Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 274: Steal the prisoner!

Let the flames of war burn to the grasslands!

Qin Fei was so shocked that he didn't expect Zhu Li to have such an idea. It can be said to be bold and full of excitement.

The prairie people have been watching the Central Plains for a long time. The war is indeed unavoidable. One day, once the prairie people are ready, they will launch a war against the Central Plains. At that time, the people of the Central Plains will suffer from the war.

Zhu Li's idea can be said to be extremely bold and very intelligent.


"Brother Li, do you know anything about the prairie? In the situation of Pingchuan, the prairie people's iron cavalry is so fast that it is difficult to fight!" Qin Fei has seen the prairie cavalry, and their riding skills and combat effectiveness are compared to the imperial cavalry. It is more than twice as powerful. If you really send an army to the grassland, it will be difficult to predict the outcome.

Zhu Li frowned and said, "Yes, this is a trouble, so I need your teleportation array! I want you to do two things. The first thing is to arrange teleportation arrays everywhere. Teleport the army to the frontier as quickly as possible, and then go deep into the large tribes of the steppe people, and arrange the teleportation array. Then we will have a sudden attack. They will never think that we will fall from the sky in this way, and thus Kill them by surprise!"

Qin Fei was silent. Zhu Li's idea can be said to be extremely cunning. It is true. As long as the teleportation array is arranged properly, the odds of winning this battle will be greatly improved, and it can even be easily won.

However, it is not that simple to set up a teleportation array, and Qin Fei doesn't want to be exhausted.

But Zhu Li's order he did not dare to defy openly, because this matter, in Zhu Li's view, he could easily do it, if he refused, it would probably cause Zhu Li's discomfort.

Qin Fei was in a dilemma when he left the palace and returned to the palace specially reserved for him by Zhu Li in the imperial capital.

It’s certainly not a problem to spend some time arranging the teleportation array, but the key is that he has no time now. The poison of his father and grandfather can’t be controlled for long. Once the time comes, he will die. How could he waste time on teleportation? What about the array?

At night, Mo Xiao came back from outside and met Qin Fei alone in the study.

"How is it? Did you detect anything?" Qin Fei looked at the lord who was in the dust.

"Master, I didn't find anything. I almost searched the palace, and I didn't find any fragments of the profound spirit cauldron. I suspect it's not in it!" said the demon owl.

Today, Qin Fei entered the palace to meet Zhu Li, while Mo Xiao sneaked into the palace secretly to conduct a close investigation to find the whereabouts of the Xuan Lingding, but found nothing.

"Impossible, Linger said there must be a fragment in the palace, where would it be hidden?" Qin Fei wondered.

"By the way, Demon Owl, your Majesty will kill Yan Tulie and prepare to fight the prairie people. He prepares the battlefield on the prairie, and he asks me to arrange a teleportation formation for him. How can this be good? "Qin Fei changed the subject.

"This is a delay. What should we do to find the Xuan Lingding? Master, I have a way. If I can conquer Yan Tulie, then let him go back and let him persuade the Khan to be a minister to the empire, maybe War can be avoided, and our time will be wasted at that time!" Mo Xiao said.

However, as soon as he finished speaking, he sighed and said, "Oh... if I didn’t improve magic power, it would be fine. The previous magic power had a special method to control people’s mind, but it was easy to get him, but now But it's no longer useful!"

Qin Fei's eyes lit up when he heard what he said. Right, doesn't he have a blood mysterious contract? Maybe you can try to see if you can also control the Heavenly Martial Realm.

Thinking of this, he grabbed the Demon Xiao and walked out.

"Master, where are we going?"

"Go to the jail!"

In the jail, Wanyan Sulie was imprisoned, his body was locked with fine steel chains, and he was in a coma.

In the prison, there were two old men sitting side by side. Qin Fei was shocked when he saw them. Zhu Li was really willing to spend his capital, and he actually sent a guardian of the palace to guard Wan Yan Tulie.

These two elders are the guardians who appeared when Zhu Zhi was in trouble. They existed specifically to guard the emperor's safety!

Qin Fei and Mo Xiao came in, and the two opened their eyes, glanced at them and closed them again, with a cold look.

"Two seniors, I want to talk to him, can it be convenient?" Qin Fei said respectfully.

"..." The two did not make a sound, nor did they move.

Qin Fei frowned, how could this be good?

With those two people present, his actions could not be implemented, which is a big trouble.

He turned his eyes straight, thinking of a way, suddenly one of the old men said: "You caught him back then?"

Qin Fei was overjoyed when he heard this, and nodded hurriedly, "Yes, senior, it's here!"

"Since you caught it, then you will stay with him! Let's go!" The two stood up and walked out of the prison.

Qin Fei didn’t expect it to be so easy. He couldn’t help being overjoyed. He motioned to the Demon Owl to close the door, and then took out a pill without hesitation, opened Yan Tulie’s mouth, and stuffed the pill in. The medicine quickly melted in water and poured into his stomach.

"It's done!" Qin Fei was overjoyed when he turned the blood mystery contract, and it was effective.

Demon Owl looked at him inexplicably, wondering why he had to give Wanyan Tulie a pill to him so well, would he still want him to recover?

"Let's go!" Qin Fei didn't say much, turned around and left.

The two people came back and saw that Wanyan Tulie was nothing unusual, and they continued to sit cross-eyed with their eyes closed, like two stone statues.

Back to the palace, Mo Xiao couldn't help but wonder, and asked Qin Fei what happened to him just now?

Qin Fei smiled mysteriously, and then ordered a few words to him, and Mo Xiao asked in surprise: "Master, do you really want to do this?"

"Of course, don't worry, don't worry, I have a sense of measure! You can help him leave when the time comes! I'm waiting for you at ten miles outside the city!" Qin Fei smiled.

In the early morning of the next day, as soon as Zhu Li got up, he heard a guard in the palace report that something happened to the prison, and Wanyan ran away suddenly!

Zhu Li was shocked and hurriedly moved to the jail to take a look. He was suddenly angry, and saw that the two guardians were both injured and sitting on the ground. Their breath was chaotic. The prison was empty, and Wanyan suddenly disappeared. Up.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Liqiang suppressed his anger. Originally, he was going to kill Yan Tulie today, but suddenly disappeared. This is a shame!

"Your Majesty, I blamed us for being careless. An hour ago, when we stayed in jail, a black shadow appeared suddenly. The opponent was really strong. We failed to resist his move, and then he successfully took away Wanyan. Su Lie, when we chased out, they had disappeared!" An old man said.

"Wan Yan Sulie is there anything unusual in the prison?" Zhu Li said angrily.

"Abnormal..." The old man had a reminiscence, and suddenly his eyes lit up and said: "Last night, the king of the town capital visited him, but he left without staying for two minutes!"

"The king of the town capital?" Zhu Li was shocked, shook his head and said: "It can't be him, he captured Wanyan Tulie, and he can't save the other person in turn! Remember, this matter is related to the town capital. The king has nothing to do, no one can doubt him!"

He still believed in Qin Fei very much, and according to the facts, Qin Fei would never do such a thankless thing, otherwise, why did he catch Wanyan suddenly?

"Your Majesty, we will stay by your side these few days, and Wanyan Sulie is very likely to return!" said the old man.


Zhu Li has no objection, because what the old man said is probably true.

"Ma upload the order and search the whole city. Forget it, you go to the Stormwind Legion and let them pay attention to the border situation!" Zhu Li wanted to ask the whole city to check, but after thinking about it, it took so long. Now, with the opponent’s strength, I’m afraid I didn’t know where to fly, and where to find?

As for whether the other party will come back to assassinate him, Zhu Li finds it impossible. If the other party wants to act, he will definitely do it as soon as he gets out of prison. How can he wait until now?

At this time, ten miles outside the city, Qin Fei looked at Wan Yan who was kneeling on the ground with satisfaction, and said: "You go back quickly, and the devil will be with you. If Khan doesn't listen to the advice, then you will work harder. Be a new khan!"