Sweep the World

Chapter 482: :Mie Guo Feng Hou

Li's Cheng Han was a little aggrieved, but Cheng 1 was suddenly captured by the Han army, and Li Shi had not waited for the sudden appearance of the Han army to enter the city and had already asked to surrender. . Fastest update

History is almost a replica of Sima Yi's army's attack on Shu in the late Three Kingdoms period. The difference is that Deng Ai had to work hard to reach the capital city of Cheng 1 while Li Kuang just needed to bring some officers in disguise to become a city around 1 city to receive one. army.

When Li Kuang led nearly 10,000 imperial guards in the field of view of Chengdu, there were not many defenders in Chengdu. Most of Li's troops were attracted to the front lines of Brazil and Bajun in Liangzhou. .

Nearly ten thousand soldiers were well-equipped and looked at the glamorous and fierce Han soldiers in the city of Lincheng City. They just appeared to make people in Chengcheng City stunned. Those who had not yet entered Chengli by the Han army had already dragged their families and had to run away. There were incidents of looting and killing by fishing in troubled waters, and there were also aristocratic families who led their family private soldiers to uprising on their own initiative.

When Li Shi learned that the Han army had reached the city of Cheng 1st capital, he was in a state of panic. There was only one thought in his head, that is, the frontline troops were defeated.

There are still wise people thinking about the old things about the Three Kingdoms, but what they can't tell is that the coming Han army does not look embarrassed. Regardless of whether they were sure, they didn't remind Liushen Wuzhu Li Shi that he did what he should do.

The imperial guards led by Li Kuang had just approached the gate of Chengyi Capital. The military flag above the city head was replaced with a yellow flag. The Han army did not encounter resistance and controlled the gate. Soon Li Shi sent envoys to surrender. .

Yes, raising the apricot and yellow flag actually meant to surrender. By the Song Dynasty, the apricot and yellow flag was still the representative of surrender, and the white flag surrender should start from the Mongolian Yuan.

Li Shi was willing to learn from Ran Min to remove the national title and merge the whole country into the Han country, only a request not to harm him and his relatives.

Learning Ran Min or something can only be said to be feasible, but it is impossible for Li Shi to get Ran Min's treatment. Li Kuang has been informed in advance that if learning the old things of the Three Kingdoms can force Li Shi to surrender, Han is willing to guarantee Li Shi’s life. As for safety, what should the Li family say separately.

Li Kuang accepted Li Shi's surrender on behalf of Liu Yan, and when he took over the capital, he asked Li Shi to write a personal letter to the frontline people to surrender. At this time, Huan Wen was still blocked in Jiange, and Yin Hao's subordinate was attacking and defending back and forth with Li Fu's subordinate in the mountainous area of ​​Dianjiang (modern Hechuan).

Zan Jian and Li Fu, who were on the front line resisting the invasion of the Han army, received a letter from Li Shi almost at the same time, and their reactions were slightly different.

Zan Jian persisted in resisting Nanzheng for half a month, waiting for the city to fall before retreating to Jiange with the remains. This part of the Li family formed the Han army. No matter what kind of offensive, the Han army could not circumvent the Jiange's terrain, where one man should be a guard, and they depended on the absolutely advantageous terrain of the Jiange to firmly block Huanwen's subordinates.

The sword pavilion is absolutely right, easy to defend and difficult to attack. It does not mean that it can be won with a few tricks or a few strong attacks. It can only be tried again and again to fight the defenders in the exhaustion, or cause the morale of the defenders to collapse. The cost of collapse is far greater than imagined.

Zan Jian received a letter from Li Shi and asked Wang Gu to discuss it. According to his original intention, he refused to surrender to the Han army outside the pass. He was very clear that the reason why Cheng 1 Du was unable to pass the Han army's partial division. What he wanted was to leave the necessary troops to stick to the sword pavilion, and take the rest of the troops back to retake Cheng 1 Du. Rescued Li Shi.

As for how Deng Ai frightened Liu Chan to surrender, Wang Ku, a literati, must know better than Zan Jian. After listening to Zan Jian’s opinion, he was silent for a long time, and then asked Zan Jian if he could guarantee that Li Shi was not harmed. What if Li Shi was harmed because of Zan Jian’s return to the army.

After Wang Ku's words were asked, Zan Jian fell into a long silence.

It’s hard to say what Zan Jian’s military talents are. His loyalty to the Li family is a lesson from the sun and the moon. Great grace.

Now is the era when private favor is greater than the country. For many loyal generations, the country can perish, but the benefactor cannot be hurt by a single hair...

Zan Jian could not guarantee that Li Shi would not be harmed, and felt more and less powerful in Wang Ku’s persuasion. Since receiving Li Shi’s personal letter to Switch’s surrender, he spent five days in hesitation, waiting for Switch to surrender. Seeing Huan Wen, he only made one request, and that was to stay by Li Shi's side all the time.

Huan Wen did not hesitate to agree to Zan Jian's request. After taking over Jiange, he also set up a banquet to have fun with Zan Jian, Wang Gu, and other generals or famous literati. At the banquet, he proposed that Zan Jian could leave for Chengdu the next day, and praised Zan Jian's loyalty to the Lord, and even said that the others could go with the same meaning.

Because of sadness and unwillingness, the people who belonged to Li Chenghan's general at the banquet did not drink less, and Zan Jian and a group of people did not leave until the next afternoon. They drove less than two miles and encountered an ambush at a fork in the road. It is an exaggeration to say that the arrows are all fired, but the density of the arrows is definitely not small. The unprepared Zan Jian and others can even avoid the first wave. Can not hide behind the continuous cover, everyone who became a corpse, including the horse, was hit with at least ten arrows all over the body.

Zan Jian and a group of people loyal to Li Shi died. It was because they died unclearly and unclearly. There is no record of how they died in history. In the historical records of the victors, they were treated well by Huan Wen and met their requirements. After leaving the sword pavilion, they disappeared forever. It is guessed that they were intercepted and killed by resentful barbarians. Huan Wen thought of their loyalty and sent troops to avenge the barbarians.

On Li Fu's side, after receiving an autograph letter from history, his original intention was to accept Li Shi's order to surrender to the Han army, but Chang Zong and a group of people sternly discouraged him.

Chang Zhuang was still waiting for Gong Zhuang's good news. The news from Gong Zhuang was not received. The bad news of Cheng 1 being occupied by the Han army and Li Shi surrendered first.

Li Fu hesitated when he heard the different opinions below, whether they had retreated all the way from Dangqu County, could they block the Han army at Dianjiang, or took advantage of the complex mountainous area and the new round of rainy season. To be honest, he was frightened by the fighting power of the Han army. He knew that once the rainy season was over, Dianjiang would still not be able to defend it, and it was nothing more than relying on it and a fluke in his heart.

A group of Shu dynasties such as Chang Zhu really didn't want Shu to fall into the hands of the Han state. If the Shu lands were really included in the rule of the Han state, the families of the Central Plains should be their fate. And in some of the news they heard, Han State issued any ultimatum every time they visited, either according to Han State’s instructions to register the population and donate the land, or it was the whole family including every chicken and every one. The dogs have been wiped out, how can it be a miserable not to keep the chickens and dogs.

In fact, it’s not so exaggerated. The Han country has some preferential treatment for some families that the Han army has not been able to take refuge in or surrender to. It is an iron-blooded method for those groups that resist and resist the rule of the Han country. Hearing some things about Han is extremely scary.

In fact, even the families in the Shu area may not have heard the horror version. As long as the Han State insists on registering all the population of each family, and after measuring the land, only the rest is left for redemption, then they will not be able to accept it.

Some people from the Shu family aristocratic family did not give Li Fu much time to hesitate and determined that Li Fu would surrender to the Han army in accordance with Li Shi's instructions. They set up a game and killed Li Fu and a group of people who did not cooperate. The next moment is to change the banner of the king at the head of the city, take the banner of Li's succession into the Han, and replace it with the banner of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

Yin Hao and the Han army saw that the enemy army on the opposite side suddenly changed to the banner of the Jin army. They were stunned. First they wondered how the Jin army appeared. After a while, the enemy army was still the original enemy army, but the banner was changed. Lose. At first, they didn't understand what the enemy was playing. They waited for someone from the enemy to surrender to find out what happened.

They were replaced with the banners of the Jin army and became the former Li Chenghan army under the command of a group of Shu families such as Chang Zong. They did not suddenly change into supermen because of the replacement of the banners. On the contrary, the sudden change made the soldiers at the bottom a little helpless and helpless. Surprised, after the Han army launched another offensive, the private soldiers of the family were really desperate. It turned out that Li Chenghan's soldiers all became reluctant.

After a series of incidents that seemed to be a joke, Dianjiang’s defenders had no intention of fighting. They were either collapsed or surrendered immediately. The young people chose to retreat back to their nests wisely, and some diehards, including Chang Zong, tried their best to reach the rule of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty.

From February when the Han army formally invaded Li's family and became Han, until Li Shi surrendered, most of the counties and counties were changed to the banner of Han, even if the cities not controlled by the Han army were replaced by the banner of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. Cheng Han was formally swept into the garbage dump, and it took nearly six months, that is, from spring to autumn.

The meeting of Huan Wen and Yin Hao was in Chengdu. Before the two armies met, Li Shi, including his family, set off for Yecheng under the protection of the Han army.

This time Huan Wen did not dare to let Li Shi go missing. Not only did he not dare to let Li Shi go missing, but also to ensure that Li Shi would not lose a single hair. Waiting for the end of the war against the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, Li Shi would still be his show. Signboard of meritorious service. When Li Shi is dressed up in disguise to perform dances in the future, who doesn't mention that it was General Huan Wen who led the army to destroy Li Chenghan?

One thing must be said, that is, even though I knew that Li Kuang's mission was like that from the beginning, Huan Wen would still be jealous of Li Kuang for doing what Deng Ai did.

After Huan Wen arrived in Chengdu, his first order was to let Li Kuang lead his army out of Sichuan and rush to Jingzhou as the vanguard to participate in the invasion of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. He himself will stay in Cheng 1 for a period of time, waiting for Sang Yu to arrive, during which time he should also deal with the Shu family family.

"It's not easy." Yin Hao was full of sadness. He is now the aristocratic family in charge of liquidating the land of Shu, and said with a wry smile: "The land of Shu is a lot of mountains, but there is a plain on the side of Chengdu. A family in the mountains..."

Huan Wen let out an "um", his coping attitude was obvious. He will not stay in Shu land for long, no matter what the trouble is, it is not his own trouble.

Yin Hao will need to stay in Shu for a long time in the future. Liquidating the families who resisted the rule of the Han Kingdom is only one of the tasks. There will be many things to stabilize the place, including various actions against Nanban.

In fact, Han did not expect that most of the families would resist in Shu. According to the original plan of the center of Han, after extermination of the Li family into Han, it did not deliberately target which families, or even used the family to fight Nanban. In exchange for the generous treatment plan, I didn't expect that it had already been passed on, but the aristocratic family in the Shu area turned out to be stronger than the Hu people's will to resist.

It seems that the aristocratic families in the Shu area can’t be blamed. After all, the rumors are often linked to the Mongolian people, that is to say, it is said, but it is often better than singing. Waiting for the overall situation to be determined is another matter. The words are completely reversed.

"As long as there is a target, it will be completely wiped out... Isn't it impossible? Even the southern counties still need to be attacked. We can't destroy Chengguo and let the Jin country be free of the city." Yin Hao's The way of thinking has not been'Han nationalized', but thinking of things as an official in the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty: "Should I ask the king for instructions, or suggest that one group be selected? This way there is more room to focus on. Those southern counties ~lightnovelpub.net~ can also stabilize Shu land faster."

Huan Wen said with a "huh", he didn't care about the bad luck of the Shu family family, and he didn't care what Yin Hao was thinking or saying. What he wants to think about is how to shine again in the war that invaded the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, and what kind of attitude it would be to catch old friends if the war went well.

At the end of August in the fourth year of Yuanshuo, Sangyu, the prime minister of the right, arrived in Chengdu. He brought Liu Yan's list of noble titles to the people who participated in the invasion of Li's Chenghan. Regarding the promotion of official positions, it will be officially announced after the officers return to report on their duties.

The title of title in Han is extremely precious. What kind of treatment is given to the title of any rank, and it is difficult for people with low titles to get past the various honors, benefits and social status of high ranks in Lei Chi.

"The new batch of knighthood awards have been finalized, and those who are promoted to Guanneihou will have the original son." Sang Yu did not say who the other Guanneihou were. He smiled at Huanwen, who was respectful in front of him, and looked forward to Huanwen. There was a gossip in his eyes: "The king has already planned a reward. If Yuanzi makes great contributions in the battle of the Southern Expedition, he will appoint General Zhengxi."

In an instant, if the eyes of Huan Wen, who has become Guan Neihou, can shine absolutely radiantly, he is looking forward to that day...