Swallowed Star

v13 Chapter 16: Desperate mission

Chapter 16: Desperate Mission

Luo Feng was very humble in front of the teacher, but the answer contained an unassailable determination.

Zhen Yan Wang looked at the respectful apostles in front of him and shook his head. He couldn’t help but smile: “Luo Feng, your decision is a bit reckless. But in front of me, you can do it without shaking, this is very good. If you want to be a strong person, you should always be introspective, and you will have to correct it immediately if you find the mistake! If you think you are correct, it is like faith persists."

"Since you are determined to go down, I will not persuade more!"

"In a word, come to see me alive." Zhen Yan Wang looked at the invincible apprentice, the long-lived life of hundreds of millions of years, making him watch a disciple die.

"Teacher, I will definitely come back alive." Luo Feng respectfully bowed.


Zhen Yan Wang nodded and waved.

Luo Feng was in the body, and even walked out of the cultivation field, and the real king looked at Luo Feng and left, there was a trace of complexity in the eyelids, and then the figure directly dissipated.

Out of the cultivation ground, the servants and guards in the manor saw Luo Feng and even bowed.

"His Royal Highness."

"His Royal Highness."

A group of people is very respectful.

Luo Feng frowned and frowned: "The teacher said yes, dare to perform the mission of desperation, all have the confidence to enter, the mortality rate is still as high as 90%. I have the devil ***, the Golden Horn Beast ***, survivability is ten times stronger than others, but it can't be taken lightly."

After four dangerous-level tasks in the first half of the year alone, there were two real dangers.

It is a momentary switch to the devil ***, relying on the domain of the ninth-order murderer *** that incredible body speed, quickly escaped.

Dangerous level tasks are all in trouble.

This desperate task can't be taken careless.


Luo Feng entered the study, sat at the desk, opened the laptop, and clicked the page directly.

Security level, general level, difficult level, dangerous level, desperate level.

"Dead level!" Luo Feng did not hesitate, direct ***.

Drops - drops - drops - drops - drops - drops -

A harsh sound is emitted from the screen.

"Luo Feng, solemnly remind you that this is a desperate task. Many of my early secrets in the history of the virtual universe company, the original secret members have lost their lives in this desperate task. I suggest you... after several qualifications, then Try to get rid of the mission." The electronic voice echoed in the study.

"Back, please choose to cancel. If you want to receive the mission, please choose OK."

"Once you're sure, you can't go back."

"The mission must be executed!"

Luo Feng grinned and directly confirmed.


The screen surface is automatically refreshed, and a brand new page appears. Only when you actually start the mission-level task can you see this page.

At the top of the page is a line of words - "Death mission, the mortality rate is 90%, survive from the desperate situation, need strength, also need luck, your desperate task can be selected at most twice, please choose carefully."

"The following is a list of mission-level tasks:

1, the purgatory abyss (virtual universe company original secret)

2, Yungong (the giant axe fighting martial arts gods beginning secret)


8, Magic Mountain (virtual universe company too early secret)


12, Death Star (Cosmic Mercenary Alliance Glory Secret)


18, Gophery Continent (the first bank of the universe drops blood secrets)"

Luo Feng looked at the list of brows and wrinkles: "The total number of dangerous tasks is 186. This desperate task has only a total of 18, and it is really pitiful."

18 desperate missions.

Four are in the secret world of the virtual universe company, and the other 14 are in the secrets of the giant axe battlefield, the universe mercenary alliance, the universe Galaxy Bank, and the First Bank of the Universe. Looking at these names alone, Luo Feng can feel the crisis that has come to the forefront. It is called ‘desperate’ and is definitely not intentionally scary.


"First look carefully one by one, what are these places of desperation?" Luo Feng began to look.

Each desperate situation has a detailed introduction, as well as detailed mission requirements.

Points vary.

The lowest ‘dead star’ mission, but the death star’s mission is three, each of which is 100,000 points, which is not too small.

The highest task of the 'Purgatory Abyss' is only one mission, and the reward for points is 1 million points.


Think carefully and carefully while thinking, for half an hour.


Luo Feng took a breath and stared at the screen in front of him. He whispered: "It’s really awkward. It’s true before. If you want to survive safely from the mission, the strength is of course fundamental, but it really has to Then a little luck. Even if it is me, if the luck is bad and it is a nightmare situation, all of it will not be able to live out."

18 tasks, each one is extremely abnormal!

"My luck is not too bad, I still have some certainty."

"Which one is chosen?"

Luo Feng did not have the slightest fear of worry.

There is no one-hundred security thing in this world. Even if the ordinary people on the earth walk on the road, they may drop a flower pot in the air. Even if you keep the traffic rules, those drunk driving cars will hit you against the traffic rules. Even if it is such a great master of Luo Feng, luck is bad.

Maybe a super-existence, suffering some painful things, arbitrarily venting, directly killed a group of little guys.

It is impossible to say that the Zerg and the mechanical family are super-existing, and through the universe, they come directly to the secret and kill a group of little ones.

In short.

There is no absolute safety, you can go to it with certainty.

"Well, the task of 'Magic Mountain' is the only mission in the secret of the beginning of the world. Looking at the introduction, it is more suitable for me. Since the distance is near, it is!" Luo Feng eyes bright, gently choose to pick up .


"Please confirm the picking up the magic mountain cultivation mission."

"Accepted successfully."

"Please fill in the departure time, Virtual Universe will arrange for someone to send you to the Magic Mountain."

Luo Feng took a deep breath and nodded slightly.


Magic Mountain is an ancient mysterious place in the secret of the beginning.

It is suspended in the void.

There are nine ancient planets around the Magic Mountain. There are many indigenous people living on these nine ancient planets. Countless indigenous powers will leave their planet and break into the Magic Mountain, because only when the Magic Mountain is alive, will it be truly Virtual universe company called. Become a member of the Virtual Universe Company.


Unlike the Blood World, the Magic Mountain and the surrounding nine ancient planets are controlled by the virtual universe company! Of course, the degree of magic, the ‘magic mountain’ is even more magical.


Magic Mountain Mission:

1 Survival for three months in Magic Mountain and receive a reward of 100,000 points.

2 Survived for three years in Magic Mountain and received a reward of 300,000 points.

These two tasks are very simple.

Just survive!

However, Luo Feng carefully read some of the instructions of the Magic Mountain mission and found out that it is very difficult to survive.

Two days later.

A spaceship came to the territory of Luofeng, the land on the land.

"His Royal Highness."

Three men in black uniforms walked down the ship and respectfully bowed.

"Well, let's go." The surface is wearing camouflage armor, military pants, boots, and the inner layer is the Moyun suit. The fully armed Luo Feng nodded.


The three uniform men all respected the ceremony and followed Luo Feng into the hatch. Then the hatch closed and the spacecraft began to rise slowly.

"Give me your Highness!"

The landlord Otto and a group of guards all bowed.


The spacecraft has disappeared in the distance at the end of the void.


"The universe has been shuttled, and now it is starting to travel in the dark universe. His Royal Highness, it takes about 6 hours from this to the Magic Mountain." The black uniform man with silver thread on the sleeve of the first person smiled.

"Yeah." Luo Feng nodded.

"Right, are you specifically going to the magic mountain?" Luo Feng suddenly asked.

The black uniform man smiled and said: "Yes, all the cosmic members in the secrets of the early secrets, as long as they go to the magic mountain, I will pick them up."

“How is the mortality rate?” Luo Feng asked.

"do not know."

The black uniform man smiled. "Although I came to pick it up, when the survivor returned, it was the virtual universe company who sent it back at the Moshan station. So, I don't know how much I died. But my colleague said, The death rate is quite high."

"Oh." Luo Feng nodded slightly.

"But I can tell His Royal Highness, including the Royal Highness of Luo Feng, and a total of three people went to the Magic Mountain." The black uniform man said.

"Three people?" Luo Feng eyebrows.

"One is a member of the original secret, one is a member of the last days of the secret, and the third is you, Lord Luo Feng. But they have now entered the magic mountain." The black uniform man laughed, "I am responsible for picking up, it is me." Peer."

Luo Feng nodded.

The original secret member of the cosmic level? Three old people plus Beran and Longyun, a total of five people. The five people in the qualification battle are likely to play against themselves, so I have checked the details of these five people before.

"I don't know who it is, is it a Berlan? Or is it a long cloud, or is it one of the three old people?"

Immediately, Luo Feng returned to the rest cabin.

About six hours later, the spacecraft once again shuttled back to the original universe.


"The front is the magic mountain." In the control room, the black uniform man pointed to the front, the virtual scene made Luo Feng clearly see the distant sky, there is a black mountain filled with pale green, white mist, in the void The mountains are extremely embarrassing, obviously very huge.

Around the distant mountains, you can see an ancient planet faintly.

From the perspective of Luo Feng, only five ancient planets can be seen.

“Magic Mountain is 180 million kilometers high and has a maximum width of 320 million kilometers at the bottom.” The black uniform man pointed at the high mountain in the void. “Moshan is the name of our virtual universe company. The nine ancient The indigenous people of the planet are called the magic mountain as the 'holy land', the 'forbidden land', the 'passing the forbidden land', etc., and often a large number of indigenous powers flock to the magic mountain, on the number, in fact, our virtual universe company into the magic mountain, less than those One in ten thousand of the indigenous people who entered the Magic Mountain."