Supreme God King

Chapter 2978: The pen can kill

In a flash, another three months passed.

Meng Fan knew that he had already gone a long way with Master.

Perhaps, we are about to leave the Qinglong Mountain Range.

Meng Fan hasn't been anywhere, but he has heard that when he walks out of Wuzhen, through the high mountains, stepping into the Qinglong Mountains, and then crossing the Qinglong Mountains all the way to the northeast, he will see a huge city called Sun City.

This city is the military center of the Dagan Empire.

I heard that there are tens of thousands of households in Sun City, and the city walls are towering to protect the people of the Li people. Because Sun City is north of the Fire Cloud Empire, it is full of exotic customs and there are all kinds of foreigners coming and going.

Meng Fan was full of expectations for this kind of big city, but he didn't know how long it would take to see this city, but didn't know how far it was.

And compared to going to Sun City, Meng Fan was more worried about Master's body.

In the past three months, the painter with extraordinary temperament, for some reason, seems to have contracted some kind of disease and often coughed.

These days, it’s getting worse. The painter’s eyes are full of exhaustion. He often walks and he has to stop and rest. For this reason, Meng Fan doesn’t dare to ask more if the painter doesn’t say anything, but just tries to help the painter carry more things.

On this day, I came to a rare clearing in the jungle. Here is a gentle slope. The hillside is full of red and yellow wildflowers. There are many bees and butterflies flying, which is quite beautiful.

The painter said to take a break, Meng Fan responded and immediately took off the painting tools and started painting.

Over the past few months, Meng Fan has developed the habit of painting as long as he stops. After painting all the scenery and people he can paint, he starts painting what he imagined according to what his master taught. Also includes, dreamed in a dream.

Starting from the heroic woman wearing a black armor and red cloak and holding a sharp sword in the first picture, Meng Fan drew dozens of scenes in his dreams.

He didn't know it, but his heroic woman wearing a black armor and red cape was enough to drive many warriors crazy, because the heroic woman, the charm and martial arts spirit on her body, once understood, it would be incredible. Budo will advance by leaps and bounds.

Even if you don’t understand it, hanging in the main hall and watching every day, it will be affected subtly, and there are various benefits.

Meng Fan didn't know it himself.

In the first painting he painted, the person in it was a powerful **** king named Meng Niuniu.

Is his granddaughter.

The painter watched Meng Fan painting in the distance. Suddenly, his throat hurts a little, and he coughed a few times. He covered it with a handkerchief, and then opened it. There was blood on the handkerchief.

The painter's expression is very plain.

"It seems that time is running out."

Saying this, the painter smiled instead.

The gods, arcane empires, and transcendent kings are all refining his body.

And the Buddha Realm must be refining his soul.

Therefore, his time is running out.

But he did not know why, from the bottom of his heart, he was a little grateful to the **** Sumi.

He couldn't help but recall that after breaking out of the God Realm, he took Qing Yao and landed on a continent. There were many small countries in that continent, Xiaozongmen. In order to restore his realm, he directly refined the entire continent. So, he didn't care about how many creatures there were on the mainland, he swallowed them all in one breath and refined them.

For him at the time, that piece of land was like a wild fruit, and it was a very small one, swallowed in one bite, in fact it was not much use, it was better than nothing.

As for the creatures on the mainland, those sects of thousands of people, towns of thousands of households, or small countries of hundreds of thousands of people, in his eyes, are even smaller than ants.

It's not that the creatures are smaller than the ants.

It's that each country, added up, is not as good as an ant.

Since when did he forget his original intention?

Maybe, after fighting with the first son of Chaos?

Perhaps it was after the Fa Xiang Tian Dynasty, the heaven's charm disappeared?

Perhaps, after the achievement of heaven in the chaos world?

He forgot.

But now, he has regained his original intention.

For this alone, he was very grateful to the **** Sumi.

He has done everything that should be done and paid everything.

Enron's departure and becoming a legend may be the best result.


At this moment, Meng Fan suddenly screamed, and all the drawing tools in his hand fell to the ground.

The painter put the handkerchief in his hand and looked over. Under the hillside, there was a charming and moving figure, fighting with a handsome but frivolous man, fighting all the way, the woman retreated while fighting, and a few old trees. A large amount of bark was torn down by their fighting power, and some ancient trees were even cut off directly.

This scene scared the young Meng Fan very much!

Are two great masters!

The painter looked over and saw that the girl was really coquettish, even if she frowned at the moment, she looked smart and cute.

The man opposite him seemed to be slightly older, with a frivolous smile on his face. Fighting against a woman didn't seem to use much strength, it was more like a play.

The painter was startled.

Why do these two people appear here and now?

It seems that in this virtual world, some small causes and effects have changed, such as Meng Fan's cowardice, and the arrival of the painter, all of which have changed the entire virtual world.

"Bai Shuier!"

The frivolous man waved with a smile: "You'd better recognize it. You are not an opponent after all. Don't wait for my team to arrive. If you give up again, it won't look good!"

Bai Shui'er bit her lip and said, "Xu Xiu, shut up!"

Xu Xiu and Bai Shui'er's four palms violently collided with each other, and Bai Shui'er immediately backflips to the ground and backs up a few steps before stopping.

Xu Xiu looked calm and composed with his hands behind his back.

At this time, the two one after another saw the painter and Meng Fan on the hillside.

But soon the two of them looked away.

Because they could see that the painter was an ordinary person, he seemed to be a sick child, and that young man was just a two-tiered body refining little guy, and he didn't seem to be fighting, so it was not worth noting.

At this time, there were bursts of rushing sounds from the forest. After a few breaths, a dozen bandit-like men, riding on a few monster wolves, rushed out, and the wolves exhaled waves of disgusting Breath, surround Bai Shui'er.

That Bai Shui'er was impressively sixth-level body refining. At this age, he was considered a master, but Xu Xiu in front of him was the eighth-level body refining, and the men with bandit appearances around him were all at the fifth level.

Set a verdict on top of one another.


Meng Fan called nervously.

The painter nodded, walking slowly from the hillside with one hand behind him.

But the person below who was fighting, no one looked at him.

The painter came to Meng Fan and said softly: "At this time, would you think, if I had greater power, I could save that woman?"

Meng Fan was so nervous, he looked at the painter in surprise, wondering why the master was so indifferent at this time?

The artist walked down again step by step.

Meng Fan instinctively wanted to stop Master, but he didn't stretch out his hand or open his mouth. There was a certain stubbornness and stubbornness in his heart, and he gradually awakened, making his legs seem to be unwilling to follow him.

The artist walked down step by step.

Picked up a branch casually.

Pointed at the void.

That's right, he was just an ordinary person, a mortal with naked eyes, and he didn't step into the martial arts at all.

But this didn't delay him, manipulating the vitality of heaven and earth.

at this point.

A scene where Meng Fan and everyone on the hillside were stunned.

When the sky was clear and clear, dark clouds suddenly appeared, and then it started raining with thunder.

"The ground is paper, rain is ink, and vitality is pen. Master will draw you a picture today. It may be faster. You have to look carefully."

The painter said.

The branch in his hand trembled.

Meng Fan's eyes brightened.

He saw it.

He saw the rain in the sky condensed into thousands of sharp blades.

Then down the hillside, Xu Xiu and all the bandits, as well as the wolf under the hip, landed their heads.