Supreme God

Chapter 535: Came to the barracks

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Originally Lin Feng was also preparing to wait until he had completely subdued the team, and after trying to find a way to transfer Jiang Beichuan to his side, in this way, one could protect him, and the two could also take the opportunity to get him some military merits. Plan for his future. But what I did not expect was that Hu Zhenyan should have seen this long ago. Jiang Beichuan had been arranged here in advance, which saved him a lot of things.

I have to say that since his return to the Holy Land, the Alchemist Trade Union has done everything due diligence, but it also makes him feel embarrassed.

Lin Feng decided that since the other party thought so much about himself, then what he said, this time also wanted a good quota for the alchemy division union.

"Then let's do this first. You go back to your team first. I think there should be many people waiting for you now." Jun Tian smiled at Lin Feng Road.

Immediately, Lin Feng did not say much, and said goodbye to Jun Tian directly.

As for what Jun Tian had just said, Lin Feng had already guessed. When he wanted to come, the first thing those people had to give themselves was a dismounted horse.

But as for who is behind? That is not necessarily the case.

Thinking of this, Lin Feng's face couldn't help but reveal a smile, but let's take a good look. How did these people give themselves off the horse?


Among the teams at this time, after repeated consideration by Kitano, they came up with a vicious move, not only to disgrace the newly arrived leader, but also in front of everyone.

Subsequently, he directly instructed people to gather the entire team on the school ground, which was tens of thousands. He was preparing to give Lin Feng a dismounted horse in front of everyone.

At this time, the team of Kitano has basically arrived, and each team leader stands in front of his own team, waiting for the arrival of this leader.

These people are not like those of Kitano. Not only did he look forward to his arrival, but they also caught a trace of fear for this mysterious leader. After all, how can they say that they are just a small captain, where dare to be like Kitano Arrogance.

A group of Kitano dare to support him so much, it is really because they have been with Kitano for a long time, and they are very obedient to him. Therefore, with their recognition of the strength of Kitano, these people did not take this newcomer at all. The chieftain of the country is taken seriously. It is estimated that only five or six of the ten captains are heading towards Kitano, and the rest are still uncertain.

At this moment, while they were waiting, they were talking to each other. Only Kitano and the few people around him seemed to be not worried, and they began to close their eyes and raise their spirits. Immediately, after a person whispered in Kitano's ear for a while, they all opened their eyes and returned to the camp again, leaving only the captain and soldiers on the school ground.

"Huh? Why did Kitano all leave them? This new leader is coming soon, aren't they ready to meet him?"

"Huh! You don't understand this. Did they do this to embarrass the new chieftain's face? This dismissal is enough for him to eat a pot."

"Why do you do so much? We can just watch it. Have you heard about it? The chief commander we came this time is a teenager. How can he be our leader, I think he is really miserable this time Now."

"Yeah, so young, it's estimated that he didn't even break his pacifier. What ability does he have to be our chief commander? I will agree with Kitano's approach very much."

"I don't think it is necessary. Since the above arrangement is so, there must be a reason. Maybe the teenager is a genius!"


Everyone is just talking about me one sentence at a time. Some people are optimistic about Lin Feng and some are not.

Only one of the team is most optimistic about this new leader, Jiang Beichuan. Now he has basically dared to be 100% sure that this mysterious leader is definitely Lin Feng. He has two reasons.

One is, but it is the same as he originally thought. The entire alchemist division union has this ability. Apart from Lin Feng, there is no second person.

The two are the main reasons. When I came to the army at that time, I was inexplicably transferred here, which means that someone must take care of him, but such a big face can drop myself here, and only Lin Feng alone In addition to this face, he can never think of anyone doing this for him.

Therefore, nowadays, Jiang Beichuan already has a candidate in his mind, which is still 100% sure. That is Lin Feng, sure.

"Hey! I said what do you want? The moment of witnessing the miracle is coming, and you are ready to be my little brother!" The scar-faced man not far from Jiang Beichuan said to him confidently.

However, after Jiang Beichuan looked at the scared face with contempt, he said lightly: "You have so much nonsense, let's wait and see!"

"Humph!" The scar-faced man sniffed directly.

At this time, everyone on the school floor received a notice from Jun Tian in advance, saying that the commander was about to arrive and let them greet him well. However, after hearing this, Kitano and others did not choose to leave the camp and remained here.

"Huh! Greet him? I really thought he was our commander, and he was a worthless kid who was worth our time."

"Yes, there are people outside to greet him, which has already given him a big face."

Immediately, after these people despised each other about the new leader, they each began to close their eyes and recuperate. Obviously, they just want to give Lin Feng a dismount.


At this time, there was a young figure outside the squad, slowly entering the barracks.

This person is really Lin Feng.

When Lin Feng walked in, he looked up and saw a huge banner with three powerful words: "Tian Cejun!"

"It turns out that the team's name is Tiancejun! The name sounds good, but I don't know how these soldiers are? I hope they will not disgrace these three words!" Lin Feng said lightly.

I really didn't expect that I have never been a soldier in my life, but I am fortunate enough to experience it in this life. Now there are tens of thousands of people under my staff, although not many, but it is quite **** to think about. "Lin Feng said Nan Nan in his mouth while looking at the environment of this military camp.

Although he had never been a soldier in his last life, he had also seen a huge war. Now that he is in charge of the army of tens of thousands of people, he feels very shocked.

If this force really sums up all of its own, it is still very easy to dominate the side with his strength.

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