Survival Qualification Test

Chapter 92: .Float (11)

In Jin Lu's puzzled sight, the boy sank into a clear voice, and his tone was irrepressible anger: "I mean, this is not the same as the main task of the Ronghua High School Battle Royale, or it is hard work The direction is different! Like our team comes in, plus you, is to complete the mission of "guarding the alma mater", will anyone's task be reversed, for example, the initial identity is set to the traitor inserted in the SE-3 type variant?"

Jiang Qiusheng reacted in an instant: "It's like trying to spread the riots and riots, just trying to spread panic messages. That information should not be known by anyone!"

"There is that ship! I lean on," Jin Lu slapped his thighs, and his voice changed. "I showed that if the tester guarded the ship, it would disappear. It turned out that someone was doing it!"

It was really the same thing with a few people thinking about it.

The reason for being blinded is on the main task.

In fact, the main line tasks look the same-tasks with different class information alone make the original audience think that all testers have the same purpose. Without mentioning the word "camp", Yuan Rong did not think about it.

"The program is really," he sneered. "I don't spare any effort to do tricks on the mission information."

But now is not the time to complain.

If the composition of the villain forces is simply to test the small fish variants of the small world, it is not necessary to be so concerned, but the unexpected moths repeatedly beat their faces, telling them-their opponents are quite powerful testers. Men, and the enemy is dark, I am the light.

According to statistics, there are currently three testers with unknown mission information.

The same class as Qin Zhongzheng, a tester currently patrolling the school gate: stuttering male. In the same class as Yuan Rong, Aude, and Jin Lu, the chubby man who rolled around the ship unknown. The third with no more information, or four or five, attacked the testers of the first six classes.

"According to the consistent procedures of the procedure, the current side has five people including me, Aude, Xu Lunkai, Qin Zhongzheng, and Jin Lu, so the opposing party is also almost five people," Yuan Rong concluded, "there is no opposition with us. Camp."

Jin Lu pouted: "This group of grandchildren, who are secretly engaged in small movements, is a man.

Jiang Qiusheng sneered: "Year 8102, you can use your brain, you have a little IQ, and you will not be so stupid now, right? Sister, how do you think this big idea supports you to the present?"

Jin Luqi's eyebrows were raised and his eyes were raised: "You just move your mouth and come to a father-son game?"

Jiang Qiusheng was unwilling to show his weakness: "Come and come, wait till you cry and regret!"

"Okay!" Yuan Rong said helplessly. "When did the fight go on? The quarreling filer might have died two more students."

The two were deeply aware of the loss of reason and glared at each other a few meters away, as if two male peacocks who had confirmed their eyes were unreasonable.

Yuan Rong proposed to go to the warehouse and the vice president of the Student Union led the way.

The warehouse is blocked by the teaching building from the sun all year round, and it is not well ventilated. The inside smells musty and damp. The area is not small, there is not enough light, from a distance, Wu Ya pressure can not see the end, but the inventory is not much, stacked in the corner, it seems pitiful.

In the first six classes, the only seven people left were sluggish or squatted or done at the side entrance of the warehouse. When they saw the patrol coming in, they just greeted greedily, as if they no longer had much hope for the whereabouts of the classmates.

Yuan Rong wanted to speak comfortably, but couldn't say anything at all: now he is deceiving himself. He knows very well that with the tester intervening, the chances of life are almost zero.

Jiang Qiusheng asked seven people from various details, but did not dig up more useful information.

A curly little fat man covered his eyes with tears, and finally choked: "Brothers, are they... dead?"

Jiang Qiusheng has always been subconsciously saying yes, but he just stopped halfway.

In the end, he pulled out an unskilled, somewhat stiff, comforting smile: "Who said it. The brothers are investigating, maybe they just... went the wrong way."

The little fat man said nothing, and his face was distrustful. He silently returned to the small stool and buried his head with his knees, his rounded shoulders pumped.

At this moment, the sharp young man who had been scattered all the time, but stared at the dark and invisible side of the warehouse, seemed to be able to find any light or hope there.

Unfortunately, there is nothing.

According to the vice president of the Student Union, yesterday the warehouse was on the seventh day of shifts, and farmland was on the second, seventh, and eighth shifts. He took the notebook from the table hole and turned to the last page. The above shows that at the end of yesterday's duty day, the squad leader of the 2nd and 7th squads reported that there was not enough fertilizer. The squad leader of the 1st and 7th squads made a note.

If it’s just the original, Yuan Rong will also suspect that there are mutants and spies mixed in, but now, he understands that the classes involved when the "event" has not started should be innocent-the problem is that the first day of the traitor Six classes!

He roughly scanned the seven survivors, focusing on his neck to make sure no tester was involved.

It seems that this tester was a little bit brainy, and knew that the victim disguised as a victim disappeared!

Yuan Rong immediately asked the vice president of the Student Union: "Can I see the list of classes in question?"

First six classes: Liu Feng, Liu Yuqing, Gao Lele, Gao Jianlin, Le Xiaochuan...

Le Xiaochuan? In such a group of randomly named software style names, such a rare surname is suddenly mixed with a small character in the middle...

Thinking of the name of the strange painting style of everyone in this world, what little Odrent, original Xiaorong, except for Jiang Qiusheng, who was judged as an aboriginal by a system bug, the name of everyone was replaced by a small one!

So this Le Xiaochuan?

Yuan Rong moved his heart, and immediately asked the short-haired girls in the first six classes: "Is Le Xiaochuan missing?"

The short-haired girl nodded her lips.

Yuan Rong asked again: "Can you describe his characteristics? For example, looks, preferences..."

The short-haired girl didn’t understand why one of the six missing persons asked him alone, and thought of helping if he could help. He kept a hint of hope and thought, he said, "He is the tallest boy in our class. He is very white and does not tan.... …Oh yes, he always smiles and looks like Dang Erlang, the teacher always thinks he is a bad boy, but in fact others are very good."

"Next, what will they do?"

The attack on the warehouse was obviously a variant of the mutants who could not stand the exposure of hunger. At the same time, they created riots to try to disrupt the order. Unfortunately, after Jiang Qiusheng said something, the riots calmed down.

If I were an opposition camp, what would I do now?

Yuan Rong moved his heart: What seems to be the most terrifying of junior high school students at present is the new white evil virus?

The purpose of the anti-party camp is to help the mutants invade the junior high school, and they will certainly use the crowd's fear of unknown forces! The White Devils virus can be infected even by mutants, aren't they afraid of their own behavior?

But Yuan Rong remembered that Jin Lu was in Fenghe Commercial Building. He did not hesitate to lead the junior high school students to go downstairs in order to complete the spur mission. It made sense: the tester would not care about the safety of the local people in order to complete the task.

His thoughts were fast, a surprise, and Jiang Qiusheng also wanted to understand the look that changed instantly: "There is danger at the school gate!"

It was too late to explain. Under the surprised vision of the vice president of the Student Union, Yuan Rong and Jiang Qiusheng rushed towards the teaching building. The companions behind them could not keep up with the high speed of the brain waves of the two, but they quickly followed.

"Brother Rong, what's up!"

"Tiaohulishanqi!" Yuanrong gritted his teeth, "If you want to do bad things, do not want to be discovered, what will you do?"

Xu Lunkai racked his brain: "I will divert my attention and prevent myself from being exposed."

"That's the reason! The counter-party task is just to help SE-3 destroy the campus and attack the students with no gain! They know that we will investigate any problematic places, and they will send someone to the warehouse to make ghosts and let us divert our attention! , Their goal is the students!"

Yuan Rong did not dare to mobilize the water dragon to show his ability, which was obviously different from ordinary people. Yuan Rong did not know whether the local people would be regarded as monsters. A group of people shrank, and the junior high school student's small arms and legs ran to the square in front of the teaching building at the highest speed, which also took a few minutes.

Harmony stopped breathlessly, focusing on the crowd with different actions on the playground—

Surprisingly stopped the trebuchet defensive team in his hand, stepped on the self-made bottom lookout tower to watch for Wang Yang’s dynamic watch team, a team of patrols guarding the school gate and guard room, and shifting work to the square, Way to be attacked in the chemistry room distillation group and so on.

There seems to be nothing special.

The vice president of the Student Union followed her breathlessly: "What did you find? So anxious!"

Yuan Rong looked around again to confirm that there was nothing awkward. Thinking about detecting it was relatively fast, he asked anxiously: "Apart from the two teams in the school gate, isn't there a patrol team, where have they gone!"

When he asked this question, the vice chairman also froze for a moment.

He looked carefully: "The patrols of the third and fourth classes are at the school gate and the watchtower are the patrol teams of your three classes and the student union...Yes, what about the third and seventh classes? Isn’t it good to patrol the playground? "

"Seven classes?" Qin Zhongzheng patted his thighs. "It's my class! That is to say, our class is..."

The vice chairman could not understand: "Which of your class? What happened?"

The other testers understood it, and looked bad for a while.

If it is not in the playground, the remaining large gathering place is only the dormitory.

No, the teaching building is also possible, there are too many important working groups in special classrooms, and you may start from the core part...

Yuan Rong made a decisive decision: "Akai, Lao Qin, Qiu Sheng, you go to the teaching building to search, and if there is no gain, go to the junior dormitory and employee dormitory in the west; Aude, Jin Lu and I go to the junior junior and junior dormitory in the east!"

"no problem!"

The vice chairman was even more confused. Yuan Rong said: "Let's go and see if the dormitory is safe. The people of your student union continue to go back to the back door and warehouse area to guard."

When the vice chairman thought about it, there were a lot of people in the dormitory area, and there might be sudden riots, so he nodded and led the student union people back to the back door.

It's just that when Yuan Rong, Odrent and Jin Lu turned into the quiet old-fashioned dormitory area, they realized that it seemed to be late.

Xu Yi stepped into the iron fences of the dormitory area, stepped on the stone road, and saw a student who had apparently been hiding for a long time in the corner, and opened his blood basin and roared!

The original appearance was frightened, and Odlent responded quickly. The giant sickle slammed the current offensive. The variant saw a miss and hit a long tongue again. Odlent cut his tongue with a backhand. He added another knife and took the life of a small variant of painful convulsions on the ground.

Jin Lu was shocked: "My God, this virus is infected so fast? How many hours?"

She leaned over and observed that the student turned his eyes white and revealed a dead breath, apparently a parasite of failure. And from the scars of the visible bone cut by the Odlen long sickle, a large amount of black blood poured out: he was only infected with the SE-3 virus.

There is a dense green belt in front of the old-style dormitory area. Rows of locust trees, plane trees, lush bushes, and three or two small wildflowers on the grass seem to be walking in the quiet and fresh back garden. It's just that the fragrance of the grass in the back garden of today is covered by the thick blood and rancid smell.

The virus spread very quickly, and the failed parasites attacked the ordinary students quickly, and the corpses were scattered all over the field, and the blood red stained the green grass.

Along the way, the three dealt with no fewer than ten failed parasites. What worries them is a small percentage, hiding their successful parasites in the ordinary student population.

On the body of the failed parasite, the original eyes pointed to the common point: a small blood spot, like a trace left by the needle, may be on the neck, hands, or even the lower back-this is indeed a Premeditated infection.

After cleaning up the failed parasites that wandered downstairs in the dormitory, they finally reached the dormitory of the third and third levels, where Yuanrong woke up and left.

He looked from the outside with a complicated look, and was soaked with damp air that had peeled off a lot of the wall; the dirty windows had not been scrubbed for a long time, and... under the gate now overflowing with blood.

He pushed the door cautiously, only to find that the tempered glass door was locked from the inside.