Swallowed Star

v26 Chapter 17: Inconsistent

The behemoths that are far away are flying... but whoever hates it.

The inner domain of the peak.

A white jade boat is flying at high speed, and Luo Feng is in the boat. This white boat... is the color of the 'Tomb of the Tomb', the shape of the tomb is changed slightly, the boat of the tomb is used as a machine. Flowing treasures, since some change of energy, but in any case have to be guaranteed to be a ship type, the big form can not be changed.

"Okay, know, rest assured."

Luo Feng’s consciousness should be in the virtual universe. Because the target is the master of the limp, it is necessary to determine the position of the lieutenant, and the lieutenant can never stay there somewhere.

"Eleven years ago, the main trace of Minhang was discovered. It is the 'ice flower rock world' in the peak of the peak." Luo Feng whispered. "I guess it will take 80 years to get there. The Lord is really able to rush, I have entered the peak of the peak for 200 years, and have not yet chased him, the leader of a new universe is so crazy."

Luo Feng is unimaginable...

A ruined 18-revolution era, finally having the opportunity to enter the ‘desire’ and ambition of a cosmic master of the universe.

"I hope not to let me down, but I would rather return, not to take the treasures left by you." Luo Feng secretly said, then he laughed dumbly, in order to smash the treasures of the blue-letter space secret room left by the Fanzi. I have already ran several times.

For the first time, in the depths of the universe, and the Lord of the Five Commandments, etc., they fell into the ninth abyss, and later, because of the inheritance of the East River, they temporarily threw the treasures of the Vatican.


The second time, I first took the white wing and took the white wing. At that time, I had two big avatars and I had two divisions. The giant axe suddenly fell... so that Luo Feng immediately recalled the Golden Horn behemoth.

The third time is this time. I have already entered the space boat for about 400 years and suddenly know the ‘the Lord of the Mind’.

"There is a saying in my hometown of the earth that is good and hard."

"I haven't done it again and again. Isn't the blue-letter space secret room left by the sacred sacred man, what can make me unexpectedly harvest?" Luo Feng, actually, did not put it in his heart, in his heart... The other wings of the wing are obviously far more important than the sacred treasure.

So, knowing the main message of Minhang, it will be transferred immediately.

"It's hard to say, maybe it's an accident." Luo Feng showed a smile, then closed his eyes and concentrated on cultivation.

The inner domain of the peak of the peak, the world of ice rock.

The white jade boat is becoming flying in the air.


“No?” Luo Feng was in the hall of the ship, and he had silver four wings. “When I found the white wings... At that time, it was separated by tens of light years, and the remote sensing should be there. But now there is no sense. ... can only show that his wings are not what I want. Or that he is not in the world of ice rock."

Luo Feng frowned.

Looking at the outside world... I saw the endless cold ice rock world, there are huge flowers, seemingly beautiful flowers, but in fact hidden murder, the entire space is composed of endless flowers.

"What to do, can't find it?" Luo Feng frowned.

In the three Jedi, it is difficult to find a strong trail.

After all, once in a certain place, waiting for the treasure to be born, perhaps a few years is even a long time, if no other strong found, no one knows. Even if the Hongmeng intelligence network is so powerful, it has not been traced to the update of the lieutenant.

"Hmm?" Luo Feng's eyes lit up.

"Maybe, it can be like this.........,.

Luo Feng showed a smile, and immediately a movement, there is a figure next to it, it is the golden horn behemoth, the golden horn beast is carrying the pair of white wings.

"I was looking for the Scorpio in the original star. At that time, I only had one pair of wings.

"At that time, the sensing distance was very small. Only when they were close to the engraved, they could sense each other."

"When I have two pairs of wings... When I am in the peak, I am afraid that it is tens of light years, and I can sense the white wings across the water and across the wing space. Obviously.

The more complete the wings, the more intense the summoning, the stronger the induction. I only need three pairs of wings to form together, how far is the sensing distance? Luo Feng secretly.

In just one pair, the sensing distance is less than 10 billion kilometers.

In two pairs, the sensing distance is tens of light years.

What about the three pairs?

Hundreds of light years? Thousands of light years?

No matter how dangerous the inner domain of the peak is, the master of the dragonfly was in the world of ice rock 90 years ago. 90 years... A master of the universe should not be able to move too far, perhaps to be able to sense it.

"White wings." Luo Feng's heart moved, a pair of 'white wings' on the back of the Golden Horn beast quickly integrated into the back of the Earth's human deity, just a fusion, the silver four wings and the white wings quickly began to fit together, like The gears are stuck to each other and are joined together to form a perfect six wings.


The silver six wings behind Luo Feng suddenly rose slightly.

Luo Feng’s eyes suddenly burst into a terrible light, revealing the color of ecstasy: “Summoning!!!”

"That direction!" Luo Feng jerked his head in a direction far away, he could clearly sense... In a far-reaching position, there is a sense of summoning!

"There are other wings of Wu Yuyi."


Luo Feng is extremely excited.

Whether it is the Lord of Minhang, but since there is a sense of summoning, it must be some other pair of wings.

"In the past!" Luo Feng immediately drove the boat of the tomb and quickly flew in that direction.

In fact, Luo Feng is very clear, when he senses the other party, the other party will also feel that his mouth is timid... It is very troublesome to escape directly.

As a result, the other party does not know who the ‘summoning sensation comes from. As a strong person who can penetrate the three great places, this will only be an opportunity, how can it easily escape?

Second, Luo Feng’s position is closer.

The other side is deeper. Even if you want to escape! Luo Feng can also stop!

Plus the heart that can't wait, So Luo Feng directly killed the past.

The huge waves of turbulent waves, once and for all, sweeping into the void, every time sweeping the void, will annihilate the void.

A bizarre three-story minaret is above the waves.

"That direction........., the four faces of the Lord of Minhang are all in doubt, "My wings?" ”

Behind the black four wings are shaking.


"There is something calling me." The Lord of the Minhang was excited. "Is it really lucky, I have suppressed the old era in the Holy Land universe. Just after entering the universe, my chance is coming?"

In the Holy Land universe, the Lord of the Minions they hear the most is the dangers and opportunities in the three great places! He has long been eager to look forward to it... In particular, I heard that a little guy who has been practicing for less than 20 years can get the inheritance of the East River that the ancestors of the Holy Land longed for. The Lord of the Minhang is even more embarrassed and eager.

"Oh, my strength, as long as I don't meet the strongest in the universe, it's all right." The Lord of the Minhang is very confident, and he has fought a lot of battles. The fifth-order top of the universe can't help him.

"The area is obviously the inner domain. The strongest person in the universe is not there. Even the strongest ones have to give me the face of the purple moon." The heart of the Minhang is itchy, can't wait, immediately control The palace flew to the treasure.

With the flight, the Lord of the Minhang is more confident.

"Haha, summoning my treasure, is also flying in the direction of me. The treasure should be obtained by the Lord of the universe. The Lord of the universe should also be summoned." The Lord of the Mind is proud, "Look at it. The speed, obviously the other party is also the master of the universe, not the strongest."

One confirmation is not the strongest, and the Lord of Minhang is looking forward to it.

Both can sense each other and are struggling to move toward each other and move forward at the fastest speed.

"The two meet, the strong wins."

"The treasures, the strong ones get it." The Lord of the Minhangs is more and more expecting, "My Lord of the Minhangs, just out of the Holy Land universe... is destined to be the name of the universe!"

As the existence of eternal life, the thoughts of the cosmic Lord of the Holy Earth universe will be different, some are adventurous, some are like killing, and like the lieutenant, they are eager to see the universe. His idea... is a very normal and normal idea in the universe of the Holy Earth universe.

"Oh... it’s very fast, it seems to be moving towards me at full speed. Very good." Luo Feng is more satisfied in the boat of the tomb, the wings behind him are trembled madly, and the sense of summoning is stronger, "also It saves me more time, I will make you die very well."


Luo Feng did not think about it.

Since the Purple Moon Holy Land has been given a killing order, why should you keep your hand on the Purple Moon Holy Land?

Time has passed, and it has been more than 20 years since the blink of an eye. The closer the two are, the strong sense of summoning makes both sides extremely excited.

"It’s terrible, it’s terrible.” The Lord of the Minhang felt that the four wings behind it seemed to be free from flying away. In the mad tremor, this super-sounding sense of screaming made the Lord’s excited body tremble. "What level of treasure is it to produce such a strong sense of summoning?"

"Is it true that my wings are the accessories of the Xingqiang Zhibao?" The Lord of Minhang thought more and more excited.


Is it possible that I can have a big adventure when I am in the middle of it?

"The human Luofeng can be broken down from the East River. Why can't I get the supreme treasure? The other party only gets the parts, and it is estimated that they are not aware of it." The main heart of Minhang is shaking. The distance between the two is shrinking...

Over the rolling hills.

Two streams of light, one from the left and one from the right.

"Come." The owner of the Minhang is ready to shoot at any time. "Don't go out from the palace to the treasure. I just entered the universe. I rarely show up in this palace. I know very few... if it is like this. Directly killing, he saw me, knowing that I am good at restraint, I can't escape if I am entangled, and I will probably escape immediately."

"I still don't show up for a while, otherwise I will be scared when I look at Luo Feng. Although it can be wasted by the golden country and the snow-sand sea, it can also waste a lot of time. The opponent who cooperated with this... let him die quickly, is his best thanks." Luo Feng did not come out in the white jade boat.

The two quickly approached.

When the distance between the two palaces is only a million kilometers away, the high-spirited gods of the four sides and sixteen arms are black trenches, and the black four wings are unfolding behind them. He obviously feels so close and enough.

The third chapter of the five chapters today! (To be continued)