Supreme Martial Artist

Chapter 944: Motion sickness!

Why are you nervous? Akira!

Although this thing called a car was magical, it shook in a panic, and Qin Fei felt very uncomfortable. Sitting on it was not only gassy, ​​but also turbulent, dangling, like a box-spring bed, making his mind dizzy. My chest is stuffy, my stomach is upset, I want to vomit.

This phenomenon has appeared since his first ride in a car, but he has been trying to endure it. This is the third trip today. He really can't bear it. Even if he uses profound energy to suppress it, he can't control his body's reaction. , It's really annoying.

It's better to fly by yourself, the air is fresh and stable, much better than this iron box.

The gluttons in the back row were in the same situation as the gods of the holy pond. One face was flushed, his throat rolled, and his hands covered his stomach, feeling uncomfortable.

Xiong Linlin saw this scene in the rearview mirror, and then looked at Qin Fei sideways, and immediately understood what had happened to them. A smile suddenly appeared on Cherry's mouth, she suddenly put the gear on, and slammed on the accelerator. Suddenly, the police car made a rumbling sound, and the speed suddenly accelerated again, turned around, and got on a bad road with few vehicles and pedestrians.

She is very familiar with the road conditions in the county town. When she first became a police officer and inspector, she worked as a police officer for two weeks. She understood all the routes thoroughly. This road is the old ring road. It has been in disrepair for a long time, and with the new ring road, it has not been repaired. It has been so empty, and there are usually few vehicles passing through.

This road is extremely bad, with potholes several meters wide everywhere, which is a good place to find excitement!

Who are you looking for excitement? Of course it is for the distinguished guest Qin Fei!

Seeing them motion sickness, Xiong Linlin thought to fix them, to see if he dared to drag them like this.

On the bad road, Qin Fei and the three people really couldn’t help it. The car bumped too hard. Many times it bounced obviously when it passed the pit. It was suspended in the air for four wheels, and when it landed, it vibrated and bumped. Shake all the intestines out.

"Did you deliberately?" Qin Fei held back his vomit, and looked sideways at the smiling Xiong Linlin. This side, just looking at her beautiful and charming side, the tall breasts, like two towering, standing mountains, the scenery striking.

It's a pity that he is not in the mood to appreciate it now, his eyes are almost trembling.

Xiong Linlin ignored him, determined not to speak, and continued to drive, increasing the speed faster and shaking more severely.

From this, the first thing that couldn't help it was gluttonous, sitting in the back seat, shaking most violently, spreading under his **** without filtering, and then spreading all over his body.


He vomited out of the car window with his probe. The vomit was out of control, and he kept vomiting like he had broken a bank.

Under his influence, the Holy Pond God Venerable, who had always kept calm and calm, couldn't maintain his cool and calmness. He turned his head and threw up violently on the other side.

Qin Fei sighed that he was really a hero and lonely, the dignified master of the perfect stage, moving mountains and seas within a single thought, would not frown in the face of the collapse of the sky, and in front of this small car, he would also have to lose.


He couldn't help it anymore, groaning in his throat, an aura of vomiting.

At this time, Xiong Linlin, who couldn't help it, finally laughed, and finally she said: "What? Do you want to vomit? It's nothing more than that! You are really worse than a woman, you are not ashamed?"

When Qin Fei heard it, his heart was overwhelmed, Nima was so compelling!

He is not the one who suffers. If you want to watch your brother's jokes, not vomiting makes you happy!

There is no way, the ordinary suppression method can't suppress the tumbling in the body, but can you change it to other methods?

For example, stop now!

As soon as the profound energy turned, a ray of golden light shone from under his feet and instantly came to Xiong Linlin's feet.


Suddenly with a crisp sound, Xiong Linlin stopped the car in a hurry and looked down. She couldn't help stomping her feet with anger. The accelerator pedal actually broke?

This thing will actually break?

"What's the matter? Go ahead, don't care about me, I can stand it!" Qin Fei jokingly said, feeling better, and finally stopped shaking, and finally calmed down in his body.

The spitting noise behind him stopped at this time, no more jolts, and with the gluttony ability of the two, he immediately controlled the body's reaction.

"What drive? Who cares about you? The car is broken, let's walk!" Xiong Linlin didn't expect Qin Fei's ghost, they are strong, but it is impossible to intentionally break the car, right?

It must be that the quality of this car is too bad, and it’s too irritating. Next time you change the car, you must advise the Secretary that you should never buy a car of this brand. There is a pile of **** and tattered. Don't let the criminals escape? Little today's things are really unreliable, so stay away from the future.

The road was bad, occasionally a car passed by, leaving dust in the sky.

Xiong Linlin started to regret it a bit, why did she choose this route? Didn't this hurt yourself?

She called the bureau, asked someone to come to the trailer, and then said to Qin Fei with a displeased face: "We are walking and crossing this road to the library!"


As soon as she finished speaking, an off-road vehicle suddenly rushed in from a distance, and the driver on it yelled in a panic: "Get out of the way, the brakes are not working..."

She was frightened. The car was less than five meters away from her, and the speed was so fast that she was about to hit it. Even if she was agile and suddenly encountered this kind of danger, there was a momentary blank in her mind.

Just when she was about to be hit, a strong hand suddenly grabbed her arm and yanked it over, avoiding the off-road vehicle that had hit him frantically, and the car whizzed past. Crashed into a grocery store nearby.

Xiong Linlin realized that it was Qin Fei who saved her.

But now the posture of the two makes her very embarrassed. Qin Fei grabbed her waist, and the two chests were close to each other. At this time, she was like a bird that only leaned against people, nestled in his broad chest.

She could clearly feel the body temperature passed from Qin Fei's body, hot and scorching, and could even feel his breathing and heartbeat, an overbearing and wild breath rushing toward her face, making her face flush to the roots of her ears instantly.

These feelings all came from her chest, because at this time her proud mountains were pressing tightly against the opponent's chest, and she looked very ashamed.

She hurriedly backed away from Qin Fei, and when she looked back when the off-road vehicle had crashed into the grocery store, her eyes were tight, and she hurried over to see if anyone was injured.

The off-road vehicle rolled over inside the store and crashed the groceries at the entrance of the store. The driver just injured some flesh and it was not a major problem. He was panicking moving the cigarette cabinet in front of the driver. A **** leg was exposed underneath. Someone was injured!

"What are you doing in a daze? Come and save people!" Xiong Linlin turned around and yelled at Qin Fei.

Qin Fei and the others had never met this before. How could they have thought that there would be such a serious matter. He ran over immediately after hearing this. The situation on the scene was a bit complicated. When the front of the car fell, he knocked down the smoke cabinet, and the smoke cabinet was suppressed while sitting in the cabinet. An old man behind, and the smoke cabinet was pressed by the wheel again. The old man's legs were bleeding, and a wooden stick thick with a thumb was inserted more than half a foot deep in his chest and heart.

The driver and Xiong Linlin were moving the smoke cabinet together, but they couldn't move at all, the wheels were pressed, and they couldn't move the car.

"Let him try!" Qin Fei motioned to them to step aside and let Gourmet go up.

The driver said anxiously: "What do you try? Go and find a stick. Let's lift the wheel together, and then you will move the smoke cabinet away!"

How can one person move a car so heavy? So the driver is very anxious. If this is dead, the consequences will be serious.

Xiong Linlin looked around and found that there was no stick that could bear the weight of the car. She knew Qin Fei and their abilities very well, and said to the driver: "Comrade, I am a policeman and an investigator. Let him try it, nothing will happen! "

The driver saw her police and badges, and immediately yelled: "Comrade, you have to prove for me. I didn't kill people on purpose. The brakes suddenly failed and I lost control!"

"Okay, go to the side!" Xiong Linlin frowned. This guy, whose life is dead, is still thinking about it at this time.

The driver hurried back to the side, his expression very anxious, he was worried, how could a person move the car away?

But the next scene surprised him so that his eyes were about to fall out.

The **** gluttonously lifted the wheel with one hand and moved the wheel away. What made the driver distressed was that after he moved away, he actually raised his hand and lifted the two-ton off-road vehicle, and then thumped it. Throw it out of the grocery store.

Broken glass in one place, residue in one place.