Survive the Whole People Against the Beast: I Can See the Hidden Information

Chapter 220: The road never imagined

   "What's going on?" Naively looked at the Deadpool zombies, "I haven't seen it with broken arms or legs, why the speed is so different from the one above."

   "I guess that the Deadpool zombies will only move at the speed of ordinary zombies after hearing the noise, and only when they can accurately smell the smell of the enemy, or if the enemy's figure appears in their sight, will they start chasing at full speed."

   Su Fan patted the silly shoulder, and signaled that he would wait for the dead servant zombies who rushed over after hearing the noise to disappear.

   "I noticed this suspicious point just now on the rooftop. After the battle was over, after a long delay, there was still no dead servant zombie coming over. It's so strange."


   The silly sharp claws swept forward like a knife, directly killing the dead servant zombies who leaned forward.

   In the state of the deity's world, the speed is incredible fast, and the distance is too close, so that the dead servant zombies can't even use the spirit of the word.


   The huge body of the Dead Servant zombies hit the ground, making a deafening noise.

   "It seems that it is not far from what was supposed." Su Fan calmly walked out of the shadow, and passed over the dead servant zombie corpse blankly.

   "Although I don't know what you are talking about, the boss always feels unclear." Han Han waved his claw lightly, spilled the dragon blood on his hand, and then followed him.

   Su Fan glanced at the street outside through the shop window. Wherever he could see, there were indeed a few dead servant zombies wandering, but the speed was as slow as a tortoise crawling, and they were not found.

   "Well, for the convenience of exploration, let's find something." Su Fan's voice just fell, and the silly expression on the side suddenly became difficult to look.

   "Huh?" Su Fan explored the past with his mental power, but the feedback was amazing, and he didn't get any useful information. "Unexpectedly, the mental power is also ineffective."

   "Boss, I...I can't maintain the effect of the deity's heaven and earth." Han Han gritted his teeth, his face slightly pale.

   Su Fan calmly and calmly took out a middle-grade spirit stone, and his complexion obviously improved a lot after absorbing it.

   "Han, you come back first."

   "Okay, boss."

   The stupidity turned into a streamer and returned directly to Su Fan's body.

   "Lost air supremacy, loss of spiritual consciousness, rapid consumption of spiritual energy, and difficult enemies." Su Fan raised his brows, "What are the restrictions? It is worthy of a ‘Desperate’ level copy."

   Su Fan suddenly walked to the collapsed shelf and picked up a bottle of mineral water and a small bag of snacks among the messy goods.

   "Damn, brother, are you eating alone?" Tuntian inside his body wailed angrily, "I didn't find that you are such a person, and I carried my brothers to eat delicious food."

   "Don't make trouble." Su Fan rolled his eyes, opened the snacks, opened the mineral water, and sent them to the mouth respectively.

   "What's the matter, Master, why are you still eating?" Xiao Huo stroked the corner of his mouth, "It's not time to eat now."

   "Tsk, the feeling of fullness and thirst quenching have been improved, and the hint is quite obvious." Su Fan sighed, as his level increased, he hadn't experienced these uncomfortable body sensations for a long time.

   "It seems that this dungeon has restored the body sensation to a high degree. Hunger, thirst and even fatigue are likely to be the problems we are about to face." Su Fan squatted down and collected some dietary supplies into his bag.

"Um... there should be those two things." Su Fan rolled up his sleeves and broke into the storage room. Two minutes later, he held a stack of cups in his left hand and two bottles of "soda" in his right hand and walked out of it. .

   "My good master, what did you take to drink again." Xiao Huo's eyes flashed golden light.

   "Trust me, you won't like the taste of them." Su Fan was stunned.

   "Idiot, one is called Fengyoujing, the other is called toilet water, this is not for drinking." Tuntian said triumphantly.

   "First come about 10ml of toilet water..." As Su Fan said, he took out a cup and poured the toilet water into it.

   "Masaka!" Tuntian widened his eyes, "The road that was never imagined is outrageous!"

   "What are you talking about?" Xiao Huo was extremely contemptuous.

   Su Fan added 2-3 drops of Fengyou Essence, and then took out a chopstick to stir frantically.

   "Oh, the mint fragrance in the toilet water is matched with the strong smell of wind oil, then Gul'dan, what is the price?" Tuntian roared.

   "You are such a genius." The corner of Su Fan's mouth twitched slightly, "It's just to disturb the sense of smell of Deadpool zombies."

   Su Fan smeared the synthesized liquid on his limbs, and then packed the remaining cups, oil essence, toilet water and other items into the bag for use.

   "The preparations are done, then let me...come to this dungeon!"


   In the killer business, there are many people with distinctive personalities and strong personal styles: for example, some people have characteristics that have remained unchanged for ten years, and Hexi wears a red tie and a bald head with a barcode.

   As long as it appears in people's eyes, this kind of person has always been that kind of image.

   There are others who are ecstatics walking on a rainy night, holding a violin, holding a pot of flowers, petals floating on the body of the dead, and then standing aside quietly playing the violin.

   Someone must even kill someone in the windy evening, singing the wind and the cold, the strong man is gone forever, and he shot his head.

   And these, UU reading www. are all legends in the industry, and only these top bosses are qualified to use their own characteristics. Those who have worked hard to kill the target can't do superfluous things.

   Maybe everyone will be curious, why is the killer suddenly involved? Obviously it has nothing to do with the copy.

   However, in fact, when it comes to killers, this time in Su Fan's script, there are really people who were once killers.

  He is an ordinary killer, without a name, but he has always had a code name, called [Zhen Wu Dadi].

  【Zhenwu Great Emperor】Different from the above, he also had pursuits and thought of having his own characteristics, but he didn't know when to start, but eventually got tired of these.

  Perhaps a few years younger, he will be very interested in these, but no matter how you say, he is still past the age of doing these bells and whistles.

  In the end, [Zhen Wu Great] decided to kill at all possible levels, and began to kill people by all means, everything just worked for the highest efficiency.

   And when he had been doing this silently for more than ten years, he suddenly looked back, only to find that several of the so-called industry leaders had already been killed.

   However, just when he was in trouble, and when he was so proud that he was approached by countless assassin organizations, the whole people passed through.

   Since then, there is no ordinary assassin in the assassin world, and an existence called [Zhen Wu Dadi] has been added to the battle power list of the beast master.

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