Sweep the World

Chapter 408: Winter goes to spring

?Winter is a time when everything is silent. Winter cold brings ice and freezing. Not only people cannot stand the cold, but animals and plants are also affected.


  Relatively speaking, as a wise person, you don’t need to follow the season’s genetic imprint cat winter, you can choose to do certain things according to your own or other people’s wishes.


   When Xie An received the order to return to Chang'an from Longxi, not only was a piece of snow white everywhere on the road, the whole city of Chang'an was actually shrouded in white.


The conquest of Longxi was not an important matter for the Han country. It was only Ran Min’s need, in order to stabilize the rear before Shihu arrived. After the overall change of the situation, there is no longer a need to stabilize the rear, especially Ran Min. Min is ready to go to Yuzhou at any time.


   "The one who expanded his army to 300,000 in just two months." Gaining was the one who delivered the military order to Xie An. He witnessed part of what happened in Chang'an and frowned deeply and said: "Almost everyone who can enlist in the army has been accepted."


   Ran Min's troops need to be registered when they arrive in Yuzhou, but not all of them are accepted. They must be eliminated from the good and the bad, such as removing the old, the weak and the disabled. Ran Min should know this?


  Chang'an has hardly many idlers and so on. It has become a large barracks, and soldiers can be seen wandering around everywhere.


   Xie An entered Longxi with twenty thousand imperial guards, and more than 17,000 returned to Chang'an, which is equivalent to nearly three thousand people killed in Longxi. They fought in Longxi for nearly four months. There were only two real battles, and the rest were spent chasing and being chased.


  Longxi is an area dominated by plains. Although it has been ruled by the Chinese civilization for a long time, it has always been mostly herders no matter it was in the pre-Qin Dynasty or the Han Dynasty. The reason for this is a bit peculiar. Just as it is difficult to cultivate farming in the later generations of Inner Mongolia and 1 ancient times, there is not much depth under the turf as sand, and similar environments cannot really be used as farming areas.


   The area where Xie An and others fought in Longxi was quite wide, and even once entered an unknown basin (Tuguhun), and a stretch of mountains (Xiqiang Mountain) could be seen from a distance.


   "That person's movements are quite big recently." Gaining's brows didn't let go: "You need to pay close attention."


   Xie An just nodded to express understanding.


   Han Guo has always had doubts about what action Ran Min will take, and there is even enough psychological preparation that Ran Min will stand on his own again.


   Xie An led his army to Chang'an and did not receive the supervision of Ran Min and his orders. One was that 17 thousand could not be monitored in the face of nearly three hundred thousand, and the other was that Han had no extra power to take care of.


   In fact, it is really like that. If Ran Min wants to be self-reliant again, it is really the best time. At this time, no one except Zhang Liangguo has extra energy to take care of it.


   Chang'an Palace City was repaired once during the Liu Yao period, and it was expanded again after the founding of the People’s Republic of China by Ran Min. It is certainly not comparable to the palace built by Shihu, but compared to Linzi’s palace city, it looks much more magnificent.


   Xie An came to Chang'an, Ran Min sent someone to call as soon as he received the news.


  While waiting for Xie An to come to Miyagi, what he saw was a large number of troops gathered around Miyagi. It seemed that these troops were preparing for the opening.


"The king can't take care of Guanzhong for the time being. Those who are willing to accompany us should leave." Ran Min is fully armed, wearing a light armor specially made by the generals of the Han army, and wearing a red cloak behind his back, pressing his right hand. On the hilt: "We will go to Yuzhou in a month, but before we leave, we have to eliminate those **** first."


   Xie An stunned and reacted quickly.


   The **** that Ran Min is referring to is no one else. It must be the local clans and tycoons who haven't cooperated with them for a long time, and there are so many people like this.


   "Of course, it can't be wiped out in one month, but as much as it can be wiped out." Ran Min sneered, "Starting from Longdong and sweeping eastward."


  Gai Ning, who had been frowning deeply, finally let go. He said relatively respectfully: "But I don't know when the general will start the action?"


   "It's already started." Ran Min didn't know who Ge Ning was. He looked at Xie An and said, "I need your help."


   Now, Xie An frowned: "An was given the order to bring troops to Chang'an."


   "You will be out, you can't accept your fate, don't you?" Ran Min's attitude is tough: "You have elite infantry under your command, and you are very experienced in siege of cities and villages."


   Xie An shook his head without saying a word.


   Jiang Gan, who has been standing beside him quietly, said appropriately: "The army in Guanzhong is also the army of the king. The number of casualties is the amount of the king's loss. With the assistance of the elite infantry under Anshi, a lot of losses can be reduced."


   "Military orders are military orders." Xie An is actually not a tough person, he just doesn't like Ran Min, and there are few people who like Ran Min in the south of the Yangtze River. He bluntly said: "If you don't attack, there will be no loss."


   In an instant, Ran Min's face became extremely ugly. Yes, he was out of private grievances. Before he left, he wanted to have a grievance, revenge, grievances and complaints. After all, he was irritated by the tycoons and big clans of those places before.


   Jiang Gan wanted to speak to ease the atmosphere, seeing Xie An expressionless and not knowing what to say.


"Then you get off." Ran Min never knew what politeness meant. He could endure it when he was pretending to be a grandson at Shijie before. After rebelling against Shijie, he never endured it once: "Take your troops immediately. Get away."


There was still no expression on Xie An’s face: “I can only walk underneath, I will not roll.” He looked at Ran Min without a stunned expression, and said: “The order was given to station around Chang'an City, unless there is a new one. Military order, otherwise you won’t even be able to move one step."


"Look, see, the bones of these aristocratic families are quite hard now." Ran Min said to Jiang Gan, sarcastically, "If they had such bones before, they wouldn't lose the Central Plains, they would look like lost dogs. Just flee to the south."


   Xie An frowned, glanced at Ran Min with a mocking expression on his face, then at Jiang Gan in a wry smile, and said to Gaining, "Go."


   It was almost as soon as Xie An left Miyagi, the sound of war drums and horns were emitted from the towers of Miyagi. The troops originally assembled around Miyagi went out of Chang'an City through the North Gate and West Gate respectively.


   "Unruly and rebellious!" Gaining said that no one needs to guess: "It's not like a minister at all. He eats the food we give, wears the clothes we give, and uses the weapons we give, but he does his own thing."


   Xie An did not speak, he must go back to the barracks quickly, not to send troops to fight Ran Min, but to prevent Ran Min from sending troops to report private grievances as false, and attacking the Han army is true.


   It turned out that Ran Min didn't attack Xie An's subordinates at all, and he really drove to the west in a mighty manner. The accompanying equipment and related siege equipment looked quite a lot.


"The King of Liang had just left some time ago, and he had met with Ran You several times in private before leaving." Gai Ning said suspiciously: "He...with his troops going west, is he really going to attack the city or go to war? King Liang seek refuge?"


   Xie An is willing to use the most sinister mind to guess Ran Min. Any family in the south would make such a guess, but he didn't think Ran Min would do that.


Zhang’s Liang Kingdom would not be a good shelter. It’s not barren, but it’s sparsely populated and remote. What Zhang Jun needs is for Ran Min to act as a barrier in Guanzhong instead of entering Zhang’s Liang Kingdom. This place recovers its strength, after all, who can be sure that Ran Min will not occupy the magpie's nest.


"It's true to do what I do. It is true to report private grievances." Xie An and Gaining are not familiar at all, but they have a very good impression. Within Dahan, even if he is willing to leave his family, his subordinates will agree?"


  Gai Ning deeply believed that even if Ran Min could be cold-blooded, Ran Min couldn't make all his subordinates cold-blooded. He smiled bitterly and said: "In order to complain before leaving, use soldiers in winter? It's really..."


   One month passed quickly, Ran Min led a crowd of hundreds of thousands on the expedition, but the troops he brought back were only less than 70,000. They brought back a huge amount of spoils, including the first level seized.


   Each head was soaked in lime and preserved, and it contained more than 400 cars. Calculated on the basis that one car can hold 300 heads, Ran Min cut more than 120,000 heads in just one month after his expedition?


   "What do you mean?" Gaining saw that some of the heads on the truck had completely rotted into skeletons, and asked in amazement: "Are they going to Yuzhou, calculated based on military merit?"


   Xie Enke is more than just surprise, it is a complete disgust: "Inside women, children, the old and the weak, the heads account for the majority."


  The Han army is calculated according to the first rank, but it is not entirely based on the first rank, how many wars won, how many battles participated, and so on. There are more calculation methods.


   Ran Min turned around. After only three days of preparation, he sent someone to inform Xie An that he could leave for Yuzhou at any time. He really wanted to take those heads to Yuzhou, and it seemed that 120,000 of his subordinates would have at least the first-class rank of the 20th rank of military meritorious service. It was not only dumbfounding, but also very fucking. .


   "This is a big problem!" Ganin seemed to have a kind of respect for Ran Min, and said, "Is it the last time he fights for the welfare of his followers?"


   Xie An had thought of those a long time ago, but I have to say that my impression of Ran Min hasn't changed at all. He really feels that Ran Min has a slightly lower IQ in some areas. Couldn't he think that this is destroying the military system of the Han country, or even embarrassing the entire Han country?


   No matter what, the huge team in Guanzhong began to leave Haoguan and walked to Luo County to Yuzhou. The team appeared extremely mighty, connecting for dozens of miles.


   If Shi Jie Zhao Guo and Han have any actions throughout the winter, it is that both sides are doing their best to prepare for the war.


  Han is the use of a winter to recruit troops and the necessary organization training, and the necessary war materials will definitely be concentrated on the battlefield that should be sent.


Not only the troops and the equipment, but Liu Yan also kept discussing with his ministers and workers, seizing the gaps to build many fortifications, such as building as many "castles" and fortifications as possible in the Han Army-controlled area to the east of Puyang County. , And urgently built city walls and related fortifications in Nanpi (Bohai County) and Lecheng (Hejian County) in Jizhou.


   Liu Yan, who was in Fenggao, learned that Ran Min had left the pass with his troops, and would arrive in Yuzhou soon without accident. He also knew that Ran Min had brought the heads of more than four hundred carts, saying that he wanted to give credit to his subordinates.


   "This case can't be opened!" Ji Chang's face was full of anger: "Not to mention that it is full of women and children, the old and the weak, just say that it has not been registered, and it is absolutely impossible to agree to such misconduct!"


   "Even if we admit that the soldiers would think it was the grace of the king or remember the grace of Ran?" Sang Yu looked angrily and laughed: "I heard that the idea came from the King of Liang, what is he doing?"


  According to the laws of the Han country, it is not only a soldier who wins in the battlefield, but also can be exchanged for credit, and it can be regarded as the same as military merit. This rule was inherited from the pre-Qin period, and it was such a rule before.


   Liu Yan knew that both Ji Chang and Sang Yu were talking angry. His inner worries are more than anger. After all, the rules are the rules, and no matter how disgusted, he can't ignore the rules because of anger.


   "Don't worry about what Zhang Jun wants to do." Liu Yan looked at Cai You and said, "Be prepared to see where the land for rewards should be selected, and the servants that should be allocated will also be allocated a few ways."


   Ji Chang and Sang Yu glanced at each other silently. They understood a little bit. Liu Yan must have felt extremely disgusted, but being a king is so helpless.


"There is a short rainy season after the beginning of spring. Considering that the muddy season is still unable to engage in large-scale fighting, what more should be done during this period of time." Liu Yan couldn't help looking at Xie Ai, who was sitting on his side, after a pause. Said: "How to go to the Jin Dynasty, how to control the generation, is the most urgent matter at present."


   Attack Zhao, Yuyan, Mengliang, Yudai, Hejin. This is the national policy given by Xie Ai. It is said that Liu Yan has already begun to implement it, but it is really not what should be said in terms of effectiveness.


At present, the Han Kingdom is trying to ease relations with the Eastern Jin Xiao~Dynasty~Ting~lightnovelpub.net~ Huan Wen once again went to Jiankang as an envoy, and only one message was returned, the East Jin Xiao~Dao~Ting Asked Liu Yan to change his country name to Qi and abolish the Taishan sacrifices, and even asked Liu Yan to become a courtier.


   Is that a lion's big mouth? Anyway, Xiao~Chao~Ting mentioned one more thing, that is, hundreds of thousands of Jin troops will cross the river north.


   Liu Yan knew that Xiao~Chao~Ting was very serious about a serious and funny attitude. After reading the news sent by Huan Wen, he wanted to recruit people back, but Xie Ai thought it could be slowed down.


   Xie Ai’s opinion is very simple. Even if one party is serious and funny, it is still negotiating, which is tantamount to procrastination. He is very aware of the efficiency of the young court. As long as Huan Wen is still arguing with Jiankang, it is not completely impossible to drag it for two to three years, and dragging it is absolutely beneficial to the Han country.


   Yudai? Lu Yi was still in the grassland, and news came back from time to time. He also took care of Tuoba Xiu's dowry and armed nearly 15,000 people. It was Tuoba Shi Yijian's deeds that were more incomprehensible. (To be continued)). If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point () to vote, and your support is my greatest motivation. For mobile phone users, please go to read. )