Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 575: ancient!

"It turns out that he also cultivates Shui Xuan Qi, but does he think he can compete with Senior Zhao?"

People in Renzuzhuang looked at Qin Fei mockingly, thinking that he was bound to die.

The people in Dilingzhuang and Tianxuanzhuang looked at Qin Fei anxiously, wondering why he had to provoke Zhao Zun in this way, he had no resistance at all.


Zhao Zun looked at Qin Fei indifferently, and blasted out a punch, and the surging blue light instantly filled the world, shocking people's hearts.

His face was full of arrogance, but it was only the duality of God King. Even with some life-saving methods, he would never be able to withstand his attack. Therefore... In order to express his justice, he only used 30% of his power.

Thirty percent of the power, used from the hands of the nine-fold Shenming power, is enough to easily kill a nine-fold God King, let alone a two-fold God King like Qin Fei?

Han Xiong perceives Zhao Zun's energy, and he can't help but smile. There is a good show, Qin Fei is not an ordinary god...

"Oops!" Zhuang Dazhuang didn't know that Qin Fei had already cultivated the body of water spirit. He couldn't help but cried out when Zhao Zun attacked with 30% strength.

Qin Fei squinted his eyes and watched Zhao Zun's attack intently. He calmed down when he saw Zhao Zun's attack so much. When Zhao Zun's attack could no longer be changed, he gave a low cry, and the blue light filled his body, surging strongly. The Shui Xuan Qi of the water is rolling like a vast ocean, and the momentum is compelling.

Zhao Zun's expression was shocked, but the move had already been made, and he couldn't take it back.


A loud noise like a tsunami erupted, and a violent blue ocean suddenly detonated.


Qin Fei withdrew 100 meters, his body slanted, and a mouthful of blood spurted out of his mouth, but he did not fall down like everyone imagined. Instead, he faintly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and looked at Zhao Zun indifferently.

"What's the matter? He didn't die?"

"Oh my god, when I was hit by Senior Zhao, he just vomited blood, my eyes must have gone!"

People looked at Qin Fei in disbelief, wondering why he was fine?

Only four people at the scene knew what was going on.

"Brother Han, you are not kind, it turns out that he has become a water spirit body! No wonder you don't panic at all!" Zhuang Dazhuang said with joy.

Han Xiong smiled and appeared in front of Qin Fei, staring at Zhao Zun closely, fearing that he would not be creditable and start again.

Yan Feiyun was blinded. He looked at Qin Fei incredulously, his eyes filled with horror. With his insight, he had naturally seen Qin Fei's water spirit body. He never expected that a **** king would have cultivated. Innate spirit body, even he himself failed.

Zhao Zun's eyes flashed murderously, and finally disappeared, and he said in a deep voice: "Boy, no wonder you dare to do this! This time I miscalculated! Remember from now on, don't provoke Laozi, or you will kill you!"

He was so angry that he understood that Qin Fei was fooled, that the body of water spirit was completely immune to the power of the gods who cultivated the profound energy of the water system. Qin Fei had eaten himself, so he dared to be so presumptuous.

He also secretly said that he had miscalculated. If the strength at that time could exceed 50%, then Qin Fei would now be a dead body.

But even so, he used 30% of his strength to rely on his infinitely close proximity to the **** emperor to wound Qin Fei.

But he didn't kill Qin Fei, he lost his face, he took this grudge in his heart, and he must repay it in the future.

Qin Fei was not feeling well at this time. The internal organs seemed to be split, and the pain was extremely severe. Although he resisted the blow, the injury was not light, and he needed a period of recuperation.

"Thank you Senior Zhao for being merciful, can we go in?" Qin Fei asked, looking at Zhao Zun's ugly face.

"Huh! I'm the one who speaks! Go in!" Zhao Zun is gone, and in front of so many people, he must fulfill his promise.

"What else are there?" Qin Fei pointed at the things beside him.

"Here you are!" Zhao Zun is also simply, these things are not very important, they are only to kill other people's power and prestige, enjoy the dedication of everyone, but now, in order to show his generosity, he only Can hand over.

Everyone took good things and looked at Qin Fei gratefully. These things were of little use to Zhao Zun, but to them, they were the most precious treasures. They could bring them back. They had never dreamed of them before, but How can we not be grateful for being able to retake it with Qin Fei's help?

"Haha, Yan Feiyun, we'll go in first!" Zhuang Dazhuang gave Yan Feiyun a playful look before striding into the mountain gate with Qin Fei and others.

"Senior, you can't stay here!" Yan Feiyun said.

Zhao Zun nodded and said gloomily: "You must kill him, and he must be killed as soon as he hasn't grown up, otherwise it will be a threat to my ancestors! Nephew, on the way back..."

He lowered his voice and explained a few words to Yan Feiyun.

Yan Feiyun flashed a hideous eye, nodded solemnly, and then walked into the mountain gate.

When crossing the mountain gate, Qin Fei and all the people who came to show it for the first time showed awe.

The mountain gate should be a formation that obscured the sight of Shuntian Mansion. After stepping through the mountain gate, a beautiful place like a fairyland appeared in front of you, wide and endless, and there were magnificent palaces, spacious streets, and quiet. The path is poetic and gorgeous, and the rich profound energy fills every corner. It is refreshing to take a breath.

"This is like a shrunken world, full of formations and organs everywhere, and only the people in the mansion can walk around at will. Please don't walk around at will, lest you get caught in the formation!" Han Xiong and Zhuang Dazhuang told their own people. .

"Also, don't touch the plants and trees here, so as not to hurt them, and behave in a low-key manner so as not to cause trouble. The people here are also strong at the lowest level of cultivation, which is not something you can handle! Here, even if it is We dare not say that we can protect ourselves, so you have to be very careful!"

In the face of the two people's advice, Qin Fei and the others nodded solemnly. Indeed, as they said, from a glance, everyone who passed by was almost equal to Han Xiong's strength. To provoke them, isn't it to die?

"You come with me!" Yan Feiyun, Zhao Zun and others walked over. Zhao Zun asked everyone to gather, and then a strong breath enveloped everyone and appeared in a courtyard in the blink of an eye.

The scent of birds and flowers in the courtyard, the environment is elegant and unique.

An old man in the courtyard glanced at everyone indifferently, very indifferent, as if looking at a group of ants.

"Welcome to the ancient! This is the person from Sanzhuang who came to congratulate the palace lord on his birthday. Please check the ancient!" Zhao Zun respectfully said to the old man.

"Well, you go back!" Gu nodded indifferently, then looked at Han Xiong and others, his eyes swept across everyone's faces.

Qin Fei's heart was shocked. Although this ancient was swept across with his eyes at random, it went straight to all parts of his body. This seemed to be what Zhao Zun was talking about.

"You three should be the current masters of the three villages, right? The strength is still barely feasible. After the palace owner's birthday, you will report to the general affairs office!" The ancients first saw the three of Han Xiong.

"Thank you for being ancient!" Han Xiong and the three were overjoyed and hurriedly thanked them.

"The old man is looking at these little guys..." The ancients didn't care about the thanks to the three people at all, and looked at the others indifferently, his eyes swept away one by one.

There was no emotional fluctuation on his old and wrinkled face. He looked at everyone indifferently. Everyone who was swept by his eyes looked nervous, as if all his secrets were in his eyes. Concealed.

The ancients sometimes looked indifferent, and sometimes a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes. It could be seen that he was not satisfied with everyone's performance.

When his gaze swept across a person from Ancestral Village, his expression changed, and a flash of surprise flashed through him. He nodded in satisfaction and said: "The golden profound energy cultivated by this child is very good, and it is very pure. Cultivation will surely achieve the innate spirit body!"

When Yan Feiyun heard this, he was immediately overwhelmed with joy, and said with joy, "Thank you, Gu, this is my youngest son Yan Hang."

"Well, yes, the Yan family has also figured out the talent!" Gu nodded and couldn't help but admired.

Yan Feiyun looked at Han Xiong and Zhuang Dazhuang triumphantly. Zhuang Dazhuang's expression was gloomy. He was naturally upset that he did not have such a talented person, but Han Xiong didn't take it seriously, because Qin Fei was much better than Yan Hang.