Survival In the End of the World

Chapter 42: Not worthy of love

   "Mow, I didn't mean it, don't be angry."

   Ye Qing'er was holding his mouth and holding back the smile in his heart. This little bad meow picked up a pink and white sportswear and put it on her body, looking very cute and cute.

   Especially her little puffy face, I really want to knead her a few times.

   "Mow, come here and push out this generator. The smell of the basement is too unpleasant."

   Chen Yi wiped his face with his greasy hands, feeling almost suffocated, hot and tired, and would not have done it himself if he knew it.

   "Brother, you go out and rest for a while."

   Li Miao'er's small face is full of distressed expressions, his brother's body is so delicate, and this cow-cleaning let him do his work, it is really unworthy to have love.

   She hurriedly held Chen Yi by the arm and pulled him to the ventilated and shady place at the door, and then gently wiped the sweat off his face with her small hand.

   "It's okay, Meow, wait for the generator to be installed and take a shower at home."

   Chen Yi smiled lightly and sat down and took a breath. It was as hot as a steamer. If there was no electricity, he would have heat stroke within two days.

   Li Miao'er pursed her mouth and nodded. She glared at Ye Qing'er viciously, and then said softly: "Brother, then you should rest here for a while. Sister Qing'er and I will get the generator out."

   Ye Qing'er looked at the young man sitting on the ground with a smudged face. She felt a little confused, but now it was too late to say anything, so she could only find a chance to make up for it.

   "After the second **** rain, the weather became more than ten degrees hotter. It really doesn't give ordinary people a way to survive."

   Chen Yi squinted his eyes and pondered quietly. He felt that it would not take long to develop according to this phenomenon.

   There are no ordinary people in this world, except for relying on the strong, or betraying the body to get a chance to live.

   The evolution of species is cruel, and only the real strong can live comfortably.

   "Dai Niu Qing, just like you, don't have ideas about matching your brother at all."

   Li Miaoer's beautiful eyes were full of anger. If there were no worries, I would have wanted to go up and beat her a long time ago.

   Ye Qing'er pursed her mouth and did not refute. She lifted the steel frame behind the generator and said: "First lift the generator out, then fix the stuck wheels and push it back directly to save a lot of effort."


   The two people worked together to move the generator to the middle of the basement. The wheel under the steel frame on the right got stuck. They used steel bars to pry it for a while before fixing the four wheels.

Li Miaoer found a steel chain and tied it to the shelf in front. She took her big knife to the generator, and then cleared the zombies at the door to the side, and then commanded: "Cow Qing, I will pull the front, you are behind Just push it."

   "Such a heavy generator, it will be difficult to move it away in the future."

   Ye Qing'er pushed **** the water-cooling plate behind the generator. Fortunately, it had wheels. If you moved it back, it would be really tiring to vomit blood.

   "Brother, stop sitting on the ground, we are going home."

   Li Miaoer stopped and shouted. The two of them were covered in dust, their hands, faces and legs were stained with oil, as if they had just rolled in the mud.

   "Mow, let's clean up this generator first, and we will have to go to the hardware store to get some tools later."

   Chen Yi got up and went to the office inside. He washed his face with the water from the drinking fountain, and then took two brooms and handed them to the sister Meow behind him.

   "Sister Qing'er, Miao'er, clean the dust in the generator and change it to a new bucket of oil. This can reduce a lot of noise and reduce the probability of failure."

   Chen Yi took a screwdriver and removed the heat sink and the engine shell. The inside was covered with a thick layer of dust, which almost blocked the air outlet. It is estimated that he had not cleaned and maintained it once after he bought it.

   "Brother, let me come, you go to the door and rest for a while."

   Li Miaoer smiled and pushed his brother to the door. Don't let him do such simple things.

   "Miao'er, Qing'er sister, just clean up the dust."

   Chen Yi smiled lightly and sat on the floor at the door. The cute little cats turned into little gray cats, and it was worth the effort.

   When you finish the generator, you don’t have to worry about running out of electricity in the future, and you can also blow on the air conditioner comfortably.


   It took Li Miaoer more than ten minutes. They cleaned the inside and outside of the generator and wiped it with a wet towel.

   "It's almost done, Miao'er, Qing'er sister, let's rest for a while."

   Chen Yi smiled and handed out two bottles of green tea. He went to the office for a while and only found a few computers and mobile phones, as well as some useless things.


   Li Miaoer and the two took the green tea and drank it in one breath. Their pretty faces were covered with sweat and dirt, and they were almost indistinguishable from the dirt.

   "Huh... Brother, I'm so tired."

   Li Miaoer blinked her beautiful eyes. She wanted to eat the food cooked by her brother, and she wanted to lie in the air-conditioned room and let him massage herself before doing something bad.

   "Mow, pull the generator back and it will be fine. Hold on for a while."

   Chen Yi smiled and squeezed Miao’s sister’s cheek, touched her hand and got ashes, just imagine how dirty it was.

   "Xiao Yi, do you know how to wire and install a generator?" Ye Qing'er asked questioningly while pushing.

   "Sister Qinger, what's the problem? Just connect the wires and connect to the generator."

   Chen Yi took the broom and walked ahead to clear the stones on the road. The concrete road was still quite flat, and the two of them didn't need much effort at all.


   Ye Qing'er and Li Miao'er fell silent for a while, and both of them fell into contemplation.

   Something that even a little man knows, but the two of them don't understand at all. Is it because you are too stupid? Or is he too smart?

The two silently pushed the generator to the entrance of their own corridor, "Brother...I'm so Li Miao'er hugged his arm and rubbed it lightly, and there was a touch of water floating in his beautiful eyes. Mist, I really want his gentle caress.

"Yeah." Chen Yi smiled and squeezed sister Miao’s face. He pointed to the parking shed not far away and said: “Miao’er, Sister Qing’er, push the generator into this shed instead of getting into the house. , The threshold is too high to be carried in."


   Ye Qinger ran over with her lips pressed and kicked open the locked metal shed door, and then dragged the tricycle inside out.

   Looking at the intimate appearance of the two, the light red in her eyes surged up, and a thought flashed in her heart. She wanted to bully her brother severely in front of Little Bad Meow.

   "The electric meters outside here are corroded by blood rain. Later, the wires will be buried in the soil or protected with steel pipes."

   Chen Yi stared at the burnt black wires on the wall. If the air conditioner and the wires in the house still need to be repaired and replaced, it would be really troublesome.

   "Miao'er, Qing'er sister, you guys get the generator in first, I'll go upstairs and take a look."

   Chen Yi quickly ran to the roof of the building after speaking, and saw that the parts inside the air conditioner's outer unit were all melted, but the copper pipes and steel bars beside it were in good condition.

   "Hey, I can only move a new air conditioner back, so even if it is repaired, it can't be used."

   Chen Yi rubbed his forehead and sighed. The wiring and the air conditioner had to be replaced with new ones, and the cables had to be re-installed. Watching the scorching sun above his head was really painful.

   He held the wall to open the door of the house, then ran to the bathroom to wash his body with warm water, and the black hot water kept flowing along his white legs.

   "Brother...Are you taking a shower in the bathroom?"

   Li Miao'er stood at the door and swallowed excitedly. He wanted to go in and take a bath with his brother and taste his scented lips. I was really thirsty.