Survival on a Raft: a Tenfold Increase in the Start

Chapter 172: Believe in science

Yao Lele couldn't help but hugged his knees helplessly. He sighed softly. At this moment, the sky was so beautiful and snow-like sunset spreading over the sea, causing the entire sea to become golden wheat. ear

If it is a scene like this on the earth, I am afraid that the entire tidal flat is already lined up with all kinds of selfies with nature, and then sent to people in the circle of friends, in addition to a little emotional words.

But now she has long been tired of seeing this beautiful scenery, and has even developed a kind of boredom.

"It's better to ask for yourself than for others. It seems that I can only rely on myself."

Yao Lele looked at the sea and the sky, and the entire sea had a very wide field of vision. There was no third party besides him. He also knew that it was very likely that the other party would not come. Maybe something happened.

Maybe the other party was playing tricks on him at the beginning, which made him murmur a few words, and then cursed a few words in a low voice. You must know that the reason why he came to Su Mo is not because of how handsome Su Mo is, because He has never seen Su Mo

It’s purely to believe in Su Mo’s strength, because the other side’s reputation as the world’s number one is definitely not easy

"Who knows it's just that I think too much, and as expected, none of this man can be trusted."

Yao Lele stood up, and she touched it towards the beach. Now her only hope is to find a chance to slip back onto the raft, but the sharks have been hovering beside the raft, and they have not left for nearly a day.

"It seems that you want to be obedient, and it is unlikely that they will leave by themselves, but I saw some ocean bloggers before. It seems that these sharks will not actively attack humans, and even these sharks are relatively friendly to humans."

Yao Lele thought of seeing some remarks such as these on Weibo. In addition, many foreign or domestic people encountered sharks while surfing or sinking ships, but none of them encountered shark attacks.

At that time, many people followed that sharks are actually not that cruel, as long as you don't run around, the other party will not bother to attack you.

Because sharks don’t like to eat skinny foods like humans at all. The other party likes to eat some greasy foods with high calorific value. Like humans, he doesn’t even bother to open his mouth.

And the world’s fear of sharks comes more from the portrayals in various movies. Whenever they think of sharks, they think of him, their sharp teeth think of all kinds of death, and all kinds of misery of being bitten into two halves of intestines exposed outside. The picture is actually just preconceived and wronged to the shark.

"Yes, believe in science."

Yao Lele got angry and he chose to fight. Although she suspected me before, this is a shark after all, but he decided after much deliberation that he had to give it a go.

Instead of sitting on this beach to death of thirst and starvation, it is better to believe in a wave of science, maybe it can be successful, thinking of this, he swims directly to the raft.

The three sharks wandered in the distance without noticing at all. Yao Lele was very careful during the competition. His muscles were tight, and he even used one as much as possible every time he lifted the surface of the water. The weak power is to not attract the attention of these sharks

Finally, in the feeling that every second is like a year, she and he gradually approached the raft, which made him feel relieved. Soon, it was only the last 10 meters. As long as he could board the raft, he would be able to. leave here

She will be able to eat warm food and drink hot soup. Her raft has been built relatively perfect, enough to feed him, and she can be the first to attack by these sharks. At this moment, the three sharks suddenly turned around, just to make her whisper bad.

At this moment, Yao Lele was stiff in place. She didn't know what she should do. If she charged desperately, obviously her speed was not as fast as a shark.

She couldn't be before the other party came out. He was the first to rush on the raft, so at this moment he still chose to stay where he was, because she had heard from those popular science bloggers that sharks would attack those who moved in disorder. If faced with an attack by sharks, just stay where they are. Panic, don’t let any part of your body bleed, you won’t encounter any danger, Yao Lele did so.

It’s not the time of her aunt, so he doesn’t need to worry that the **** smell will irritate the sharks. The sharks rushed towards this side, and the fins on his back cut through the waves.

It was like a few sharp blades cut in her heart, making her muscles tense. At this moment, she felt that the soul of her whole person had left her body, and her body was cold and stiff.

If the shark doesn't leave, he feels that he will have muscle cramps and drown. All kinds of complex emotions fill his mind, making her very confused, and she doesn't know what to think about.

Brush it

The shark's swimming speed is very fast, and I almost felt a little away from myself before, but who knew that this blink of an eye had already come to her

At this moment, Yao Lele couldn't help closing her eyes, and she took a deep breath, completely resigned.