Survival In the End of the World

Chapter 518: Great difference

"Xiao Yi, even if there is no danger, it's not enough. Be obedient. It's not good to fight and kill. You'll be fine after a sleep."

Ye Qinger squinted her beautiful eyes, hugged her lovely waist, and persuaded her softly, not wanting her lover to go to the battlefield, and killing zombies is similar.

Flesh and blood enemy fighters will easily have nightmares if they kill too many. It is best to kill the high-level enemy, and directly collect the remaining soldiers, and let their subordinates deal with them if they do not obey.

"Sister Qing'er, I'm strong, don't worry."

Chen Yi turned over and looked at Sister Qing'er's pretty face, without agreeing, fighting on the battlefield is a man's dream.

"Brother... No matter how good you are, you have to be obedient. When you find a city that hasn't been cleaned up tomorrow, you can kill as many zombies as you want. Killing living people can easily cause psychological shadows."

Li Miao'er blinked her bright eyes and posted it, her cute little face was full of concern. She agreed with Sister Qing'er's idea that it's better for boys not to see blood. Killing zombies is nothing, they're all dead things, no will have an impact.

"How is it possible, my brother's psychological quality is so strong, let alone kill a few enemies, Tuzuocheng's face is still not changing, and if you want to become a strong person, you must go through this level."

Chen Yi stared at his deep star eyes, and retorted very seriously, there is a big difference between killing zombies and killing enemies on the battlefield.

"Huh? Brother, it's settled like this. When you will let Sister Qing'er accompany you, don't think about killing the enemy."

Li Miao'er pursed her pink lips, and hugged the unhappy little fairy slightly. She didn't have the slightest idea of ​​agreeing. Will not be obedient.

"Xiaoyi, you are a boy, you don't need to go to the battlefield yourself, just stay behind and cast the healing technique."

Ye Qinger sat up and glanced at Sister Miao, a wicked smile appeared on her charming and charming face, when these people were resolved, she had to go home as soon as possible to do something interesting.

So if you want to be a strong person, you can be completely satisfied. It must be cool to be bullied by wearing the clothes of the president or the emperor.


Feeling the malicious gaze, Chen Yi snorted coldly, pushed away the groping sister, and climbed to the back seat to lie down. I'll talk about the specific situation later.

Fifty armored vehicles carry heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, heavy machine guns, etc. Cold weapons alone are not good for melee combat, and it is better to use the terrain to attack.

"Brother...don't be angry."

Li Miao'er blinked her beautiful watery eyes and hugged her, lying on the chest of the little fairy, listening to the steady heartbeat, stroking her tender and delicate face, and said coquettishly with a sweet and glutinous voice.

"Xiaoyi, it's not ancient times now, even in ancient times, all those who fight in battles are cannon fodder, maybe they will be hacked to death on the spot that day, you don't have to kill the enemy with your own hands when you go to the battlefield, and you are the one who commands thousands of troops. What to do."

Looking at the unhappy person, Ye Qinger smiled and comforted, if it wasn't for the sake of ending the battle as soon as possible, she wouldn't think about killing the enemy, the smell of blood was very bad.

"Sister Qing'er, you are right. We are not soldiers. Commanding the army is the most important thing. You and Miao'er must also pay attention to safety. Don't be attacked by surprise."

Chen Yi pursed his thin lips and thought deeply for a while, just thinking about killing the enemy himself, but not considering his own identity.

Each perform his/her own duties, the word has appeared thousands of years ago, what position does what, for example, the marshal of the three armies ran to charge, if he was beheaded.

The entire army will collapse in an instant, and the task of leading the troops to kill is left to the officers. If not, there will be the legion commander, and when encountering particularly strong evolutionaries, as well as sisters Miao and Qinger, there is no need to play in person at all, and the effect is also Not much.

If Sister Miao and Sister Qing'er are injured, it is enough to use remote therapy directly, but if they are injured, the problem will be serious, and there is no need to take such a big risk.

"Brother... In addition to mutant beasts and zombies, there are also small-scale evolutionary forces. You can't be reckless when attacking large-scale forces. You have to do a lot of battle preparations, don't worry."

Li Miao'er blinked her watery eyes, her cute and ruddy face was full of confidence. She had experienced so many wars, and she had never been injured a few times. She was extremely capable of protecting herself.

"Hey... In the future, to fight with other forces, you have to use technological weapons. Cold weapons are fine to deal with zombies and mutant beasts."

Chen Yi kneaded Sister Meow's tender face, and sighed helplessly. In a chaotic world, he wanted to unify the entire God-given land. War was inevitable and many people would die.

The rise of the empire has to tread on countless bones, whether intentional or unintentional, it will have to be faced sooner or later.

Kill all protesters and disobedients, and incorporate all human beings into one country, with words, inheritance, history, etc., all unified and transformed to create a unified empire.

In this way, there will be no more wars, the power will be absolutely concentrated, the ecological environment will be restored and perfected, and after a period of development, the level of science and technology will continue to make leaps and progress, and the pace towards the starry sky is the most basic dream.

"Xiaoyi, when Miaoer and I evolve to Tier 8, even nuclear missiles can't cause much damage."

Ye Qinger lay on the side lazily, checked the new social software with her mobile phone, and replied with a smile.

"Brother, you can't just think about researching technology. Immortal cultivation and evolution can directly become stronger. If you cultivate to become a Golden Immortal, let alone a nuclear bomb, you can crush the sun with one hand."

Li Miao'er blinked her bright eyes and agreed, that her personal strength is more direct, and she has a long and long lifespan. You don't have to worry about getting old anymore, you can live a happy life for a long time.

"Uh... Technology and immortality can be carried out at the same time, developing the country, creating the world can help with management, we can do whatever we want, isn't it very convenient."

There was an inexplicable smile on the corner of Chen Yi's mouth. He controlled a planet and created an empire himself. The help was huge, and it was much more comfortable than those who had been cultivators.

"Oh yeah..."

Li Miao'er nodded with understanding, there is intelligent life to manage the country, what trouble is there?

" We have to work hard to become stronger."

Ye Qing'er squinted her watery eyes that seemed to be drunk but not drunk, and looked at the holy and dignified lovely person. If she wanted to live a happy life, she had to have enough strength to protect everything.

"Take your time, the haste is not enough, there is no rush."

A smile appeared on the corner of Chen Yi's mouth, he hugged Sister Miao's waist, breathed in the fragrant fragrance from his nostrils, closed his star eyes and felt the power of the car, which felt quite stable.

" can go home for dinner after sleeping for a while."

Li Miao'er smashed her pink lips and hugged the sweet little fairy man, admiring her perfect appearance, her graceful and peaceful demeanor, holy and cold, very charming, to solve the enemy who came to find fault, just You can go home and sleep comfortably.


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