Survival In the End of the World

Chapter 98: Just tired

Ho Ho Ho! ! !

As soon as they walked to the exit of the community, the nearby zombies heard the movement and dropped the rancid meat in their hands, shouting excitedly.

Scarlet eyes were full of desire for flesh and blood, waving sharp claws covered in blood, and rushing over quickly.


Ye Qinger waved the painted halberd and rushed up. The heavy halberd blade snapped with the sound of breaking through the air.

The jet black viscous liquid, mixed with rotten pieces of meat, splashed everywhere, the hard bones, when encountering gravity, were instantly smashed to pieces.

"Little Liu, the five of you are responsible for digging the spar. The remaining people pushed the zombies together and poured gasoline directly on them. You can't let the corpses rot."

Qiu He commanded the crowd behind him.


Ye Qing'er held the painted halberd with one hand, looking at the broken flesh everywhere, let out a long breath, or kill the zombies to relieve his breath.

"Little bad cat, let's go directly to the hospital and kill all the zombies there first."

She hid the painted halberd, wiped the blood off her body, squeezed over to hold Chen Yi's arm, sniffed his fragrance deeply, and squinted her eyes very pleasantly.


Li Miaoer licked her moist pink lips, lying comfortably in her fragrant embrace, her little hands kept kneading the delicate and smooth, like a kitty that doesn't know how to satisfy her.

"Miao'er, Qing'er sister, can you be normal?"

Chen Yi pursed his thin lips, his eyes were full of helpless emotions. He didn't know what to pinch. He felt like he was about to become a fairy flesh, and a deep breath could increase his lifespan.


Li Miaoer obediently licked her pink lips, got up, holding the God Sword, standing on the tricycle, looking at the people behind him.

"Brother, let's go to the hospital first. They all ride in bicycles, so don't worry at all."

She ran back quickly, hugging her soft waist tightly, all the zombies wandering over were dead, and there was nowhere to do what she wanted to do, so she had to enjoy it comfortably.

"Sister Qiu, let's go to the hospital first, try your best to hurry."

Chen Yi turned his head to remind him softly, drew out his arm to tighten the grip, and drove out quickly.

Clean up the road without worrying about crashing, except for the zombies that occasionally ran out.

"Xiao Yi, if we can clean up this city, let's just occupy and move in, won't it be fine?" Ye Qinger asked, leaning on his shoulder.

Chen Yi shook his head and explained: "Sister Qing'er, this city is too big and its geographical location is also problematic. It's not easy to defend. It's better to rebuild, which can save a lot of things."

"Sister Qing'er, now there are evolutionaries. One person can hold ten people. There is no shortage of materials or anything. You can build a better base."

Li Miaoer was holding the God Slashing Knife, and kept cutting the zombies that followed, cleaning up so many zombies, just like worms that can't be killed.



Just driving to the street in front of the hospital, all the nearby zombies rushed over, slammed on the brakes, and with the recoil of the car, hit the rushing zombies head-on.

"Brother, don't come down!"

Li Miao'er and Ye Qing'er jumped down and stood on both sides of the tricycle, waving their shiny long swords and painted halberds.

Just like cutting wheat, the zombies fell to the ground in an instant before they rushed over.


Surrounded by countless zombies, deafening roars, a suffocating stench, and the hideous faces of zombies in front of them!


Li Miao'er roared, waved a shining sharp long knife, and slashed the zombies that came.

Whether it is fat or thin, or second-order or first-order zombies, all are hacked to death!

"Li Jin, don't come over, just protect yourself!"

Ye Qing'er looked at the people in Li Jin who had just gotten out of the car. Their strength was too weak. Among these zombies, there were many Tier 2 zombies, and even Tier 3 ordinary zombies.


Chen Yi stood next to the electric car holding his nose, looking at the exquisite bodies of sister Miao and Sister Qinger, listening to the roar of the zombies, and smelling the more and more intense stench.

With a particularly stimulating feeling, the blood in the body is a little boiling, and I can't wait to slaughter the zombies indiscriminately.

Think about my physique again, I lose my interest in an instant, and I should rest quietly for a while.

Desperately slashed for more than ten minutes, and finally killed all the standing zombies, and the whole small square was piled up with the black meat and blood-stained internal organs.


Li Miao'er walked over with a magic knife, her white face, her small white arms, and her clothes all covered with a thick layer of blood and meat.

Shake vigorously, the black pieces of flesh and blood are falling along the clothes, and there is a strong war spirit in the reddish eyes, and they want to kill again.

"Revival of the Holy Light!"

Chen Yi stretched out his hand to cast a treatment on Sister Miao and Sister Qing'er, lifted the baton, stepped on some blood stains from the sticky shoes, and ran to Li Jin and the others.


Pushing open a children's clothing store, he collapsed on the soft clothes, took off the soaked mask, and took a deep breath of normal fresh air.

These carrion corpses were irradiated by the blazing sun for a while, and they were simply biochemical weapons.

"Sister Miao, Sister Qing, five sisters were killed by zombies."

Li Jin clutched his blood-filled arm and grinned, looking very painful. He didn't know if it was the pain or the grief because of the death of his teammate.

"What's the matter with you? Why do you dare to rush over when you see zombies?"

Ye Qing'er stared with scarlet eyes, with a strong murderous intent on her body, coupled with the blood all over her body, like a fierce evil ghost who had just climbed up from hell.

"Sister Qiu, Li Jin, you guys take a break first. There are too many zombies, so you don't need to blame yourself. You have to continue cleaning the streets if you eat something."

Li Miao'er pulled Sister Qing'er behind, looked at the people who were a little frightened, and softly comforted her.

"Sister Qing, don't you know that, as soon as we stopped, these zombies surrounded them, and they couldn't stop them at all. It was hard to kill the surrounding zombies." Li Jin explained aggrievedly.

"Be careful in the future. Becoming an evolutionary does not mean invincibility. Only by getting stronger can you survive better, otherwise you will be eaten by zombies sooner or later."

Ye Qing'er glanced at them, and all the survivors who had just recruited died ~ and did not lose too much, which is still acceptable.

"All come over to get some food and water, take a good rest, dig out the spar and clear the street."

Ye Qinger smashed open the small supermarket on one side, took some drinks and snacks, and looked at the frightened crowd with a gentle tone.

"Brother...I'm so tired."

Li Miaoer ripped off the dirty clothes on her body, jumped into the pile of clothes suddenly, let out a long sigh of comfort, and tried her best to fight for so long, she was really tired.

"It's right to be tired, comfort is for the dead."

Chen Yi sat up and looked at Sister Meow's delicate body. Her delicate skin was soaked in sweat and her small arms were trembling, like a side effect of excessive exertion.


Li Miaoer sat up with her beautiful eyes squinted and wiped the stains on her body with a wet wipe, really wanting to bully him under her.

She's almost exhausted, but it's okay if she comes to help, she's all nonsense.