Suspended Life Game

Chapter 207: Other person identity

Various permutations and combinations flashed in the brain, and Xie Yi's eyelids began to jump again.

Ah, don't panic, there are two minutes left, let's start ... In short, the prophet is a card that is opposed to the entire audience. Once the prophet has flopped at the time left for the prophet to flop, no other player can win. Therefore, if it is a prophet, no one else on the field will give him the true information, and no matter how the other camps in the field oppose each other, they will unite to deceive the prophet. So if there are no prophets in the other five cards that come into your eyes, is it true that you can only rely on yourself. Or there are already three special identification cards on the field other than the prophet, so don't worry.

Then the other ... let's not talk about the villagers' camp and the werewolf camp, the remaining three independent camps, witches, hunters and idiots can all win together, and they do need to cooperate-independent camps have higher priority than non Independent camp, if the independent camp is single, the wolf and the people of the non-independent camp will not be willing to give him information. If there is only one independent camp on the field, it will be difficult for the person who judges that he is an independent camp to judge the specific Which identity.

It is easy to determine that you are an independent camp person: the remaining five people on the field are either civilians or wolves, and the wolf king and the sheriff are among them, and they are talking to each other and no one wants to ignore you ...

It's really hard to be the only independent camp on the field. You can only choose one of four by luck. Even if you choose the right identity, you may not be able to vote correctly-no need to think, a prophet who directly flops and an idiot who can also win directly to himself is fine, The hunter has to vote for the player with the most votes on the field, and the witch has to vote for the player with the least votes on the field. Who can bear it ...

Oh, it ’s also worth noting that there may be no werewolf camp or no villagers camp in the game. In this case, if there are no werewolf camps and no people with independent camps win, the villagers camp wins. The opposite is true.

The screen on the phone flashed, the rotating clock pointed to the fixed point, and it became a new electronic clock randomly, 10:00, 09:59, 09:58 ...

The countdown has begun.

At the same time, Xie's vision changed, and the fog on the desktop that could only see his number was gradually fading away, and the entire picture of the table was displayed.

This is a hexagonal table. The edges and corners of the table also divide it into six small fan faces. Each person sits in front of a small fan on the table. Other people's numbers on the desktop and the identities marked above the numbers gradually show up. But all eyes except the table are still dense fog with almost no fingers, only the other five groups of people can be seen faintly.

Xie Yan slightly raised her eyebrows, this posture ...

"Can you hear me?" Xie Yan said.

"Okay." The voice came directly from Xie Yan.



At the same time, several different sounds sounded at the same time, people are concerned that their tone is different, but the sounds are completely the same-a typical filtered electronic sound.

really. Seeing this thick fog of invisible people, Xie Yi felt a little bit in his mind. In order to reduce the off-site factors as much as possible, the system blocked the out-of-game associations between players.

The table is not large, and the distance between each person is not too far away, but if you ca n’t afford it, it is difficult to touch others-there is probably a person separated by two people, such a large space.

"Well, what's your voice ... who are all of you?" It wasn't just Xie Xie who found the sound problem. The voice opposite Xie Xie sounded again.

Although the voice was obscured, the tone sounded like a girl.

Xie Wei is No. 4, and the person directly opposite is No. 2, at this time Xie Yue can clearly see that her identity is ‘civilian’.

After No. 2 spoke for a few seconds on the court, No. 2 didn't ask any more. It didn't seem to really want everyone to answer who he was, but he was too surprised just now.

There was a moment of silence on the field, no one was talking, everyone was watching the information on the table with full attention.

At first glance, Xie Yan saw the three words on the table that he wanted most, No. 1, ‘Prophecy’, and could n’t help showing a mysterious smile.

Great, even if you are an independent player, you cannot place an order, and it is not the most ...

In addition to the identity you can't see in front of you, the identity of the remaining 5 cards are:

Prophet No. 1;

Civilian No. 2;

Sheriff 3;

Wolf 5

Witch No. 6;

This situation, from my own perspective, the tripartite camp has, in a sense, it can be regarded as balanced ... and what kind of card he owns has a great impact on the entire situation.

From the current point of view, regardless of the people in the two independent camps, there are currently two villager camps on the field. The sheriff recorded 1.5 votes, for a total of 2.5 votes. The wolf is only number 5. If you are also a villager, the guards and witches of the independent camp need to watch out for. First, we must guard against the prophet, we must not let him flop, then we must guard against the witch, we must not let him vote on the player with the least number of votes ... then! !! In the eyes of No. 5, from the perspective of No. 5, there must be two independent camps and three villagers' camps on the field. At this time, if No. 5 is made aware that it is a wolf card, No. 5 must understand that he wins. The odds are slim. Then, out of the confrontation with the villagers' camp, maybe the dog will jump off the wall and send the prophet to win, or the witch will win. There are too many players in independent camps, for non-independent camps. This is a huge disadvantage, even if the villagers have three people.

And if this is the case, if you open your eyes and see the two villagers on the field becoming independent, wouldn't you suspect that you are a wolf? It is impossible for No. 5 to wonder if he is poor, weak and helpless.

...... This is the possibility that you are a citizen. For another possibility, if you are a wolf, then the situation will be more troublesome. From a probability perspective, you may be more common than a wolf king, and you are The ordinary wolf, although he and No. 5 and the opposite add up to two people against each other, but two votes against 2.5 votes still have to lose (not to mention a desperate prophet and witch over there). However, this situation is also better than the previous one. In a situation where there is a close match, generally no one will jump over the wall. After the people in the non-independent camp recognize their identity as soon as possible, they will not have much real dialogue with the people in the independent camp. of.

But if you are the wolf king, this is really a close match ... grass, no, it is no longer possible. Suddenly remembering the rules, Xie Yan rubbed his temples in distress. Out of the 6 cards of Sheriff White Wolf King Sheriff, only three cards will be drawn at random, and then three wolves will be drawn with three villagers. Nine cards will be used to draw 6 cards. And the sheriff, there is no longer a wolf king anyway.

Then don't wolves. Xie Yun coldly abandoned No. 5.

Well, I hope I am an independent camp and wait for the remaining two. Hunters and idiots are relatively easy to win. Idiots directly vote for themselves. For the hunters, as long as they follow the No. 2 and No. 3 villagers to cast No. 5, this can

The pitiful and helpless wolf is also very simple ...

Xie Yan: "………………"

I don't seem to be an independent camp anymore.