Survival In the End of the World

Chapter 514: Pride will be defeated

"Aha~~ Brother, let's go play some games after dinner."

Li Miao'er blinked her beautiful watery eyes, stood up and stretched her waist comfortably. She pressed and pinched softly and comfortably. The warm and soothing atmosphere made her feel a little sleepy after enjoying it for a while.

"Climb away, don't forget your bet with Sister Qing'er, my brother has developed intelligent life, ten requirements that cannot be refused, and then do bad things tomorrow night."

Chen Yi pushed away the lazy sister Qing'er, stepped out of the bathtub and rinsed with the shower, then walked towards the bedroom with the bath towel.


Breathing in the elegant fragrance that remained on his body, a smile appeared on the corner of Chen Yi's mouth. It was quite simple to massage and massage for a while. He quickly wiped it, and then picked out a new pair of pajamas to put on.

"Xiao Zhang, go to the cafeteria and bring the food."

Chen Yi opened the door and talked to the guard, then lay lazily on the sofa. During this period of time, in order to develop intelligent life, he couldn't eat or sleep well, and he felt that time passed really fast.

"We still have to study virtual projection and new mobile computers, including specially equipped electronic devices. At that time, we can manage the base without going out and command operations from the air."

Looking at the bright light, Chen Yi thought quietly for a while. Without intelligent life and communication network, it would be inconvenient to do anything. Intelligent technology is the right way.

After the robots can be produced on a large scale, we will transform and develop Selangor at full speed, take time to renovate the nearby mountains and forests, build an underground laboratory, and build some villas of different styles. It will definitely be more comfortable than living in an office building.

"Brother...what are you thinking?"

Looking at the little fairy who was in a daze, Li Miao'er tiptoed over, lying in front of the warm chest, stretched out her small hand and stroked the tender and delicate face, a little curious.

"Think about how to develop the power. It's useless to just attack the territory. It has to be completely transformed into one's own."

Chen Yi opened his deep star eyes, and sat up with his fragrant sister Meow in his arms. The smell of roses was still very good.

"Xiaoyi, the most important thing is strength. Only when you have enough strength can you develop safely and steadily."

Ye Qing'er squinted her beautiful eyes with flowing water, and posted it with a smile. She felt that strength was the most important thing. She didn't have a sword in her hand, and the power of development was given to others for nothing.

"Brother, you don't need to take up a lot of territory. The main purpose is to kill zombies and collect survivors to improve your own strength and base strength. If you don't work hard to become stronger, you will be surpassed."

Li Miao'er blinked her beautiful eyes, and explained in a nutty voice that when she evolves to the eighth or ninth rank, she doesn't have to worry about other forces, and she can't take it lightly now.

"You can't be in a hurry, you must make all kinds of preparations, road transportation, logistical supplies, and combat deployments are all ready to incorporate other forces. With such a long distance, in case of an accident, you can also deal with it in a hurry, understand. Right."

Chen Yi kneaded Sister Meow's tender face, and explained with a smile, fighting from a distance without comprehensive preparations will easily lead to defeat, or even death from serious injuries.

Unfamiliar areas and enemies have to travel thousands of miles, and the risk is too high if they are not prepared for battle.

For example, in Germany and the former Soviet Union, such powerful armored troops and elite soldiers went to fight in extremely cold regions. They were beaten like nothing. Even the Yuan capital committed suicide.

" long does it take to prepare?"

Li Miao'er blinked her bright eyes and said curiously, it's okay to wait a few more days, and you still have to be cautious in large-scale wars.

"In another week, it won't take long for a robot army to be produced, equipped with various intelligent equipment, and intelligent life aids to incorporate the forces of a state."

Chen Yi stroked his chin and thought for a while. With Chuangshi assisting in scientific research, the most urgently needed technology will be successfully researched in a short time. Then, it is relatively simple to build an intelligent robot factory and put it into production in large quantities.

ding dong...

"Xiaoyi, let's talk about other things after dinner."

Hearing the cries from outside the door, Ye Qinger hurriedly opened the door and brought the food brought by the guards to the table. Smelling the strong aroma of vegetables, her stomach protested.

"Brother... Drink more turtle soup, it's very nourishing."

Li Miaoer pursed her pink lips and sat up to help fill a bowl of fragrant fresh soup. Turtle, wolfberry, ginseng, and white radish are all excellent ingredients, together with coriander and chopped green onion. Garnish, it looks delicious.


Looking at the sumptuous meal on the table, Chen Yi sighed speechlessly, the chef made a mistake, and asked him to make a feast.

Turtle and wolfberry soup, yam black chicken soup, stewed mutton with white radish... are all large portions. After this meal, you will definitely get angry. Such a strong physique needs to be replenished.

"Xiaoyi... You can get up later tomorrow. Let's go to the game hall to entertain for a while after dinner. Let's eat quickly."

Ye Qing'er squinted her beautiful eyes that seemed to be drunk but not drunk, and her charming and charming face was full of wicked smiles. After eating this delicious and nourishing meal, she couldn't fall asleep even if she wanted to.


Chen Yi snorted unhappily, picked up his rice bowl and ate it, enjoying the food service from Sister Miao and Sister Qing'er, and tasting the delicious dishes, which was quite good.

" full."

Finally drank another bowl of turtle soup, Chen Yi rubbed his hairy stomach and stood up, feeling hot all over, his breath was a little hot, he shouldn't eat so many dishes.

"Brother... You are really slow to eat."

Li Miao'er stretched out her small hand and hugged the seductive little fairy man, opened the door and walked towards the game room, waiting for a while after she was full, her unhurried attitude was too worrying.

"Hu... Meow, stop making trouble, go back to sleep."

Chen Yi squinted his starry eyes, aware of the malicious eyes, and then looked at the familiar game hall, not wanting to be bullied so badly, the key is too shame.

"Xiaoyi, are you sure you can sleep?"

Ye Qing'er licked her bright red lips, took out the silk onesie left a few days ago, and tightened the doors and windows.

"You can sleep, just take a cold shower and you'll be fine."

Looking at the **** and charming sister Qing'er, Chen Yi lightly opened her thin lips and refused. After eating so many tonic vegetables and nourishing it is impossible to sleep, there is no way to refuse.

"Can you sleep? Impossible, even if you can sleep, me and Miao'er can't do it. Ugh..."

Ye Qinger squinted her beautiful watery eyes, leaned down to help change into light and silky clothes, couldn't wait to kiss her sweet thin lips, looked into the bright and charming star eyes, kissed affectionately and tenderly, she seemed Very sweet and happy.

"Brother... be obedient, I will be very gentle."


Li Miao'er blinked her pink eyes filled with water mist, her moist cherry mouth was slightly tilted, her cute and charming face was full of blush, breathing the fragrant aroma, and feeling the soft and comfortable atmosphere. The ultimate enjoyment.


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