Swallowed Star

v18 Chapter 30: Nine time space

Chapter 18, Chapter 30, Nine Time and Space

The direct killing method of the genocide is not as good as the special life of ‘silver 眸’, but the talent in the assassination and lurking is absolutely top in the universe.


The murderer's avatar disappeared instantly and became a piece of metal in the Luofeng armored suit jacket.

"There are demons and geniuses, the universe is big, where can't I go?" Luo Feng is full of joy and arrogance. After all, the magical squad has a common teleportation method that is comparable to the universe. The distance is only a short distance, and the secret secret method' The domain 'is a counter-attempt means that you can't get it if you want to cultivate it.

"Before I needed nearly ten days to reach the nine time and space, now the demon squad can reach 100 light years in a teleport. Many dangerous places can be swiftly swept away. Haha, you can reach the nine time space in a half day. Luo Feng waved the Rainbow King into the world ring.

Then the cockroach disappeared into the void.


Even if it is a mysterious place, there are few dangerous places that can fill hundreds of light years. Even if there is, Luo Feng can bypass it.


Half a day later.

Luo Feng appeared in the void, the silver wings unfolded, and looked at the distant time and space.

"Nine secluded time and space." Luo Feng whispered.

In the distance, the time and space, the sea water, at least from the outside world, the nine time and space is like an endless water world.

"Who can think of this, the diameter of only 12 light years is nine secluded time and space, and the inheritance of the main force of the universe that our inheritors know is just a few." Luo Feng sighed low, "the treasure is even more hidden. Generations of inheritors have consciously hoped that this adventure will be more than a treasure, but the vast majority will fall."

"I hope that luck can be in my body, and I can protect you from the branches of the world tree."

"It’s really slow, the speed of the float is really slow.” The pompom is already as fast as possible, close to the world tree area. Why can't you go out of style, like flying against the wind? For example, sub-light speed flight? Assuming this is done, it will certainly be easily discovered. Once it is discovered, then there will be no hope.

"I have patience."

"I am not in a hurry, I am not in a hurry."

"Just let me go to the edge of the world tree, close to the world tree, the best world tree is falling.

"Too slow!" After three months of drifting, watching the still distant world tree, the pompoms screamed in the heart.

***: The first chapter is!