Sweep the World

Chapter 534: Lots of problems

Time entered the spring of the fifth year of Yuanshuo, and the first group of Han troops preparing to invade South Asia arrived at Zhuyazhou, accompanied by some family armed forces.

The season has entered the spring stage, and the snow and ice in the northernmost area of ​​Han has not melted. On the contrary, it still snows in spring. It seems that this year's north will enter the spring season later.

At this time in previous years, the Yangtze River Basin should have been raining continuous heavy rains, but this year it was a bit abnormal. There were only a few light rains, and there were no signs of continuous rainy season.

The abnormal climate has made Han country tense. The unmelting snow and ice in the north indicates that planting will be delayed, and the central part of the country may experience drought before the rainy season. The most urgent thing for the central civil service system is to accelerate the construction of irrigation water power in various places. If there is a drought, at least in addition to natural disasters, manpower can play a remedial role.

The most southwestern end of Han, the people in Zhuyazhou are not so aware of the inland conditions. They are enjoying the most suitable temperature for the human body, and of course, there are also exotic scenery.

If Zhuyazhou does not look at the output and only looks at the scenery, there is no doubt that it is a very suitable place to relax, especially if you can swim. A small boat rises out to the offshore area and looks at the mint green because the water is not too deep. On the sea, looking at a yellow-white sandy beach, the beautiful scenery will be intoxicating.

"This place is really comfortable to stay!" Fu Wei was lying on the chair, basking in the gentle sunshine: "This trip is really profitable."

That is, you will feel comfortable on the coast. The coastal scenery is indeed very good. If you go deep into the hinterland, there is not much difference between the scenery and the inland, especially since this side has not been developed at all, and staying in the unpopulated pristine area for a long time will only feel depressed rather than happy.

Fu Wei took a boat out to sea with some of his men and docked about one mile away from the beach.

Most places along the coast of Zhuyazhou are not too deep, and ships with too deep drafts cannot approach them. With the current industrial capacity, only some natural deep water areas are suitable as seaports. However, choosing a port now can only be a natural deep-water area. After all, the construction of an artificial port is not that simple.

It is already one mile away from the beach, but the depth of the water is only six meters at most. Under sufficient sunlight, the sea is also unbelievably clear. It can be peeped from the surface to the seabed. There are corals everywhere under the water. Of fish roaming back and forth.

Quite appropriate, everyone, including Fu Wei, just wore a pair of pants. When they liked it, they would go swimming or diving. When they felt tired, they would go on a boat and stand upright. It was simply outrageous.

"Come here!" Junhou Luliang held a wooden table in both hands, on top of which was steaming lobster: "A local specialty, just steam it and sprinkle some scallion oil to smell it."

The lobster has been chopped up. It may be that I don't know how to serve seafood. The shell was broken during cooking. It didn't look very good, but it smelled really fragrant.

In the army, when you relax, you only need to pay attention to your immediate boss. The peers will not say anything polite at all. Fu Wei took the lead in "drawing" a little and a half, and the rest was quickly divided up. Lu Liang, who had brought up the food, got only one tail in the end.

Lobsters are not unique to Zhuyazhou, as long as you want to find them along the coast, you can find them, but it is difficult to find lobsters as big as Zhuyazhou.

"It's at least twice as big as Qingzhou!" Fu Wei was actually talking about Changguang County. The aquatic products there are abundant, and some shell seafood is not lacking: "When there is a ship returning, pick the bigger one. Bring a few barrels and offer them to the king and the princes."

"Like a coconut, what's the name of that?" Lu Liang thought for a while, and finally remembered the name: "Litchi? Yes, it's lychee. It's all on ice, so you must give it to the king to taste. "

The current transportation is not convenient, and the transplanted technology is not enough. It is obviously a product of the same country, but it is not seen at all at a long distance.

Lychee is a specialty of the southwest, and a fruit called longan is also a specialty of the southwest and southeast.

Lu Liang would say that, because Liu Yan deliberately asked the army invading the south to send longan quickly, thinking that lychee is bigger and sweeter than longan and should be loved.

It’s the right thing to think of offering it to the emperor as soon as you find something good, especially the soldiers who have gone out of the border to show off their martial arts. In fact, they also have a spiritual sustenance.

There are not few strange things that can be offered to the center in Zhuyazhou. The edible things are only a small part of them. If you spend some time exploring and collecting, coral is one of the big items, and then there are pearls, Luxury goods like gems.

Coral is currently not well-known in China’s entertainment world, mainly because there are not many ways to obtain it. It will only become popular in the south after the HNA trade is booming. The north has always been the main market for jade.

In terms of pearls, the pearls of the Central Plains think that the East Sea Pearl is the most valuable, mainly because the East Sea Pearl is large enough and rounded, but the pearls on Zhuyazhou are bigger and better in color than the East Sea Pearl, and the other is the Wazhu.

After arriving at Zhuyazhou, the fleet did not immediately invade Linyi and Funan. After docking at Zhuyazhou, it entered the rest period. As long as the generals were not on official duties, they could find wonders anytime and anywhere, while the soldiers took turns on vacation. They need some time to adapt to the climate, and their bodies need to be recuperated before they can invade in a prosperous posture.

Fu Wei also learned of the fact that in spring, the climate on the southwest peninsula is extremely changeable. It is not a simple rain, but a torrential rain, which is a real torrential rain, that is, it will float from the sea called a hurricane and The horror of the typhoon exists.

The invasion has not yet begun but it is not shocked by the natural climate. The Han army has not seen hurricanes and typhoons, and has no intuitive impression. There are other reasons.

After a long period of sea voyage, landing operations are carried out without any rest. Too long sea voyage will cause the soldiers to deteriorate and cause great fearless casualties. In this way, it is simple. No country’s army will immediately enter the landing operation without rest after a long voyage at sea.

Today is the third day of rest, and after another seven days of rest, it is time to send the first batch of invading troops.

With the demise of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty, most of the areas of Jiaozhi belonging to the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty were taken over by the Han state, and some areas were captured by Linyi Kingdom and Funan Kingdom.

The Han army will land in Nichinan County. The landing site is in a place called Bijing (Modern Guangxi), which is a natural harbor in Jiaozhi, which is the nearest to Zhuwu (west of modern Donghai). Lin Yiguo occupied the west of Zhu Wu who originally belonged to the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. The first stage of the invasion of the Southward Fleet was to regain lost ground.

Although it is a decision to invade South Asia, but in the final analysis, Han is basically blind to the local terrain. It is still necessary to consult the map of the palace on the side of the Eastern Jin Dynasty to get a preliminary understanding. The problem is that the Eastern Jin Dynasty also understands South Asia. Not many, many of them are scribbles that I imagined out of nowhere.

For example, the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty marched into South Asia, recovered a part of the territory lost during the Eastern Han Dynasty, and re-established Jiaozhi. What was terribly recovered was only to the vicinity of Da Nang in the south of Vietnam, while the Western Han Dynasty directly penetrated to the southwestern end.

In addition to the fact that the small courts of the Eastern Jin Dynasty did not fully recover the land lost during the Western Han Dynasty, they did not care about the hinterland at all. They only recorded roughly such things as the hinterland where there are large mountains one to two hundred miles away, what mountain is the mountain, and how high or long the mountain is. , And the like basically did not mention a word.

Seven days later, Fu Wei personally arrived at Bijing with the first batch of landing troops, and he was greeted by the Jiaozhi Captain Wuding who had met once in Zhuyazhou.

"It didn't happen by coincidence, it happened to be rainy." Wu Ding frowned and looked at the dim sky. God was pouring water like heavy rain: "I have prepared enough **** soup. I hope you have brought enough rain gear. .Should the soldiers disembark, or wait for the rain to stop?"

Fu Wei also felt very bad luck. When they set off from Zhuyazhou, it was sunny and sunny, and the weather was good halfway through the voyage. It rained only after entering the Beibu Gulf. Unexpectedly, the rain on Jiaozhi would be better than The sea is still big.

The first batch of troops to land on Jiaozhi, the number of the Han army was only three thousand, and the family armed forces including the Yu clan had four thousand, and they would be transported and delivered in batches later.

Yu Fangzhi and Huan Xu are completely confused, they are eager to know when the rain will stop.

"I'm not sure." Wu Ding has been a captain of Jiaozhi for less than three months. He beckoned to a returning Jinjun general, waited for people to get closer, and asked: "When will the rain stop?"

After Yuan Fang surrendered, he performed well and was activated. He was originally a miscellaneous general and is now a sergeant of the Han army. He thought for a while and said, "According to previous years' experience, should it rain for four or five days at this time?"

A rain for four or five days is not too long, any place has a similar climate.

"After the rain ceases, the weather will not become clearer, but it will still be overcast." Yuan Fang frowned when he saw the people who had just landed ashore, and said with a wry smile: "This is the case in spring, and the overcast is not bad. The air is a bit humid, and it’s only uncomfortable until the continuous rainy season."

Those familiar with the climate of the peninsula will know that spring is not a good time for invasion at all, and even autumn is not suitable. It should be summer or winter.

There are many rainy seasons in the spring on the peninsula. It is not right to say that the rainy season is just troublesome. There are still many problems that extend out. First of all, continuous heavy rain will make many primitive jungles flooded with water, and secondly, mudslides will be extremely serious, and there will be no traffic or anything. Then again, the peninsula is originally the ecology of the primitive jungle. Spring is the season for the recovery of everything. Plants grow fast, even if a road is opened up, believe it or not, the plants that have been cleared will be better off in a few days.

"Linyi is a country built in dense forests. Very few areas are plains." Yuan Fang said strangely: "They have almost no cities and are mostly in the form of villages. There are almost no traffic avenues, and some are temporarily opened. The trail that came out."

Yu Fangzhi's expression became bitter the more he listened. Before he came, he had a preliminary understanding of Lin Yi, knowing that it was a wild land, and only after seeing and listening to those familiar with him did he know how wild the land was.

The heads of other families began to wonder if it was the right place to come to this ruined place.

"It is true that the crops are ripe for more than one year. At least it can be harvested twice a year, and the most areas can be harvested four or five times a year." Yuan Fang said disgustingly: "Most of the local savages do not produce. Sleeping and wandering, relying on melons and fruits can be full every day."

Fu Wei loves to listen to this. The main goal of his army this time is not to lay down a large territory, but to plunder food.

"Food?" Yuan Fang was stunned when he got the answer, and said casually: "If it's just for food, just inform the people in Linyi and Funan, saying that there are cloth and ironware here, and they will be happy to change it."

Only at this time did Wuding realize that the fleet was going south for food, and said a little stupidly: "In the granary on the Jiaozhi side, the food is piled up like a mountain."

Yu Fangzhi's expression became even more bitter. The official came here for food, and the family armed forces came in addition to various resources, but the main target was land.

"The so-called piles up like a mountain" Fu Wei widened his eyes: "How much is it?"

Wu Ding said unsurely: "There should be tens of thousands of stones, right?"

Yuan Fang said with great certainty: "One hundred thousand more stones."

Fu Wei greeted those who were still on the ship to disembark without saying a word. In addition to the soldiers accompanying him, five hundred special personnel came.

The so-called special personnel are naturally systematic farmers, and they are here to build systematic buildings.

Of course, the 120,000 shi stored in Jiaozhi is not enough for Fu Wei~lightnovelpub.net~ Their stated goal is to go to the number of one million shi.

Sun Tzu's Sutra is very detailed, sixteen two is one (wrestling), thirty (wrestling) is one Jun, and four Jun is one stone. An average of one hundred thousand people per day (wrestling), so the daily consumption is about 833 shi, and one hundred thousand shi is only enough for 100,000 people to consume about four months.

The military force used by Han is very large, and not only the military is short of food, because the production system has been destroyed and has not been restored, it can be said that the entire country needs food.

Considering that there may be a large-scale drought in the Central Plains and the South in the future, the output of food will definitely decrease, and the demand for food will increase sharply. Liu Yan hurriedly sent troops to invade the Southwest Peninsula. He was prepared.

Spring is not suitable for combat. Is it necessary to start spreading news to Lin Yi and Funan, as Yuan Junhou said, to attract them to trade food? Fu Wei felt a very headache. Taking a good looting and turning into a trade transaction, think about the following eggs also began to hurt: If it really evolved into this way, it is estimated that colleagues will be laughed to death?

Next, Fu Wei did nothing else, and while sending out warships to patrol the coast, he searched for reliable maps of mountains and rivers and kept studying.