Supreme God King

Chapter 2980: Calligraphy and painting thirty thousand

Meng Fan followed the painter and moved to a mountain in the east of Sun City.

There, the two masters and apprentices built a small wooden house, which was exactly the same as the wooden house where Meng Fan lived in Wuzhen, and then opened some fields and planted some vegetables. Every day, Meng Fan would go into the mountains to pick fruits and some herbs. , And occasionally came back with some small beasts. Before the evening of the afternoon, Meng Fan continued to paint.

Life, poverty, and peace.

In a flash, it was another two or three months.

Meng Fan still dreams every day, but he will never be awakened by the sight of the dream again.

His paintings have become more and more charming.

Gradually, he also had the idea of ​​starting martial arts again. Knowing that Master was a master in the hidden world, he wanted to ask him for advice, but now, the painter's body is really too bad.

The painter can hardly get out of bed now.

His face is getting ugly and pale, his body is getting thinner and thinner, and his appetite is even worse.

Meng Fan is very nervous, very nervous every day, so he sleeps very late, always watching the painter fall asleep, he will always go to sleep, and always get up before the painter, go out every day, come back as soon as possible, as if he was afraid that he would not see the painter. It will never be seen.

This fear has been haunting Meng Fan.

In contrast, the painter is very plain.

Plain, some people can't understand.

Seems to be waiting for something, greeting something.

On this day, Meng Fan went up the mountain and found a little fox.

This little fox doesn’t seem to have parents, and he doesn’t know how to walk. The hair on his body is not long, and he looks pitiful, but very spiritual. When he saw Meng Fan, he kept calling out softly, so Meng Fan took him back. , Walked into the wooden house and hurriedly showed it to the painter, hoping to make him happy.

In front of his mother, Meng Fan will always be a child. This is natural, but in front of the painter, Meng Fan feels that he is more like a child. This is not natural, but an inexplicable dependence.

The painter was lying on the bed, looking pale at the little fox, and smiled: "It's so beautiful."

"Yes, it's so beautiful." Meng Fan said happily.

The painter said: "It's been a long time since I paid attention to the beauty of such small things in the world."

The painter said something that Meng Fan could not understand.

"Hold me up, I want to see the scenery outside."

The painter said.

Meng Fan quickly put the little fox in a bamboo basket and helped the painter to walk outside the wooden house. The little fox staggered out of the bamboo basket, followed behind the painter and Meng Fan, and fell a few steps.

Outside the wooden house, the sun just tilted, indicating that noon was just past.

The painter sat on a rocking chair with the help of Meng Fan, looking at the sun in the distance, thoughtfully.

That afternoon, Meng Fan made no exceptions.

There is always a kind of uneasiness in his heart, that kind of uneasiness, which makes him calm, that is, he has been by the side of the painter, watching the sun in the distance with him.

The little fox was lying on the ground not far away, quietly accompanying them.

Not long after, dusk arrived.

The painter smiled and said, "I should go now."

Meng Fan was stunned, and then he realized that his eyes were a little sore. He didn't understand why, so he reached out and rubbed it, and he touched the water. He rubbed it desperately, and he couldn't stop the water from flowing down.

He cried miserably.

There was no sound of sobbing.

Just crying silently.

Can't stop crying.

The painter did not go to see Meng Fan. He kept looking at the sun in the distance and said with a smile: "It's so good, so good. I've experienced life and death countless times, and I always wonder where and who I will die. Next to him, what kind of method was used to die, was it vigorous? Unexpectedly, I died in my hometown, by my side, and died so peacefully, so good, so good..."

Meng Fan didn't care about what the painter said, he just said with difficulty: "Master..."

"Why are you crying?" the painter asked peacefully.

Meng Fan rubbed his eyes: "I...I'm afraid... I will never see Master again..."

"What are you afraid of." The painter smiled: "Oh, yes. You said that if you only eat pickled vegetable porridge for the rest of your life, you will be happy, but if you eat the delicacies of the mountains and seas once, you will never eat it again. Pain, once possessed and then lost, is more painful than never possessed. Master is wrong. Master shouldn’t be by your side, really should not be.

Meng Fan desperately shook his head: " I do it again, I, I still want to meet Master, even if I know that there will always be parting, I must see Master, I must see!"

His voice no longer sobbed.

No longer hesitate.

Suddenly, he became very firm.

"Even if you will lose it in the end?" the painter asked.

Meng Fan nodded: "It's better than having it before!"

"If you think so, then maybe one day, you will see me again." The painter smiled and said, "Do you believe it?"

Meng Fan was stunned.

The painter turned his gaze and continued to look at the distant sun: "I don’t know whether a person is strong enough to reverse life and death. I used to think that life and death can be changed as long as I am strong enough, but I have not succeeded, but , You are different from me. As long as you think like this, even if I die, you will surely see me again one day, surely, at that moment, you will suddenly realize that at that moment, you will understand and understand A lot of things."

Meng Fan stood there blankly.

The painter said: "I still want to accompany you, and I will call for 30,000 miles."

Meng Fan immediately stepped forward and held the painter's hand: "Master, you will be fine. You will accompany me to paint and call for 30,000 miles."

The painter smiled and touched Meng Fan's head: "When you paint and call for 30,000 miles by yourself, you will see me again."

With that, the painter took out a small cloth bag from his arms.

This cloth bag looks very old. Meng Fan recognized it at a glance. It is something from Wuzhen. Because there are some Wuzhen patterns on the cloth bag, it can even be seen that this cloth bag is made by some ingenious woman in Wuzhen. of.

Obviously, the painter brought this cloth bag from Wuzhen to here.

"Master has nothing to give you. You hold the contents of this cloth bag."

The painter handed the cloth bag to Meng Fan's hand.

Meng Fan held the bag and looked up at Master again. The tears in his eyes couldn't stop.

The painter reached out and wiped away a tear from the corner of his eye.

"Meng Fan, don't cry."

This voice is so familiar.

Meng Fan was in a trance suddenly.

In the nightmare, every time he was frightened, he was faintly heard this voice!

at this time!

The painter's hand dropped.

Closed his eyes.

It's like falling asleep.

Meng Fan’s lips trembled, the bag in his hand fell to the ground, and the contents of the bag also rolled out, but Meng Fan didn’t want to look at it. He just stayed there for a long time.

Then he knelt down to the painter.

The sun goes down.

A little afterglow of the sunset glowed on the hillside.

On the hillside, the handsome young painter lay in a rocking chair, peacefully, as if asleep.

Meng Fan knelt on the ground, tears constantly drenching the soil, he desperately held back.

The master said, don't cry.

So hold back and don't cry.

Meng Fan forced himself to stand up, feeling that something was gently rubbing his leg, it was the smart little fox.

The little fox pushed the things that fell out of the bag to Meng Fan.

That is something that seems very ordinary.

It's like a pebble.

It is a black bead.

Meng Fan stretched out his hand, picked up the beads, and put them in his arms.

He buried the master and erected a stone tablet. The master never left a name, so Meng Fan could only write it, the world's number one painter.

After seven days of keeping filial piety for the master, Meng Fan packed his bags and finally brought his hair back to full length, but the young fox patted his chest, touched the black bead, and went down the mountain.

He is going back to Wuzhen.

He wants to continue practicing martial arts.

Because the master said that as long as he works hard, he will see the master one day.

Also because he finally understood.

I have never owned it before, and it is sad to keep my ears behind closed doors.

Nothing is eternal. Once owned, it is very happy.