transferred all the soldiers in the third row of trenches and half of the soldiers in the second row of trenches.

The 50,000 soldiers of the First Route Army of the Royal Family lined up in a huge square formation and stood in front of Xuanyuanhong.

Xuanyuanhong looked at the soldiers in front of him, and he said loudly, "There is an order above, asking me to go to Minghai City to harass the parliamentary army, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth!"

"However, since the war horses are nervous, I am afraid we will have to ride a war horse for two people!"

Xuanyuanhong's voice spread out.

The 50,000 royal soldiers and soldiers have no objection. After all, the two of them riding a warhorse do not have much influence on them. On the contrary, the royal soldier sitting in the back can focus more on shooting~www.mtlnovel. com~ So, the 50,000 cavalry was led by Xuanyuanhong himself and galloped away in the direction of Minghai City.

The 50,000 soldiers that were missing in the trenches to the west of Tianyue City were supplemented by the soldiers of the Third Route Army. The 50,000 soldiers of the Third Route Army were all armed with semi-automatic rifles and entered the soldiers who originally belonged to the First Route Army. their positions.

In fact, the third-line army was not assigned a semi-automatic rifle.

However, because the royal army annihilated the 50,000 soldiers of the parliamentary army before, the royal army seized 50,000 semi-automatic rifles from these 50,000 soldiers, which enabled the 50,000 soldiers of the third-line army of the royal army to successfully arm semi-automatic rifles. rifle.

Soon, the fifty thousand royal cavalry had approached Minghai City.

Since Minghai City is one of the main cities of the Xuanling Empire, the area of ​​Minghai City is also extremely large, and the length of its city walls is several times that of Tianyue City.

Therefore, the number of soldiers sent by the parliamentary army to patrol the walls of Minghai City actually reached as many as 10,000 people.

You must know that after thousands of people are standing on the walls of an ordinary city, it is already crowded.

However, the city walls of Minghai City were patrolled by tens of thousands of soldiers, but it did not seem too crowded.

At this time, the parliamentary soldiers on the city wall of Minghai City had already discovered the existence of this royal army cavalry a few miles away.

After they sounded the alarm, they subconsciously wanted to use the land artillery to kill these royal soldiers.

However, the horses of these royal soldiers run extremely fast, and their moving trajectories are also erratic, which makes it impossible for the artilleryman who controls the marine artillery to aim at all.

As a result, these parliamentary soldiers had no choice but to give up the plan to use land artillery.