Sweep the World

Chapter 734: Anticlimactic?

Always nest in the temple, how do you know the real folk? As an official, if you don’t even have the idea of ​​going to the countryside to observe with your own eyes, all the policies are just made by patting your head. Okay, it’s just shit. The chances of getting wrong are always infinitely small, and you’re always doing it. Some policies that the government thinks are pretty good, but the people deeply hate it.

Of course Xie Ai's trip will not be alone. There will be guards and magistrates accompanying him, and pomp is indispensable.

Yumen County is not a big county. The county has a population of 3,607, and the age group is clearly recorded. The amount of land owned by a person, the size and size of the house, and how many relatives look like at the same time are basically clearly recorded in the official book.

It is not uncommon for the borders to be sparsely populated. The population of many counties simply does not reach the foundation that a county should have. No matter where a country is on the border, the number of similar counties is really small.

The Northwestern Land in the Central Plains belongs to the frontier in the past dynasties. It is relatively special on this side. The landform is not like the green mountains and green waters of the original Central Plains. Each region has its own topography. Most of them are either grasslands or Gobi. Only a small amount of farming is provided. soil of.

In fact, the land in the northwest was taken by the Han people from the Hu people, and it turned out to be the Hu people’s pasture. Because of the geographical topography combined with the climate, the area has a lot of water and grass when it is beautiful, and it is extremely suitable for use as a pasture. However, it is because of the nature of the soil. For example, the ground is not dug as deep as it is full of sand, which makes the land really unsuitable for farming.

Since the Northwest fell into the hands of the Han family, most of the areas were either vacant or used as pastures. This allowed the Northwest to maintain a considerable grazing habit and became one of the breeding grounds for horses produced by the Central Plains Dynasty. In times of war, the Northwest has never lacked war horses. After that, the Northwesterners basically know how to ride. The Northwest cavalry has become the trump card in the hands of the separatist forces. Several times, they can always control the central government in a corner to suppress the dissatisfaction of various places.

Since there are not enough farming areas in comparison with other places, the northwest has been in a state of food shortage since ancient times. Even with the habit of keeping grazing, the folk customs are much tougher than other areas. In a long history, the Northwest has always been able to provide high-quality cavalry for the central government, and even famous generals have repeatedly appeared, and there is also the saying "Kansai is a general and Kanto is a minister."

During the dry season, the Northwest has become more and more serious than in previous years. Xie Ai does not have to go too far out of the county seat. At first glance, there is full of yellow sand. There is no such a scene at this time in previous years. It should be seen. Green grassland, but this year it is because of lack of water to the point that even the grass can't stand it.

"Yumen only has less than 3,000 mu of farmland, and most of the people live on grazing."

Zhao Fang was the county head of Yumen County, so naturally he wanted to accompany Xie Ai to the countryside. He has been serving as the county magistrate of Yumen County for two years, and spent a year visiting various places, but when he was in charge of conducting inspections based on inspections, there was a drought.

Xie Ai is a native of the Northwest, and he is not unfamiliar with the situation in the Northwest. He clearly and understands the environment in which the Northwesters grow up, and also knows what the Northwestern looks like.

In general, the northwest is very large, with endless grasslands and mountain packages that can be seen everywhere, and there is no shortage of green Gobi.

There are two places in the large-scale mountainous area, one is the Qilian Mountains, and the other refers to the loess high-slope area of ​​later generations.

But now there is not the appearance of high slopes of loess in later generations. In fact, the situation there is pretty good now, with its own grass vegetation and dense woods. The reason why later generations will become bare loess hillsides is that the trees have been felled too severely, leading to soil erosion. Once the water cannot be retained and the underground river dries up, will the ground not even be able to survive a grass?

The Gobi in the northwest is mainly concentrated in the northwest near the Western Regions. The later Badain Jaran Desert and Tengger Desert are still a grassland at present, especially because Juyanze still exists, and the later Badain Jaran Desert is actually a piece of abundant water and grass.

In the later generations of the Northwest, there will be such a large desert. In fact, the reason is not very complicated. The geological features that were not suitable for farming were farmed intensively, and trees were cut down endlessly, which artificially changed the natural environment. Let the geological features become desertified.

Xie Ai saw a piece of loess, if the rainy season resumes, it will soon be a piece of blue. It is the phenomenon that the geological water storage system has not been completely destroyed, but the surface is too dry.

"The grazing people have been migrating to the southeast, not only in Yumen County, but also in other counties." The people Zhao Fang said include many people from Yumen County, and they are very entangled in their hearts: "People Asking for a living, it's not easy to stop you from being an official."

For a county, when it comes to assessing its political performance, the first thing to look at is how the population of the county is. Maintaining the original number can only be considered qualified. If the population grows too much, even if it is bad in other aspects, it will get a "good" evaluation.

For those officials who are local officials in the northwest and northern Xinjiang, the situation they face is much more complicated than that in the interior. It's all because a considerable number of people in the northwest and northern Xinjiang chase pastures to graze, and the usual control is difficult. It's no surprise that the sky can't be found suddenly. They can only use all means, at least to let the shepherds be present when they should go to the county to report, and then the county is also named in various transactions.

Due to the need to maintain the population in the county, the work of the local officials in the frontier is not easy to do. They often need to walk to the pastures to interact with the people. Not to mention. If the people have difficulties, they must solve the problems as soon as possible. We need to help, or else we really can't make people who can run at any time regard themselves as county people.

It’s hard to tell what Zhao Fang was like before he went to the northwest to become a magistrate. If Xie Ai saw Zhao Fang took off his official robes, he really couldn’t see the elegance that a scholar should have. If Zhao Fang took off his official robes, he would go on his way. Bian squatted is a complete farmer.

To the southeast of Yumen County is the Qilian Mountains. Crossing the mountains is a basin, and further southwest is a plateau.

The grazing group in the northwest went southeast. After crossing the Qilian Mountains, there is a very large lake (Yemo) in the basin under the plateau. There is a resting place in the Hexi Corridor. There are not only large lakes but also water system sections. It is because the environment is too good and the situation is very complicated. Northwesterners themselves will rob pastures, grazing tribes on the plateau and some Huren in the basin ( Tuyuhun) will also come, and every year he bleeds because of the competition for pasture.

Han can not help the population flow. In some respects, it can be said that it encourages densely populated areas to evacuate the population. That is, densely populated areas are getting denser and densely populated, and there are still few people who are willing to take the initiative to migrate over densely populated areas.

The non-prohibition of population movement has actually caused a lot of headaches for the government in various places. Where people do not want to lose their population, they must do their best to keep the people. Where they want to attract people to migrate, they will ask the central government for favorable policies. The means and each show their magical powers.

"How much of the local people have gone?"

"This... should be about 30%."

Xie Ai glanced at Zhao Fang sympathetically. The drought and population loss made Zhao Fang feel uncomfortable during the assessment.

In Han, the population will be roughly surveyed every year, and it will be strictly surveyed every three years, which is not an easy task for any local government.

It will do that. Naturally, the center needs to monitor the population of various places, and then get feedback data to give policy preference to certain areas. For example, where a place needs to attract people to migrate, it is necessary to prefer good policies to the past. In many densely populated places, things that increase the burden of the people are done within the scope permitted by the law, such as increasing taxes. When it comes to the national level, there is no pure good or bad, but it is out of practical needs.

"Is the county's grassroots enough?"


The Han state’s policy of arranging retired military officers to serve as localities, even in remote places, will arrange personnel to be assigned to the grassroots level as the state's control over the locality. The country can check the population every year, and it can conduct a census once every three years. It relies on control to reach the grassroots level, which means that the official establishment of Han is much more than any previous dynasty.

The number of grassroots in a place is directly linked to the ineffectiveness of the control of the place. It is the same rice that raises all kinds of people. Not all official staff can do good and good things, and there are many bad things in the hands of the staff.

It has been nine years since the founding of the country of Han, and the number of people who have retired from the military and become local staff has been very large. Nine years have also changed one crop after another. These grassroots personnel who have served in the military have all had collective careers and have been under the shadow of military law for a long time. Naturally, their discipline is much better than ordinary people. Although there are inevitably black sheep among retired military personnel, in general, the benefits to the country outweigh the disadvantages.

Xie Ai watched as he walked away from the county seat. When he was about to arrive at his destination, the assaults and killings did not occur.

Zhao Fang has always felt something is wrong since he followed Xie Ai out of the county seat, and it was not until Yuan Kuai appeared that he understood what had happened in just a few words.

"So, they gave up the action?"

"Master Hou, the son of the villain is in their hands, please help Master Hou!"

Xie Ai called in his guard and whispered a few words.

The guard didn't know what order he was getting, and then he walked away quickly.

"The official..." Zhao Fang was both afraid and thankful, not daring to express dissatisfaction, and asked: "This is?"

The local officials in Han are only the civil government. Anyway, they cannot control violent institutions, and the county head cannot be blamed for hiding criminals. Zhao Fang can be so calm after knowing the situation.

The lieutenant of Yumen County was not present, and that was where Zhao Fang felt that something was wrong. In fact, the county lieutenant in Han has great power, and the county lieutenant is responsible for monitoring the work of the local area. Therefore, the county's violent agency is in the hands of the county lieutenant. The county lieutenant does not need to be responsible to the county magistrate (county order) from the top of his duties, and is directly under the county lieutenant. A good relationship and no confidentiality can be told to the county magistrate (county magistrate). Obviously, the county lieutenant of Yumen County did not inform Zhao Fang of today's affairs.

Zhang Tan and the gang were very cautious, and they found that things shouldn't be a mess and give up action. He and Pei Heng got together again, and they were separated again within an hour. They only carried the iron confidant to transfer, without notifying the others at all.

Soon, Xie Ai got feedback from the news that the attack did not happen because Zhang Dan and Pei Heng disappeared. Those people were suspicious of ghosts... and there were people who had ghosts in their hearts. After a quarrel, they had ghosts in their hearts. The infighting broke out without any surprise when the horse's feet were exposed. As a result, those who secretly took refuge in the government were completely wiped out. The rebellious party that had won in the internal strife could not find Zhang Dan and Pei Heng, so they gave up the attack and scattered and fled, and Li Kuangzheng personally directed the hunt.

"Continue on the journey."

"This..., promise."

Xie Ai didn't have much thoughts about the attack not happening, and he was not surprised that Zhang Dan and Pei Heng were so vigilant. He would be surprised if he could set up an arrest or annihilate casually.

The confrontation between the government and the chaotic party has always been years and years, especially the elimination of a structured chaotic party is really not so easy. On the contrary, it is not too difficult for some groups that brightly raise the flag to occupy the mountain.

"Wuthering Mountain forest may exist, but occupying the mountain as the king is not." When Zhao Fang was asked about related questions, although it was not within his scope of responsibility, he did not embarrass the county lieutenant: "It's just... if the situation continues to deteriorate, If you don't have a good plan...the lower officials think it might happen?"

Which dynasty has no criminal fugitives? That is something that cannot be avoided. However, if it happens that the mountain is king, the official control of the place drops to a dangerous warning line, and it also indicates that the court is not so popular in general. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

Obviously, the people in the Northwest do not have a strong sense of belonging to the Han country, and there is a drought again. If they really want to make them unable to survive, it is the Han army that is powerful, and the people who should gather are still gathering. Spell out a way to survive.

"What is a good strategy?"

"The food will be distributed to the people, or distributed to the people free of charge, or sold to the people at low prices."

Xie Ai asked one more question, and when he learned that Zhao Fang was a Confucian student studying "The Analects", he immediately showed a dazed expression.

There are many Confucian classics, each of which has its own core values ​​and splits into factions. Any faction can have its own opinions.

If it were not for Xie Ai to see Zhao Fang as a practical person, unlike the rest of the Confucian scholars who studied "The Analects", they would only talk empty talk and really had no desire to continue communicating.

In fact, Confucian scholars of "The Analects" will only talk empty talk, which is really not slander. Later, there will be remarks such as "half of the Analects governing the world". However, this school is not only idealists and only talks about self-denial and restoration of rituals. It can be regarded as the one with the worst hands-on ability among all Confucian schools.