Survival In the Crypt Starting In Tokyo

Chapter 3: "Paint the skin", launch

The factory where Kentaro Miike is located belongs to the armed supply department under the consortium consortium, and can learn much more than the people in the field.

APOCALYPSEVIRUS has a long history of rampant fate, and the exact time can no longer be considered.

But the real full-scale outbreak, from a disaster confined to one place on the island of Japan, to a global disease spreading across the world, was around Christmas in 2029, about ten years ago.

In just two days, the virus erupted from a small-scale chaos to a worldwide catastrophe.

After a heavy snowfall, the world changed.

Later, the headquarters of the Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in Japan (SCAP·GHQ) took the opportunity to take over Hishima, and the Roppongi District of Tokyo was blocked as a result.

With the intervention of GHQ, Roppongi District has become a grazing area for the hegemonic countries that can neutralize the world. Research on the Apocalypse virus is basically carried out around the relevant research institutes under the GHQ.

Of course, the external GHQ still claims that they are just managing the chaotic Hishima.

Well, yes, take care of it.

Mastering the most advanced modern thermal weapons and GHQ based on genetic weapons developed by the Apocalypse virus is really just for management, and does not replace the official ZF.

Although they have the armed forces, they are allowed to shoot and kill "chaotic" civilians, they can carry out law enforcement and bring the "infected" civilians back to quarantine, and even on the quasi-zenith track above the island, they can launch attacks on the ground regardless of terrain and buildings. One of the "white blood cells" on the satellite base of China has never pointed its muzzle away from the island.

However, SCAP·GHQ never admits that it has deprived a country of sovereignty.

After all, the face is still needed.

However, in recent years, GHQ has become more and more restless. Due to the high mortality rate of the Apocalypse virus, countries have begun to conduct in-depth research and development against this virus.

After all, the Apocalypse virus is different from any virus they have known in the past.

The mechanism of the existence and infection of this virus is very metaphysical, so that the research and development of the mechanism of the operation of this virus can bring new breakthroughs in materials science and biology.

He glanced at the Gautier, a second-generation mass production machine that was slowly pulled out of the assembly factory in the distance.

The "genome resonance transmission technology" of the first and second generation machines can put the controller's consciousness into the body, making the body more flexible than manual control, and this technology itself is also a product of research on the apocalypse virus.

The specific principle is not well understood, but when he attended the birthday party of the future heir of the Jiujiin Foundation-Jiujiin Arisa, I heard several executives say something like "Void Resonance".

Well, take a note here, and you can quote it when you talk to other executives in the future.

Thinking of this, Kentaro's expression became more solemn.

Kentaro’s arsenal is one of the second-generation mass-produced Gautier series armor foundries jointly established by the Consortium and GHQ. Technical support is provided by GHQ, and the consortium provides assembly lines, technical workers and funds to form a joint venture company. .

Built outside the wall is to increase the possibility of the lack of vision to send commercial spies to steal related technology, and also to prevent ghosts who want to grab mass-produced Gautiers overwhelmingly.

This kind of isolated and helpless field, it is very difficult to walk safely to the nearby base city. Risking this almost mortal danger to transport the mass-produced Gautier, the possibility cannot be said to be impossible, but it can indeed greatly reduce the enshrinement. The troubles of the hospital consortium.

However, this has nothing to do with me. Uncle Michi is about to be assigned to GHQ to be a post. This small break has nothing to do with me.

"Boom boom boom~"

There was a sudden knock at the door.


Kentaro opened the door, and then he saw a somewhat familiar worker and a strange boy.

The teenager smiled at him:

"Good morning, Mr. Miike."

"Well, may I ask you who are you?" Kentaro was stunned for a moment. An unfamiliar face looked delicate and sunny, which was very eye-catching.

It's just that he looked at the juvenile's somewhat tattered and dusty clothes again, and subconsciously frowned.

A survivor in a small town outside the wall?

There were still many such survivors two or three years ago, but as Tokyo’s base city has less and less rescues for the people remaining outside the walls, Tokyo basically tacitly acquiesced that they were fate for themselves.

It was a group of sewer crowds who were more miserable than the average refugees in the Roppongi slums. This type of people could not enter the wall, and there was no basic security guarantee.

The infected persons in Roppongi need a reason to be captured by forces such as GHQ. The survivors do not have any human rights and can survive, relying on the relief provided by ZF and external donations.

The value of their existence is to provide GHQ and other institutions with materials for studying viruses, provide channels for other people in society to squander excess conscience, and realize the redistribution of resources for Nishima.

He suddenly felt something was wrong, and subconsciously stepped back, trying to close the door.

Why is there a low-level person in the joint factory dedicated to the courtyard chaebol and GHQ? How could the security personnel of the camp let a refugee in?

However, he was still slow.

Because at the moment he just backed away, the boy turned around and kicked, throwing his foot directly on Kentaro's chest.

A heavy kick directly kicked him a few meters away, fell on the ground and curled up in the city, shaking all over, making a drowning whimper.

He opened his mouth wide and retched, the corners of his mouth leaked out uncontrollably, and a bellows-like growl came from his throat.

"Long time no see, Mr. Kentaro." As if nothing happened, the boy stepped into the door and gently closed the door. "A friend, let me say hello to you on her behalf. "

The smiling face looked like an evil spirit in Kentaro's eyes.

Lin Anlan squatted down next to Kentaro, and poked at Kentaro who was out of breath:

"I wanted to see if there are any good things in the camp outside the city, but I didn't expect that now you have not been dispatched to the Source Plasma Genetic Research Institute, and you are still in the garbage dump.

Very good, as a result, the success rate of my plan is much higher. "

"You~hehe~ who are you..."

The human body is very fragile. The boy kicked Kentaro without reservation, and his ribs were directly broken.

He just felt that his breathing was getting harder and harder, and his purple face was staring at the smiling young man, as if he wanted an answer.

"Maybe the kingdom of the dead will give you some different answers."

The boy didn't fulfill his wish, he just stretched out his palm to cover his eyes: "I'm sorry, and also, sleep peacefully!"

Accompanied by a sound of bones called impact, at the moment when the consciousness was fragmented, Kentaro heard the boy whispering: "Paint the skin", start. "