Sweep the World

Chapter 608: The first beautiful man in the world

Murong Geai, recognized as the first warrior of the Yan Kingdom, began to lead the Murong Yan army to fight everywhere at the age of fourteen to improve the sable and leopard cavalry of Murong Yan.

Because his appearance is really beautiful, Murongge originally wore a mask because he was worried that he would not have enough deterrent power against the enemy. Later, he developed the habit of wearing a mask every battle. Over time, his subordinates followed suit. Some of his opponents also called his subordinates. Masked Army.

Murongge is now 27 years old and has many heirs under his knees. There are three prostitutes alone. I heard that most of the children inherited his beauty? At this moment, he is standing on an arrow tower and looking at Qiushui River from a distance. There are densely packed Han warships on the surface of the river. The four bridges across the river have already appeared in scale, and the Han army has already crossed the water and landed on Qiushuidong. shore.

It’s not that the Murong Yan army stationed at Qiushuihe didn’t try to stop the Han army. They actually didn’t stop it. They just faced heavy casualties from the crossbow arrows and bed crossbows launched by the Han warships. Murong Ge gave up without wanting to have too many casualties. Block the landing.

Of course, Murongge didn’t want to watch the Han army cross the river easily. In fact, in addition to arranging the necessary obstruction forces, he had already built a large number of rafts in the upper reaches. However, the Han army had taken precautions for a long time. Not only did ships appear in time to attack, even if there were some burning rafts going down the river, they were also stopped by the things that were set up by the Han army to cross the strait.

A series of attempts to intercept operations failed to achieve results. What can Murong Yanjun do besides just watching the Han army continue to build bridges across the river? For Murong Yan's army, the situation is more than that. The Han army's fleet does not appear alone in Qiushui, and the Han fleet also frequently appears in Rushui, which has a direct passage with the Bohai Sea.

It was not that Murong Yanguo had no navy, or that they had no navy. They discovered that the navy of Han was huge and threatened and started to develop navy. They accepted a group of people from the small courts of the Eastern Jin Dynasty during the five years of the Yuan Shuo period of the Han Dynasty. They can be regarded as able to develop the navy in a serious manner only if they have people who are familiar with the navy.

It is now the seventh year of Yuanshuo, and the scale of Murong Yanguo's navy is about forty large and small warships. Boats and rafts are not easy to calculate.

It stands to reason that when a country starts to attach importance to a certain aspect, it takes less than two years to build 40 large and small warships with the will, resources, and manpower of the country. Murong Yan is not a country without a craftsman system, but shipbuilding must be To be placed on the banks of the river, the question is, does the Han Dynasty turn a blind eye to those shipbuilding bases?

"The coast has almost been eroded, and the conditions around the rivers of Rushui are not much better." Liu Xiang had an expression of deep hatred and helplessness: "Fortunately, people have been moved a long time ago, otherwise..."

Murong Ge is not wearing a mask now, and that handsome face is full of haze.

To be honest, Murong Yanguo didn't feel embarrassed at the beginning of the Han Kingdom. It can even be said that he was confident of defeating the Han army. It was just that the situation changed drastically in the fourth year of Yuanshuo.

In the fourth year of Yuanshuo, Han can be said to be the enemy of the whole world.

At that time, the country of Murong Yan was the most beautiful stage. The countries in the Northeast trembled and trembled under the front of the country of Murong Yan.

At that time, Shi Jie Zhao State had lost Qingzhou, Yanzhou, Xuzhou, Jizhou, Sizhou, and Yuzhou, but Shi Jie Zhao was still a behemoth.

At that time, the little court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was very glamorous on the surface. Not only was the 200,000 army unscathed, but also the navy of the Yangtze River looked huge, and in terms of human and material resources, it was still the richest country in the world.

It was at that time that Li's Chenghan, Zhang's Liangguo, and Tuoba Daiguo were still kind of irrelevant no matter how they looked at it. Anyway, they can strengthen their momentum without them, and it won't hurt the overall situation without them.

The situation in the Eastern countries is that as the Han Dynasty's soldiers move southward, changes begin to occur...

Although Li Chenghan said that the country was weak, the mountains and rivers where Li Chenghan took advantage of the defensive warfare, no one expected the Han Dynasty to destroy Li Chenghan within three months.

"Huan Wen can be called a general, because it is really disgusting to be a man." Even with a mocking expression, Murong Ge still looks like a middle-aged beautiful man: "This man disregarded the friendship of his motherland and led his troops to take part in the attack on Jin. The follow-up presiding over the **** cleansing is not like a human being."

The eradication of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty by the Han Dynasty was calculated according to the time of the surrender of the small court by the central government. The battle for the eradication of the country took only four months, but it took nearly three years for the subsequent eradication of the stubborn forces and families and tycoons.

No matter which country it is, unless it is the recurrence of wars, otherwise it is counted as ruin by the surrender of the central government. No matter how you look at it, it cannot be regarded as a weak Eastern Jin imperial court in four months. It really shocked too many people. The chin, from a certain perspective, can also explain the strength of the Han army.

In the early days of Murong Yanguo, the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was regarded as Zhengshuo. It can be seen that the Murong family still recognized the power of the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty. They refused to accept the small Eastern Jin imperial court as Zhengshuo in the year 334 .

It should be said that after the collapse of the Western Jin Dynasty, the various Hu people no longer regarded the Chinese Miao descent as as powerful as they were when they were powerful. In the past, only the former Zhao (Hun of the Han Kingdom) proclaimed the emperor, and Shi Le and Shihu proclaimed the emperor first and then removed the emperor title by themselves. The Hu people of the other parties only called the emperor, and the small court of the Eastern Jin Dynasty was the emperor alone. It can be seen that the Hu people hesitate about whether the Chinese Miaos really become vulnerable (see the remnant of the Han Empire).

"Brother is about to become the emperor..." Murongge smiled bitterly: "I have never seen an emperor who will immediately lead his people to migrate after he has become an emperor."

"The king wants to inspire the morale of the army and the people." Liu Xiang had a solemn expression: "Liu Yan is only the king, and the king claims that the emperor can overwhelm Liu Yan from his momentum."

The emperor is of course greater than the king, but is the one who claims to be stronger than the one who claims to be the king? Sometimes the name really seems extremely important, and sometimes it's purely useless.

Murongge smiled bitterly to himself. Murongjun's proclaiming the emperor might help boost his morale, but he knew that Murongjun wanted to disgust Liu Yan more at the same time.

Liu Xiang's solemn expression disintegrated at once, his cheeks twitched constantly, he let out a bitter laugh.

"The East Route Army and the West Route Army are just buying time for the great domestic transfer." Murong Ge fully understands Murong Jun's mentality, understandably understands or feels aggrieved: "Dayan has prepared ten for the southward move. Three years... is thirteen years!"

Murong Xianbei was a baby thirteen years ago. At that time, Murong Xianbei wanted to defeat Yuwen Xianbei, Tuoba Xianbei and other Xianbei. He also fulfilled his goal of strengthening himself from the civil war as he wished. Then he crippled Goguryeo. The Fuyu Kingdom, Shenguo, Quwo, Lou... even those wild people who have been hunting in the deep mountains and forests for many years have not been cleaned up. It can be said that everything is developing in a better direction.

If there were no accidents, after a 13-year preliminary preparation, Murong Xianbei would have to spend another ten years to accumulate strength and wait for the opportunity. For this reason, they were in Youzhou with Shijie Zhao in the year 342. The Great War broke out. At that time, Murong Yan's army was fighting against Shihu, who was several times less than Shijie Zhao's army, and he managed to win the battle. The purpose was to beat Shihu into fear, so that Shijie Zhao didn't dare to take it lightly. Dongwang can have a more stable external environment for internal preparations.

"If it can come again..." Murongge didn't say half of his words. There is nothing to come back, and he would appear weak when he said it, which he didn't want to show. He adjusted his emotions and asked Liu Xiang, "How are you preparing?"

Liu Xiang is the marching chief of Murong Yanguo’s East Route Army and can participate in Murongge’s entire combat operations. Some things are arranged through him, which means: "It is ready."

It is impossible to block the Han army on the west bank of Qiushui, because the long-range attack power of the Han warships is not good for fighting on the river bank. Murongge’s plan is to let the Han army cross the river and make the east bank of Qiushui two miles away. A battlefield.

Qiushui is a river with a long history. Its width is generally about one mile. Because it is a grassland that extends beyond the ancient Great Wall (the Great Wall of the Warring States Period), and even connected to the Bao River, it has been at a high water level for a long time. status.

The current stage is the season where ice and snow melt everywhere. Although it is not as good as the flood season when the ice and snow just melted, the river surface of Qiushui is still much higher than usual, and the water in the river appears relatively turbulent. It is precisely because of this that Murongge thought about The burning raft was put down upstream, but it was a pity that Han had long been unsuccessful in its arrangement.

Murongge was originally talking, but he stopped as he said, with obvious fear on his face: "General Hussar Ran, is it Shi Min?"

Liu Xiang squinted his eyes to look into the distance. Due to myopia, he saw a conspicuous banner appeared, but he couldn't see the words on the flag.

The banners of the Han army are divided into specifications. Starting from songs compiled by thousands of people, they are eligible to be equipped with a number signal, but up to the military level, they are not eligible to embroider any text other than the number on the flag, and can embroider other than the number. The other words are some general ranks, usually official positions plus surnames. What is more special is that Liu Yan's Wang Qi will only have a phoenix pattern and nothing else.

In the past, there were only ordinary banners around the Qiushui battlefield. Murongge could tell from the banners which Han army had appeared. In some respects, it was the first time to inquire about the Han army's achievements. If possible, just follow it. Make some appropriate arrangements for the record of this number.

Ran Min's military banner did indeed appear on the west bank of Qiushui, and the new troops were also exposed in the sight of Murong Yan's army.

"The bridge... is about to pass." Liu Xiang couldn't hide his surprise: "In just three hours, the enemy can actually repair the four crossing bridges?!"

Yes, the four bridges on the river have been quickly repaired. Some warships are used as balance fulcrums, and there are many very large wooden rafts that are fixed by iron chains. Murong Yanjun is too far away to look too closely. In fact, the wooden rafts and wooden rafts are pieced together separately, and then pulled and fixed by external forces to form a floating bridge that can be passed by. (Refer to the plan of the US military to build a pontoon bridge across the river during World War II)

Because many wooden rafts were fixed together, it was impossible to see that the bridge would be repaired so quickly. Murongge’s previous judgment was that it would take at least four or five days for the Han army to repair it. Ran Min led the new one. The Han army appeared, and the next moment they saw that the four bridges had been repaired, they walked quickly to climb Tilisuo and went down the arrow tower without saying a word.

"Notify Li Hong that there will be a large number of Han troops coming to the East Bank soon!" Murongge vigorously turned on the horse drawn by his guards, and took the long spear he handed over before looking at Liu Xiang: "Long history and return to the Battalion, someone needs to get close and take a good look at the enemy."

Liu Xiang stopped at the arrow tower, hesitated for a moment and saluted: "No!"

The landforms on both sides of Qiushui are similar, just like the terrain near many river beaches, it presents an environment full of weeds but relatively stable terrain. After leaving the river beach, some naturally growing trees and bushes appear dense and lush, and there are only so many roads opened by man.

On the west bank of Qiushui, a large number of trees were cut down by the Han army. In addition to guarding against Murongyan's fire and facilitating sneak attacks, it was also for the purpose of obtaining local materials, which made Xi'an seem like a mess of man-made destruction.

Murong Yanjun did not change the environment on the east bank of Qiushui. It was because Murongge's original appearance was good for defense, but the Han army made a lot of damage after landing on the east bank~lightnovelpub.net~ including clearing the grass and cutting down. Trees that obscure sight.

The Han army who crossed the river and landed on a small scale explored deeper places. The fighting between the two armies of different camps in the woods continued. Generally speaking, the Han army encountered resolute and tenacious resistance, even even scouts. They couldn't pass through the woods to spy on the back.

Ran Min rode on Zhu Longma in full uniform. He squinted at Qiu Shui and said to Liu Yi next to him in an extremely mocking tone: "There must be kerosene in the dense forest, and there must be heavy soldiers on standby. ."

However, Liu Yi twitched his cheeks and criticized: [I don't know if there is kerosene. The deployment of heavy soldiers is to obtain intelligence snooping, so you still need to guess? 】

It is said that there are heavy soldiers of Murong Yanguo behind the forest, it is basically Liu Yan's "cheating" snooped, and he has enough knowledge of what Murongge wants to do next.

"The first general of the Yan army is a famous general who bullied a small country and a few people, and he didn't put it in his eyes." Ran Min was right when he said that. When Shihu personally conquered Murong Yan, Murong Ge didn't. Leading soldiers alone, Murongge has been active on the battlefield in the small northeast countries. He guessed that it was enough ridicule, and there was a semaphore from the front that he could cross the river, so he ordered: "Cross the river!"