Swallowed Star

v29 Chapter 9: Sensation under ruin

The twenty-ninth article of the detachment of the ninth chapter of the detachment

After the beasts of the beasts entered the fifth-order, the black skin had a **** texture, and at the moment, with the most powerful method of 'destruction' by Brady's cockroaches, these blood-colored silk lines actually swam on the body surface of Brady. Up, followed, but also swims out of its body surface, suspended behind it. The latest chapter of the church.com

Huge blood color pattern, suspended Betty behind.

There is no trace of blood on the surface of Bedy's body.

"吼~~" sounded like a roar from the endless past, and the huge blood pattern behind Betty was a dazzling light. This blood color pattern is like a skeleton, and the light that shines at this moment is like flesh. It is rapidly condensing and turning into a huge light and shadow of the beast with two skulls.

The phase of the beast formed by the blood color pattern as the skeleton.

Exudes endless light and dazzling.

"Destruction!" Beide, the beast, screamed.

"Destruction!" The beasts of the great light behind it also screamed, and the buzzing sounds resonated with each other. The roar of resonance even caused the soul of Luo Feng, who had been observing through the void, to tremble.

Brady’s right hand slammed out.

The beast of the great light behind him also extended his right hand.


Right hand five fingers one by one, suddenly spurred time and space, rumbling ~ ~ ~ a huge endless dazzling white whirlpool channel born out of thin air, its brilliance of light, more than billions of times more than the stellar light.

"Go!" Brady's right hand slammed.

The beast of the light behind him is also pushed.

This dazzling white whirlpool channel whirls, rushing forward toward the front, and everything is broken.

"Ang~~" The vortex channel advances while it is still spinning. This rotating force can break everything.

"Peng!" The endless tough walls of the leaves were completely dispersed, and the numerous cane branches and leaves contracted madly. The spheres consisting of huge vine leaves and leaves covered by hundreds of millions of kilometers were instantly disintegrated and shrunk back to the dark green. Plant treasure 'Thousand Silks'. 《》网.com

The whirlpool channel seems to be slow.

But that is the effect of time stagnation. It is actually fast to the extreme. After penetrating the shackles of Thousand Silks, it directly rushes to Luofeng in the distance. In the distance, there is a nine-story tower on the golden wave. Luo Feng is already Entered the Star Tower.

Although he is sure that he is hard to resist this attack, Luo Luofeng does not dare to smash.

"Dead!" Betty, the beast of the world, stared at Luo Feng, and both of them had expectations.

Luo Feng in the Star Tower is also blazing for the dazzling vortex passage that hits the impact.

"Destruction? Is this destruction? The strongest attack in the six stages of the beast, which contains some of the destruction of the source?" Luo Feng was shocked. If the real strength is worse, I am afraid that seeing this move will only feel Power is so incredible, but can't see the mystery of this trick.

Luo Feng?

He saw some of the mystery!

Although he is also a true god, in fact, Luo Feng can now create a top-level secret law of the eleventh, it can be said that he is as good as the general void in the realm! As long as he is willing... he can make his own small universe change rapidly and change to a higher level, and then become a true god!

To be a true god, it is difficult and difficult to say, it is not difficult or difficult.

As long as you can create your own ten-level top secrets in the realm, you will be able to step into the void. Like the original ancestors!

And ‘God of God’s ‘God to True God’ ‘Chaotic City Owner’, etc., can only create a ninth-order top secret.

It’s hard to go to the sky if you want to break through!

Just as the masters of the universe have created the fifth-order top-level secret method, it is difficult to break through the sky.

Luo Feng is a true **** after reaching 100,000 times of the gods. This difficulty is harder than becoming an eternal god... The foundation is inherently high, so when you realize the chaotic evolution, the harvest is naturally great. Now you can create the eleventh-order top secret... Can Luo Luo dare to become a true god? He is not afraid!

Because once you become a true god, you must go back and forth in a very short time.

He will have no chance to fight against the beasts. When he is reincarnation, the beast will come and eat his small universe to destroy everything. The original universe is shattered, the human race is extinct, the earth is the same, and Luo Feng’s relatives Are you allowed to go down, will Luo Feng allow? Therefore, even if the realm is higher, he does not dare to break through, preferring to stay at the level of true God. The latest chapter of the church.com

in this way……

In order to have enough time to play against the beasts.


"This is the source of destruction? And the original universe is the source of life..." Luo Feng was completely attracted by this move. "The vortex channel that represents part of the destruction of the source is so dazzling?"

Luo Feng’s eyes reflected the white, dazzling and rapid vortex passage. Some of the mysteries of this vortex channel were constantly discovered by Luo Feng, and the power of the distant 'black stone pillar space' accelerated by 10 million times. The avatar is to think quickly and constantly comprehend to improve his own realm.


This is the first time that you have never touched the source of destruction.

As a life born of the original universe, Luo Feng is completely addicted to this trick.


When the time was almost stagnant, the endless dazzling whirlpool channel crashed into the nine-story tower, so that the entire star tower could not be shaken off.

"Awesome magic tricks." Luo Feng was amazed. "This Beddy has no treasures such as Wu Qishen, Wu Wuyi, Blood Shadow Knife, etc. It is purely naked, but it can explode such power. If I don't have The Star Tower, although it can block it, will definitely be at a disadvantage."

The vortex channel hits the Star Tower.

Luo Feng naturally can clearly sense the strength of this recruiting power, quickly judged that ... he can resist, but is in absolute disadvantage.

The premise of being able to resist is that you must have Wu Qi Shen and Blood Shadow Knife!

"You have been hiding in the Star Tower with the ability." The beast of the beast, Brady, snarled, and the huge beast of light behind it has dissipated, and the **** pattern is integrated into its skin.


Beide, the beast, turned his head and fled at high speed.

It is not stupid.

Even with the ruin of this trick, Luo Feng can hide in the Star Tower and easily resist it. Then why does it kill it?

"Beddy, you are the strongest beast, just fled?" The rear star tower quickly flew.


'Golden Sea Pearl' and '弑吴羽翼' both control the golden waves and the almost solidified time and space, madly bound Brady, the speed of the extreme explosion of Luo Feng is terrible, and Brady is bound by all kinds. Nature is getting closer to each other.

"Damn." Betty looked sly, gnashing his teeth.

It does not dare to break down the body.

Because it knows that the decomposition of the ninety-nine is not able to resist the swallowing of the Star Tower.

"Hey!" Star Tower quickly chased, and the distance from Betty is getting closer.

"Beddy." With Luo Feng's cold drink, the bang, a sly wave of power quickly rushed out, directly wrapped up the escaped Brady. Although the power itself does not have much hindrance effect, it can be as if the hot steel is thrown into the water. When the power of the sea is wrapped in the beast of the beast, the 嗤嗤嗤~~~ power and the power of the beast are crazy.

Bedy is crazy.

It has never been so arrogant from birth to now, and it now understands that I am afraid that this Galaxy lord’s divine reserve is far superior to it, so I dare to use this trick.

"Do you want to kill me by this trick?" Both of them looked at the rear star tower, and they roared angrily. "There is a courage to fight with me."

"it is good."

A silver figure flew directly from the Star Tower.

Bedi was wrong, and it did not expect that the Galaxy lord would dare to fly out of the Star Tower.

"Don't he be afraid that I will kill him?" Bedi was puzzled. Just after being forced into that situation, it was almost decided to use the 'Border Light Passage' to escape, because the boundary light passage is the ultimate escape method. It is necessary to burn the 'boundary' and let the body's boundaries fall at least one level.

It is a fifth-order beast. If you use the light channel of the exhibition, you must at least return to the fourth order, and you must swallow more than thirty fourth-order beasts before you can return to the fifth order.

It is not willing to do so if it does not push into desperation.

"Beddy!" Luo Feng took the blood knife and broke through the air. "I respect you and let you die in battle."

"Self-adult." Betty is even more angry.

Suddenly, the **** pattern of his body surface floated again, and it swiveled around its body. It flew to the back of it and floated, and it began to emit dazzling light. The light quickly condensed with a 'blood color pattern' and became a dazzling The beast of light, only see the same movements of Betty and the beast of light, while extending his right hand.


Brady once again exerted its strongest trick, although the use of this trick is extremely energy intensive, but it is not as cruel as the boundary light channel must be reduced.

"Very good." Luo Feng stared at the dazzling vortex channel that formed, and tried to study it.

Why come out and fight it?

Just want to watch this trick ‘destruction’. Because this ruin is destroyed, it contains some sources of destruction. Except in the hands of the beasts... there is no other opportunity to enlighten.

"This is the case... oh..." Luo Feng observed, and the divine power was carefully analyzed under the acceleration of 10 million times.


Betty gnashed his teeth and stared at Luo Feng.


The dazzling vortex channel directly crushes everything that rushes to Luo Feng, wherever it passes, everything is broken. There is nothing to block this vortex channel that represents ‘destruction’, but Rou’s hand-held blood-shadow knives are motionless, and all attention is in this vortex channel.

"Light wing." Luo Feng suddenly waved the blood knife in his hand at the last moment.

When the knife light illuminates, it instantly forms a huge white dragon with the same wings. This dazzling light dragon is hundreds of millions of kilometers long, and the white dragon scales are incomparably clear. Each scale is more eye-catching than the stars. The entire white dragon's eyes are indifferent, and its huge wings flutter, and the head slams down to the vortex channel.

Boom! ! !

The vortex channel and the dragon of the light wing crashed.

In the realm, Luo Feng is a beautiful god, and there are Wu Qishen, blood shadow knife, and broken blessing. This blow is completely worthy of the top of the sky! There is also the power to destroy a small universe.
