Survival on the Road: Starting From Upgrading Resources

v2 Chapter 281: :1 section of special highway

He didn't expect that the road close to the mountain road was actually a death road.

What made him even more unexpected was that Death Highway would hide such a big secret.

The word "death" on the road of death is not for humans, but for roads, because this road has indeed entered the stage of death.

Already dying ill.

A highway of death.

There are no creatures, and even the rules of the game have lost their effect, otherwise they would not be swallowed by these terrifying graves.

And these graves obviously have a sense of horror.

As if able to swallow everything.

It's the name of this graveyard, which is extremely inappropriate with the highway of death.

Standing on the highway, Xia Bo looked at the endless road full of cobweb cracks, and said to himself:

"As time goes by, these cracks will become bigger and bigger as the graves engulf the road, but during the day, it can be basically concluded that there is no danger. Then you can only wait until night, otherwise the highway shuttle order will lose its effect. "

This time he wanted to improve his strength, so he chose to use the highway shuttle order.

But I didn't expect that I unexpectedly came to such a world.

Now it can basically be concluded that the road of death is because there is no player, so the road will become the road of death.

Then my appearance will change all of this.

After all, he is the only player on this road.

At this moment, he noticed an abnormality in the system, clicked on the system, and was shocked to discover that there was an extra player in the world out of thin air.

Not in their own camp, but in a brand new camp.

Weird camp.

"Xia Bo, are you there?"

"Answer? It looks like there are only two of us left in this game."

"Wait, are you a local player on this highway?"


This player named Leis has sent several messages in the world.

A trace of doubt flashed in Xia Bo's eyes, and he replied: "Who are you and why do you appear on this highway?"

"Are you a local player on this highway?"

The other party did not answer his own question, but asked himself a very strange question.

Xia Bo thought for a while and replied: "No, I came here using a highway shuttle order."

"You also came here using a highway shuttle? Then we are too fate." Res replied.

There was a bright light in Xia Bo's eyes, and he always felt that Leis was a little strange.

Out of caution, he was not answering Leith, but quietly watching Leith's message.

Ress is sending more and more messages. The most important thing is that these messages are all in Chinese and they can be understood without translation at all.

Moreover, in some places, the sentences are not fluent, and there are typos.

This phenomenon is really too strange. You must know that they use their minds when sending messages. Whatever they think in their hearts, the system will send the information they think in their hearts, and there will be no typos at all.

But the Leis in front of him suddenly appeared here, and the message he sent was imperfect, and there were typos.

Xia Bo immediately became vigilant and chose to remain silent about his news.

Suddenly, this Leis sent another message, which caught his attention.

"Xia Bo, I met **** creatures here, and they unexpectedly exploded a lot of supplies, and there are still a lot of things."

"It's daytime, and I have been standing on the highway for an hour, and haven't refreshed the **** creatures at all, and how could Leis meet the **** creatures later than me." Xia Bo sneered in her heart, feeling this Leis weird more and more.

He selectively replied: "Really? That's great."

"Although the Death Highway is full of dangers, it also hides opportunities. As long as we find it, we can fly into the sky." The other party replied.

"You are right, danger and opportunity coexist." Xia Bo replied.

He was full of incomprehension about this man, but he was very wary.

Xia Bo did not shut down the system because he still wanted to see what this person would say.

But he himself must also pay attention to whether this person's words are true.

In the subsequent messages, the message sent by this person often contained typos, and there were also cases where the sentences were not smooth.

But as the two chatted, these problems disappeared bit by bit.

Xia Bo's inner vigilance did not disappear a little bit, instead, he became more and more vigilant.

According to what this guy said, his original world was different from his own. He also woke up on this highway.

Then he obtained a highway shuttle order, unexpectedly found that the highway shuttle order was on, and then began to shuttle.

According to Xia Bo's observation, although this person's level is similar to his own, from the perspective of chatting style, he is not a calm person at all, but appears very frivolous and active.

"I still have some things to deal with, let's not talk about it."

After speaking, Xia Bo stopped replying to the other party's message, lying on the bed and flipping through the previous chat records, the more he looked at it, the more strange it became.

"This Leis may not come here using the highway shuttle order, but because of his appearance, he only appeared, then who is he!"

Xia Bo frowned, simply stopped thinking, and still had to take care of his own survival.

Such a road of death, after night, will inevitably face very terrifying things.

Leith’s words are absolutely not to be believed, and you still need to judge for yourself.

"First drive on and see if there is anything weird about this highway."

Xia Bo sat up, returned to the cockpit, and started the car.

The road is full of small cracks, but it does not affect the speed of the car. He raised the speed to the highest, and the car is like an arrow from the string, speeding fast on the road.

Wherever he went, the dust on the ground was raised.

Sitting in the car, Xia Bo listened to the roar of the car, and her heart was very calm. Only this sound can bring him a sense of security.

After all, he woke up from the car, and the next indissoluble bond with the car.

The car galloped.

After more than half an hour, the scenery at the end of the line of sight changed. Although the grave soil was flooded there, but withered trees stood up on the grave soil, densely dense, forming a forest.

Getting closer, Xia Bo found that these dead trees were very high, rising from the ground, as if they were a giant tree holding up the sky.

On the ground, there are leaves half-buried in the grave soil, which are already withered and some are even black.

It looks like this is a jungle road.

But as the road became a death road and the grave soil spread, these trees were also swallowed by the grave soil and died.

This road, as Mori University said, is a road full of silence.

"This should be a special road."

Xia Bo drove the car and looked at the trees passing by the window.

Suddenly, at this moment, he suddenly stopped the car!

On the far road, there was a creature squatting on the ground, with his back facing him...

Somewhat weird.