Supreme Martial Artist

~: I protest!

"You can't do this to me! I protest!"

"The protest is invalid! Squat aside!"

"Okay! You guys! Don't let my brother wait for the chance!" Qin Fei fought for a moment, but was still ruthlessly forced to the corner by the two women to continue drawing circles, muttering incessantly, nothing more than: "Curse you big My aunt has taken a break from work, cursing you to have early menopause, and cursing you to be leftover women all your life."

He wondered. After he went out, he would take the madman to see the world of Huahua, find a woman more beautiful than Luyi to be his horse, throw Luyi, quack, let her cry and go blind, and see how she pulls it. ? Huh...

This madman is really true, he is simply a masochist, and he will be happy after a long time? Happy fart? This guy is purely stupid and compelling, so let’s talk to him less in the future, so as not to be affected and become nagging...

"Tomorrow we will set out to try! It's already late, Mother of Halloween, please rest first!" Luyi said.

"Well, good, but where do I live?" Xuan Linger said.

"There are other stone rooms here, please come with me!" Luyi said.

"Wait, what about me?" Qin Fei cried, he didn't want to stay with Yu suffocated, this guy would be contagious.

"You? Live outside!" Luyi pointed out Shimen.

"Huh? Live in the passage? Not even a room? I protest..." Qin Fei shouted.

"The protest is invalid!" Luyi said coldly.

"Another suggestion, can I live with him?" Qin Fei immediately stepped back and let him live in the passage. Although this is nothing, it is obviously discrimination. Of course he has to fight. Since the protest is invalid, he will reluctantly. Stay bored with Yu for one night, and believe that with your strong immunity, you should not be infected with stupid illness.

"No! I live with him, you get out and live!" Luyi immediately objected, showing no mercy.

"Hey..." Yu smirked dullly, looking happy.

"You are awesome! Don't forget that Brother is a descendant of the stars, the saint of the prehistoric land, you dare to abuse me, be careful that you can't eat it in the future!" Qin Fei gritted his teeth.

"Let's talk about it when you become a saint! Now you are a worm!" Lu Yi said with disdain, and did not put him in his eyes.

Worm again!

Qin Fei was angry, looking at Luyi angrily, **** it, daring to say that he was a worm, and a man could not bear it. He had to ask her to single out and let her taste whether it was a worm or a dragon.

Wait, why is there a murderous eye staring at yourself?

Turning his head to see, Nima was so frightened that he jumped and quickly dispelled the idea of ​​continuing to quarrel with Luyi, Xuan Ling'er was staring at him with murderous eyes.

It turned out that the struggle was useless. Qin Fei was kicked out, squatting in a circle at the root of the passage wall, Xuan Ling'er walked past him with a silver bell-like laughter, and entered another stone room. Lu Yi opened the door and introduced. Said that the stone room was her boudoir.

Then Lu Yi retired and walked out. He didn't even look at Qin Fei when he passed by, being very arrogant.

After she walked into Yu's bored stone room and closed the door, he murmured while drawing a circle: "Blessed by the heavens and spirits, Yu's bored does not lift, does not lift, does not lift... Hey, fight with brother..."

He listened carefully and paid attention to the movement behind the stone gate. As a result, one night passed, and there was no sound of red, panting and accelerating sound like the battle between the two. It made him feel very happy. It seemed that the prayer was successful, green The girl hasn't played for one night, I feel bored, and it really doesn't rise!

He wasn't sleepy, just stayed like this at dawn, wanting to see if Luyi would fight Yu suffocated like a sorrowful woman after he came out.

Squeak, the Shimen opened, he looked over expectantly, full of joy, and finally could see the joke.

"Brother Yu, in the future you can't leave me like you did before!" The two appeared at the door, Lu Yi actually nestled next to Yu Depressed like a bird, and said affectionately and sweetly.

"In the future?"

Qin Fei was shocked, fucking, two people passed by? No way? There was no movement at all last night. Could it be that they did it with spiritual communication? So advanced? Completely out of the body?

"Well, Ayi, over the years I have deeply realized that without you, even if I have the world, what would happen? I will be happy only if you are by my side. As long as you are by my side, no matter where you are, The world is in our hearts, and you are my entire world. Without you, the world would have no air and no power..." Yu suffocated, holding Luyi's waist in one hand, while looking at her affectionately.


Qin Fei wants to vomit, fucking, I feel bored, it's time to change the title, love saint, this guy is the real love saint, it is earth-shattering to talk about nasty things, ghosts and gods are shocked, such words can also be said, it is true It's talent, the best talent!

Fortunately, I also helped him analyze the advantages and disadvantages for a long time. Feelings are pretending!

"What are you doing?" Lu Yi stared at him dissatisfiedly, vomiting like crazy.

"It's nothing, you continue to show, I didn't see anything, I didn't hear anything!" Qin Fei stopped hurriedly, this female tyrannosaurus can't be offended, everything can be removed, but the couple cannot. Demolition will surely lead to major issues, and it is better to ignore it.

"Ayi, let's go and let the Mother of All Saints set off!" Yu felt bored, oh no, it should be Yu Qingsheng's affectionate way.

Qin Fei looked at him so badly, resisting his nausea, turned his head to the side, and saw nothing.

After calling Xuan Ling'er, Lu Yi did a good deed and lifted Qin Fei's imprisonment.

"Don't want to run, I have no interest in your stellar inheritance, and you can't cultivate even if you win it. Now we are on the same front, you can do it!" Luyi said.

Qin Fei breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't hurt himself, he didn't bother to care about the others, and restored his freedom. He moved his hands and feet and waved his hand, "Go, let's go!"

"What are you yelling for? Follow behind, you have this ability, you only need to be responsible for watching later!" Luyi unceremoniously hit someone's fragile mind.

"Fuck! You look down on people! What about her?" Qin Fei yelled, pointing to Xuan Ling'er. Her strength is now only Shenming, and she is not as good as herself, is Lu Yi too ignorant?

"How can the Mother of All Saints be comparable to you? She is only temporarily recovering her cultivation base now. She was a supreme master back then. You can destroy a world with a wave of hands. You can compare with her? Interesting?" Luyi Disdain.

"Brother is still a descendant of the stars, the saint who saves the world!" Qin Fei was not convinced, the difference in treatment was too big.

"Let's talk about it when you have that kind of power, anyway, you can be a good kid now!" Luyi didn't give Qin Fei any face.


Damn it!

Qin Fei almost couldn't help but go mad, and actually said he was a little brother?

But think about it carefully, in front of her, it seems that I can only be a little brother happily, the reason is very simple, I can't beat her.

Wasn't it the same when he took in his younger brother? Whoever has the big fist is the eldest brother, there is no difference in essence.

The younger brother should be the younger brother, since you want to be the older sister, then let you have a few days, don't let the brother catch the opportunity to turn over, when you are asked to be a younger brother, you will know the methods of the older brother.

"Well, I'll be your little brother! Big sister, you have to cover me in the future!" He immediately laughed and said, acting like a sincere little brother.

"It's almost the same, let's go, let's set off!" Luyi smiled triumphantly, and walked in the forefront with Yu Kuangren.

"Wait, eldest sister, the mother of All Saints should be higher than you? Why don't you know how to be polite?" Qin Fei sneered.

"Uh...Do you still need to remind you? The Virgin has not recovered now, so of course Yu Hong and I have to protect her!" Lu Yi said with a relaxed expression when she saw the trick.

"Okay! Whatever you want." Qin Fei sighed helplessly. What Luyi said left him without the power to refute. People really made sense. Xuan Ling'er is too weak now, so if he goes ahead, he is in danger. In trouble.

Looking at the back of Luyi walking in front of him, he viciously thought of calling you to pull, your respectful Mother of Halloween is not brother's younger brother, you are the younger brother, haha...

The green led the way, and quickly walked out of the vine passage, turned left and turned right, spared hundreds of turns, and appeared in front of a stone gate.

There was no giant beast along the way. Luyi herself felt a little strange. She used to be here at this time, but there were giant beasts everywhere, but the breath that gave her scared away, but this time there was no beast. Seeing it, it really puzzled her!