Survival In the Crypt Starting In Tokyo

Chapter 175: Brand new player data (1/2)

"This is really a less pleasing answer..." Dakenis' expression was helpless.

Lin Anlan shook his head: "You are really strange, you know what I will say, but I still hope to hear a definite reply from others."

"Perhaps it is because I still have a hint of fortune, if we are defeated by a greedy and indiscriminate civilization..."

"Is there a difference?" Lin Anlan showed a sarcastic smile at the corner of his mouth.

Even in the era when NC doctrine is rampant, many things are not because of simple greed and indiscriminate killing of innocents.

After all, the reason why FXS has come to that point is to a large extent because the solidification of this civilized class can hardly be shaken. In this case, it is difficult to expect the rulers in the upper strata of this class to directly cut their flesh and blood. Way to grow.

This is not in line with human nature.

Therefore, in order to complete the iteration of the entire civilization, the simplest and no-brained method is to awaken the entire group's vision of the once glorious civilization with a strong national consciousness, and then force the entire civilization to redistribute resources through the intervention of external forces.

No civilization would simply wield a butcher knife against other civilizations simply because of greed and indiscriminate killing.

The essence of war is the continuation of zz, and zz itself can reflect to a certain extent a civilization’s views and attitudes towards what it aspires to, its future development direction, and its historical mission.

Therefore, although Dakenis was born in the noble class, but his position as a class is not clear.

He can understand this somewhat, after all, the overall humanistic style of Suqing's world is more inclined to the traditional system of aristocratic rule.

"If this is what you want to say, I will also give you a piece of advice. Since you have joined our group, don't have too many ideas, especially for other civilizations that have not been assimilated by me...

What I said may be a bit cruel. In the era when the world of the catacombs descends and the endless world is shrouded in its shadow, no civilization can get rid of its influence and become an independent existence.

We, after all, are just a bunch of bugs, a bunch of bugs that adapt to the rules of survival while trying to live. "

He glanced at Daknis, pointed to the adventurer card in her hand and said, "Compared to this, you might as well think of something else, such as...

How to face a brand new choice, try to ensure your own preferences, while living happily, although this is a bit self-deception. "

Lin Anlan's words made Dakenis look down at his adventurer card.

Knowing that there is no help, she seems to be able to reluctantly let go, and then go to meet the new future.

She allocated the reset ability value almost without thinking, and the adventurer card suddenly shattered and disappeared before her eyes after the allocation was completed.

Lin Anlan chuckled: "You are the first adventurer who has determined his development direction so decisively, which is very good."

Yes, the adventurers who have obtained the adventurer card so far have not allocated all their abilities, except for the fellow Daknis.

Name: Darkness (real name: Dustinis Ford Lalatina)

Grade: LV11

professional player

Race: Human

Resonance intensity: 12050/12050

Resonance value: 3300/3300

Mechanical force value: 1000/1000

Strength: 410

Movement speed: 150

Traits: 1 Element 1: Developmentability 2 Element 2: Resurrection Ability 3 Element 3: Growth Weapon 4 Element 4: Teleport Function 5 Element 5: Unrestricted Skill Library 6 Element 6: Potential Reset

Skills: Metal Body, Toughness, Stoneskin, Titan Armor, Rune·Toughness, Rune Vigor...

This is the special panel that Dakenis possesses after Lin Anlan re-updated the relevant data in the adventurer's card.

"These values... seem to be different from the values ​​represented by the previous adventurer cards." Daknis hesitated.

Lin Anlan nodded and said without hesitation: "This is normal. The current data is just a preliminary framework. How to measure the relevant values ​​in these data is itself a relatively vague algorithm.

But since the people you are here are willing to stay, I can tell you more or less. "

Lin Anlan looked around at the dozen or so people remaining in the surrounding area, and a slight smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

"The first thing is about the strength of resonance, you can simply understand it as the value of life.

Since your bodies are all made of special substances called AP virus crystals, every player has the theoretical special properties of AP virus crystals.

When I was shaping your body, I integrated the relevant parameters of the AP virus crystal, so that the player's body that each of you originally had will be all that has your original body's vitality.

Because the AP virus crystal itself is under your control, it is almost impossible to lose your health in the actual control process with pure physical strikes.

Even if your body is broken into two pieces and forced to regenerate, your life value itself will not be reduced in any way.

But be aware that this is only the vast majority of cases.

You can't expect that you can guarantee your complete resurrection under the blow of burst magic.

Energy attacks or even pure mysterious blows will permanently wear down the resonance intensity of your body.

If the resonance intensity returns to can only look for players of other races to transform into players' bodies to use.

So these are also some small suggestions I personally give. If you can, don't die, at least don't die so simply, go hunt and kill a monster corpse that fits your expectations as a backup.

I will use those corpses to transform them into new player bodies for you to use. Since the new player bodies are also under your control, you can use those new bodies to devour other lives and transform everything about them into your resonance intensity.

Then-I allow you to transfer part of the resonance intensity to your original body.

I think you don’t want your original body to be permanently extinct. This is my greatest benefit to you. "

Dakenis nodded, and then asked, "What about the resonance value?"

"Resonance value, you can simply understand it as magic. After you become extraordinary professionals, you will have renewable professional energy. These professional energy will be transformed into an almost universal energy in resonance, at least for the current For you--

At present, what you can learn and the ability, there is no resonance value can not be activated skills. "