Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 1920: Worry-free fruit!

The little fat man glanced at Frostfire Beast and was not afraid at all. Instead, he seemed a little scared to see Qin Fei kicking Frostfire Beast so fiercely. He took a step back subconsciously, and his eyes began to dodge.

It can be seen that Qin Fei is more scary than Frostfire Beast in his eyes.

Qin Fei smiled and pointed to the worry-free fruit in the little fat man's words, and said, "Children, this is your family's plant? Let me eat one?"

Although the little fat man was afraid of him, when he heard that he was eating the worry-free fruit of his own home, he immediately said: "No! This is our home, no one is allowed to move! Or I will tell my dad to go! He is very powerful and punches. I can kill you! He is nearby!"

Qin Fei smiled and looked at him. This little guy is quite smart. Knowing that adults are used to scare people, he still smiled and said, "Where is your father? Let me tell him."

The little fat man was shocked. His father was not here. He said this just to scare people. Who knew that people were not afraid at all, and they had to call his father out. This was troublesome.

He has always been a child. Once the lie was exposed, his face blushed and his words became uncomfortable. He stammered: "My dad...he...he is coming right away, don't run!"

Qin Fei smiled and said, "I won't run, go and call your dad!"

Seeing that he had a chance to run, the little fat man turned around and swiftly followed a path, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Qin Fei narrowed his eyes and whispered, "Did you see it?"

There was no response, he turned his head and glared at Frostfire Beast, and said, "I ask if you see it?"

Frostfire Beast said in doubt: "See what? Master, what did you say?"

Qin Fei curled his lips and cursed: "Idiot, I ask if you see the little guy."

Frostfire Beast blinked, thinking that of course he saw it, you are such an idiot to ask this question!

But it didn't dare to say that, and hurriedly said, "I saw it, Master, is there any problem?"

Qin Fei squeezed his chin and said with a serious face: "Awesome! This little guy is young and strong. At least he has reached the seventh level of Fate Change! Are all the human races of the ice field so powerful?"

Only then did Frostfire Beast react. Qin Fei asked if he saw it. He cursed himself as an idiot. He hurriedly said: "What the master said is that I have stayed on the ice field. I know some things. The native people on the ice field are talented. It is extremely powerful. A child born has the ability to know the realm of fate. It is a simple matter for a three- to five-year-old child to break through to the state of changing his fate. It is said that adults have the lowest strength of the realm of understanding, otherwise it is a waste. ! Not to be treated by the family!"

Qin Fei's eyes brightened when he heard it, and said, "In this way, all the people on this icefield are born soldiers!"

The Frostfire Beast nodded repeatedly, didn't it? When I went to the ice field, I didn't suffer less.

Qin Fei turned his attention to the worry-free fruit again, wondering if it had something to do with the food on the ice sheet?

He stretched out his hand to pick Wuyou Guo to see what the secret was.


A dull voice suddenly exploded, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day. Qin Fei had not picked the worry-free fruit. He retracted his hand and looked towards the path, only to see a large group of plainly dressed people rushing towards this side, one by one. With weapons in it!

But these weapons are really not good. They are all sickles, hoes, and holding sticks and pans. There are a large group of thirty or forty. The little fat man who went back to call someone had two large pieces in his hands. The bricks were mixed aggressively in the crowd.

"Where do you come from? I have never seen it before. Are you here to steal the worry-free fruit of our Xifeng Village?" the head said angrily.

These people surrounded Qin Fei and Frostfire Beast, and they seemed very excited.

Speaking is a burly body, more than two meters high, eyes like copper bells, eyes firm and steady, full of breath!

"Dad, they are the two of them, trying to steal the worry-free fruit of our village!" The little fat man leaned behind the strong man, raised his hand and pointed at Qin Fei with a big brick, with an angry look, his fat face flushed red. The snot hung on his mouth and forgot to **** it back.

Qin Fei looked at these villagers, although they behaved very viciously, but his eyes revealed that they were a group of simple villagers, only thinking that he was going to steal their worry-free fruit, so he was so angry.

He smiled, and tried to make himself look kinder, and said, "Don’t get me wrong, fellow villagers. I just passed by here. I was very curious about this worry-free fruit. I didn’t pick one. If you don’t believe me, see if there is anything. loss?"

When he said that, some villagers rushed to look at it. After reading it carefully, he said to the brawny man: "The village chief, there really is no loss! It seems that he is right!"

The burly man nodded, his expression was kinder, and he stared at Qin Fei closely: "Where do you come from? I have never seen you before! Was it sent by Daliang Village to inquire about the news?"

Daliang Village?

Qin Fei said inexplicably, "Daliang Village? I don't know anything, I'm from the outside world, and I fought against the ice demon before!"

"What? You fought with the ice demon? Dad, he is so powerful, he actually dared to fight with the ice demon!" The little fat man shouted in surprise, as if it was a great honor to dare to fight the ice demon.

The brawny man's eyes flashed, and he said, "You are fighting the ice demon? And you're an outsider? How did you get through the peak of the ice mountain?"

Qin Fei saw that they didn't have any malice, but was full of curiosity, and he hurriedly said what he came here was not important.

"Haha, I have long heard that there will be outsiders coming into the ice field, but they are all dead in the hands of the ice demon. I didn't expect to meet living outsiders today. Welcome to the ice field! Welcome you to the West Wind. Be a guest of the village!" The strong man laughed heartily and motioned to the villagers to put away their weapons.

The hostility disappeared. Everyone kept looking around Qin Fei and Frostfire Beast, saying that outsiders were no different, everyone was similar.

Gulu, at this time Qin Fei screamed again, smiled awkwardly, the strong man also heard it, and said, "Are you hungry? Please come with us into the village and come to my house as a guest. I will treat you to a full meal!"

Qin Fei was eager to enter the village to see the situation. This was the first place where the Ice Plains people lived. Of course, he had to understand.

A group of people returned to Xifeng Village. Qin Fei took a look. There were about fifty houses in the village, large and small. He had a rough understanding of the situation during the conversation with the strong man. Xifeng Village is a very ordinary village. The population is about two hundred and there are a total of 53 households. The strong man is named Qiuwang. He is the current village head of Xifeng Village. He has two sons. The eldest son went outside a year ago and the younger son. It was that little fat man named Autumn Harvest, a ghost, a messy, very mischievous.

He was very proud when he talked about his elder son, saying that his elder son broke out some famous places outside, and worked as a guard of the Wang clan in a small city. He was able to bring back income to the family every month and his life was getting better and better.

When outsiders came, the villagers were all shocked. They all came out and gathered in the open space in the center of the village to look at Qin Fei and Frostfire Beast, and then quickly dispersed, because they were so enthusiastic that they thought outsiders were different. I didn't know that I was disappointed at first glance. Everyone looked the same, so there was nothing to look at.

Qiuwang smiled and invited Qin Fei and two of them to his house for dinner. When they came to his house, the decoration was simple. A woman wearing a cloth was busy in the kitchen. Qiuwang called her out to see the guests. .

This is a simple middle-aged woman. She was very generous when she saw strangers. She smiled and invited Qin Fei and Frostfire Beast to take a seat. Then she turned around and hurried into the kitchen with a sorrow, saying that there were guests coming, so she should prepare Some delicious treats for guests.

Qiuwang asked Qin Fei and two to sit down, and told the running around Qiu Shuo to get tea and boil water for the guests to drink.

"You two, the humble house is a bit simple, please let the two generals come." Qiu Wang smiled, very honest.

Qin Fei smiled and said, "It's already fine, Brother Qiu don't need to be so polite!"

Qiuwang laughed and said, "It should be, it should be, I don't know what the two Lai Bing originally planned?"

Qin Fei paused and said, "We are in trouble outside and have nowhere to escape. Only then did we cross the peaks of the iceberg and came to the icefield, hoping to avoid the enemy's chasing and killing. I don't know exactly what Bing did. , Just save your life!"

Qiuwang nodded and said, "You can fight against the ice demon. It is obvious that you are powerful, and you will be chased and killed by the enemy and fled here. Then your enemy will definitely be stronger. Why don't you do it? I live in our Xifeng Village and live as long as I want."