Supreme God King

Chapter 2981: Time has passed

At the top of Mount Xumi, beside the clear water, several large and burly arhats with sturdy arms are waiting.

At this moment, a figure fell, and several arhats hurriedly saluted. The person who came was one of the three Buddhas, the goddess of virtuous robbery.

He has achieved the Five Tribulations God King.

"how is it?"

"Nothing has changed, Meng Fan's spirit has almost died, only a few small thoughts are still coiling, and it is only a matter of time before disappearing." An Luohan replied.

"Yeah." Xian Jie Shen Buddha nodded briefly.

These days, he and the root burial gods and Buddhas would come to this well every day to ask two or three sentences. After all, this is a "great" matter, not a description, it is true. Meng Fan is the Dao of Heaven, and everything about him is a matter of heaven.

God and Buddha Xumi came every day at first, but afterwards, because there are too many things in the Buddha realm, everything needs to be handled by God and Buddha Xumi, so he comes less.

Also because there is really no change.

This causal virtual world is so powerful that it is beyond the imagination of any **** king in the world, especially it is expanding every moment. Now, there are hundreds of millions of causal virtual worlds in the well water. Who can escape from it?

Meng Fan's soul couldn't escape. The Buddha world had calculated various possibilities, and there was no possibility that he could escape from the dimension.

On weekdays, in addition to the three Buddhas, the eight hundred arhats with the highest status in the Buddhist world chant the sutras every day near Mount Xumi to save the soul of Meng Fan, and his soul is weakening every day.

As of today, there have been six months.

Although there are still a few thoughts left, it is no different from death.

A few thoughts can't even do the rebirth.

As soon as the Xian Tribulation God Buddha was about to leave, suddenly the tall, root-buried God and Buddha arrived. In the same way, his aura expanded a lot, apparently becoming the Five Tribulations God King.

The root burial **** Buddha walked in, and the two monks who had been walking along the main road gave each other a salute, which was considered to be in line with the law, and then they communicated normally, like old friends, without being so polite.

"I heard that Meng Fan's soul has only a few thoughts left behind. It is not far from complete death. I want to watch this scene, and the Buddha will also watch it." Said.

Xian Jie Shen Buddha nodded gently: "What happened?"

In the world of Buddhism, this is not a rule, but it has gradually become a common practice over time.

What's wrong with Xianjie God Buddha? It's outside, what's wrong.

In the past six months, the universe has undergone tremendous changes!

First of all, this is a big event for the human world to fight the devil world.

The legendary **** King Xiao Lianxian appeared. That time he fought the Demon Realm and was led by Xiao Lanxian. The Demon Realm, which had just been established and had a very weak foundation, was far less powerful than the Human Realm built on the basis of the Great Qin Empire. The Seven Tribulations God King, Slaughter Immortal, went out in person, and the battle became clear soon, and the Demon World fell into a disadvantage.

However, the price paid by the human world is also very heavy.

The Demon Realm already has a climate, and the devilish energy is as condensed as a sea. Many humane **** kings who have entered the Demon Realm have fallen. There are countless people who have been hit hard. Moreover, it is said that many humane **** kings seem to have been demonized. The emperor’s certain supernatural powers bewitched and turned into humans and demons. Although the central emperor washed them with humanity and righteousness, these humanity gods who had fallen into the magical way suffered huge traumas.

In the end, the Devil Emperor created an astonishing number of monsters with great supernatural powers, and relied on its geographical advantage to hit the human world once again.

The central emperor announced the victory of the human world because he entered the demon world, beheaded many demon kings, and also captured hundreds of human demons and returned to the human world. However, the demon world is still there, and it seems that in terms of luck, There is no decay, just a little low-key.

This war between humanity and magical way, some anticlimactic, seems to be over.

However, this war did condense the human world, making the Central Emperor's legitimacy more legitimized, and Emperor Bowu never appeared again in these six months.

Those followers of Emperor Bowu appeared once in the time when the Emperor Bowu fought in the devil world, and had a riot in the imperial city, but it was quickly calmed down. The Hundred Saints family took action and suppressed these followers. After that, Emperor Bo Wu and his men completely disappeared, and there was no more news.

In addition, the returnee civilization, the Kun nationality, and the Siyuan dynasty, began to move quickly to the center of the universe, and have occupied many dimensions. However, the craftsman civilization that has been fighting with the returnee civilization suddenly lost its news. According to legend, The capital of craftsman civilization was captured by the Kun people, and I don't know whether it is true or not.

Qin Taichuan established the Evil God dynasty. Millions of creatures turned into evil spirits. He followed him to erect evil ways. There was one more Dao World, and there was one more player in the new era.

The new Cthulhu dynasty seems quite immature, but all the forces are tired of solving their own problems. They all want to conclude an agreement with the Cthulhu dynasty, causing troubles, and let the Cthulhu dynasty deal with its own enemies, so the Cthulhu dynasty has developed quite Steady, with ease among all forces.

The black death catastrophe destroyed the Phoenix Empire, and the Phoenix clan of the King of Birds was almost extinct. The few remaining Phoenix clan powerhouses were forced to join the Dragon King Empire, surrendered to the Dragon Realm, and the feathered fairy emperor was missing.

In the following time, the black death catastrophe became more and more magnificent, and more than a dozen of the highest celestial dynasties were breached. Now no force can confirm the number of the black death army. It is just a conservative guess. There are more than 40,000 black death army. The king of black death!

Because of the horror of the Black Death Catastrophe, the various Dao Worlds finally put aside their mutual suspicion for a while, and held several meetings to discuss the issue of dealing with the Black Death Catastrophe.

The initiators of the meeting were the human world, the gods, and the dragon world. Later, the demons, the evil **** dynasty, and the Buddha world also joined them. With the six avenue worlds at the core, there are dozens of the highest celestial dynasties. Compared with the Dao World, they are too weak. They came to participate in this meeting with a greater purpose to merge into the Dao World.

Although the meeting did not go smoothly, all kinds of intrigues, and open and secret struggles, there was finally a result. The various forces participating in the meeting temporarily stopped fighting and formed a joint army to deal with the black death catastrophe.

However, the fighting ceased, but the legion has been unable to truly establish itself, because there will always be generals and leaders in the legion, and they are still arguing over which force to be the leader.

And the most declining Dao world now is the future heaven.

The news that Meng Fan was suppressed quickly spread, becoming the second major event in the new era after the fall of Baibuxian. Even when the news just came out, the kings of heaven and earth couldn't believe it was true. Meng Fan is in the stage of rapid rise. It seems that no one can stop him. How could he suddenly fall?

But it’s no secret to suppress Meng Fan. The nine thousand Buddhist followers on Mount Xumi in the Buddhist world, the ten thousand gods and the six leaders of the gods, and the thousands of gods and kings of the Arcane Empire, as well as the transcendent Dharma kings. Experienced it personally.

And there are many **** kings present who used various means to record the scene at that time clearly.

The pinnacle powerhouse of the three major forces, plus a mysterious detachment of the magic king, shot together. This kind of scene can be called a top lineup that the universe has never had before. Some gods said that this force is qualified to fight the Chaos Emperor. In addition to the recorded scenes, the kings of heaven and earth gradually accepted the fact that Meng Fan had fallen.

Meng Fan has too many karma, too many friends, and too many enemies.

His fall was as great as that of Bai Buxian.

The fall of Bai Buxian sealed the Emperor of Heaven, leading to the vacuum of the power of Heaven and opening the prelude of a new era, and the fall of Meng Fan also means the vacuum of the power of Heaven, and many things will undergo earth-shaking changes.