Sweep the World

Chapter 754: No surrender!

In fact, the battle between the two fleets at sea usually does not start and end within a day. It usually takes several months or even years of preparation. Before the start of the fight, there is continuous testing, and after the start of the fight, it stops and stops repeatedly. Ten days to months or years.

The fleet led by Wang Kan and the fleet led by Javala Kangding Warren used only one day to determine the victory or defeat. One of them came for the landing battle, and the other led the remnant fleet to retreat when the situation was unsatisfactory. It is not a decisive battle at sea in the true sense.

   This naval battle will continue, it depends on whether Javala Kangding Warren is willing to accept the result of the defeat, and whether he is willing to lead the fleet back. If he accepts the defeat, he will inevitably retreat to the mainland, but he will be intercepted by the Han Navy on the way.

After Wang Yan ordered the landing, as there were not many warships in the harbour on the side of Gupta, the Han Navy did not encounter decent resistance when it approached the coast. It was waiting for the warships of the Han Dynasty to dock to deliver soldiers. Gupta was on land. The soldiers started the blockade.

   Han Guo guessed that there are about 20,000 Gupta garrisoned troops at this port, but in fact, only Gupta himself knows how many.

   Ji Duo Fang has only managed this place for less than three months. They opened up a beach that stretched for about five miles, and initially built a ferry-like facility, but the surrounding water villages did not take shape.

Looking from the sea warship to the land, the land there is shooting dense arrows at the landing ships, just to see that there are not many large equipment such as crossbows. It is estimated that this is the way to wait for the soldiers of the Han Landing Forces to disembark before launching a counterattack. ?

   The Han army did not intend to destroy the ferry and water village. These facilities can still be used after the occupation is completed, and the place can also become a sub-base of the Pingman Captain's Department. Why should it be destroyed?

   "Good shield!"

   "Queue, pay attention to the queue!"

   "After the cabin is opened, keep the formation and prepare for anti-arrow!"

   There are officers in the cabin constantly giving various reminders that they are told that the enemy's arrows are very dense, so it must be relevant to prepare.

   Wangkan, of course, was not to let the ships carrying the landing troops swarm up, but to assign troops to project.

   At a location far away from the land, the Han warship was parked on the side of the water village, and the decks on the left and right sides of the ship were opened. The pedals were extended to lean on the water village. Teams of soldiers could get off the ship relatively safely.

Ships assigned to land on shore can hear the dense "" sound even in the cabin, and the sailors can also hear the shouts of fire extinguishing in their ears. You can know that the enemy's arrows are shooting without looking at them. How frantic.

   Asan was very good at bow shooting during the Guishuang Empire, and they also had a special elite force of bows and arrows, but they generally used long bows.

   Asan’s longbow usually has a bow body of over 1.8 meters, and the largest bow body is close to two meters. When a person is holding the bow in a shooting position, the bow usually reaches the position of the calf. The appearance of this kind of bow is very similar to that of a Japanese bow, but Asan’s bamboo longbow has some nodes and is named Zhabow. It is made of brown shelf, bamboo, wood or animal horns into a bow. The bowstring is made of vine plant fibers, bamboo fibers and sheep intestines. There are bamboo arrows, wooden arrows, and iron arrows. Arrows are made of iron, bone, and wood, and have the functions of threading, cutting, and striking. The style of bow tie is derived from the design of the Peacock Dynasty at that time.

There has been no change in bow bowing during the Guishuang Empire. Even during the Gupta Dynasty, there was no change. In the Gupta Dynasty, most of the bamboo structures were used. The arrows were mostly made of bamboo arrows. Only sharpshooters would match it. Some wooden arrows, the nobles used iron arrows in a small amount.

   There was a sound of "baby babble", it was the sound of the gears of the cabin door turning, the dim cabin appeared bright, and the sound of sea water hitting the coast also appeared.

   Lu Chao looked out from the gap in the shield wall. There were many arrows floating in the sea water, and more arrows fell on the sea water. His vision extended to the farther surroundings, and he saw that another friendly ship had also opened the ship's wall, and a lined up of colleagues stood still with shields on standby.

   A series of "bangs" sounded. It was the movement of the ship's plank being pushed down from the ship. Probably the ship's plank was laid out, and officers continued to shout "disembark".

   Lu Chao was standing in the forefront. Hearing the roar, he lifted his feet subconsciously. He stepped on the boat plank in small steps and felt that the soles of his feet were sinking a little. That was the inevitable force response after the boat plank was weighed. Before he got out of the cabin, he had already raised his shield to the northeast. The constant force on the shield was the result of arrow hits without guessing. According to the training, he kept his body as short as possible so that the tower shield could cover his own more. Body.

When the ships leaning on the coast, the walls of one ship after another were opened, and the Han army holding shields continuously poured out of it. They got off the ship not to step on the land for the first time, but into the half-waist depth of the sea. in.

   Every Han army disembarking from the ship, they immediately marched towards the landing place. During their marching, they were shooting arrows like raindrops. Too dense arrows caused the Han army to inevitably suffer casualties.

Lu Chao saw that a fellow robe on the right five steps away seemed to be out of balance by being photographed by the ocean. The shield in his hand was slanted due to a chaotic step, and an arrow hit the next instant. On his shoulder, he snorted with pain and threw himself into the sea.

  The man who hit the arrow is called Huang Chi, from Bohai County, and has been in the army for two years. He joined the army late and was added to the standing army sequence as a county soldier. What I have to say is that he hasn't participated in any grand battles. The enemy country that should be eliminated before he joined the army was basically a belch.

Huang Chi thinks that he is very unlucky. He was not out of balance by being photographed by the ocean, but because he didn't know what he was stepping on and slipped. The moment the shield was slanted, he knew it was bad. He was subconsciously short and short, or he was hit by an arrow. The part should be the lungs. After he was hit by the arrow, his body softened, and his whole body threw into the sea. Since the shield was sufficiently straight to touch the seabed, if there was no sea water above his head, he would have been shot into a hedgehog.

No matter what kind of water, as long as it is thick enough, it can form an obstructive effect. In modern times, it can still obstruct bullets. What kind of bullet is at most can only lose kinetic energy when it is propelled for less than one meter in the water. That way, how far can a bow and arrow with little kinetic energy advance in the water?

   Huang Chi, who was shot in the shoulder, would like to thank the Han for his generosity to the standing army. Needless to say, the absolutely elite soldiers, even ordinary soldiers who don’t have leather armor? The leather armor on his body is thickened at all key positions. Although the shoulder area is not thickened deliberately, it has a certain degree of protection. Although the leather is penetrated, it acts as a resistance. The arrow is bitten into the flesh but it is not. deep.

   Lu Chao didn't deliberately pay attention to Huang Chi, but his shielded posture was destined to only look to the left and right, and there is usually a habit of turning his head to the right. His habit is to turn his head to the right.

People who have waded to half waist must know one thing. Even if they don’t have a weight on their body, it’s difficult to run forward quickly. He didn’t jump straight on his legs and swims at a fast speed. When Lu Chao strode forward with difficulty, he saw The arrow Huang Chi stood up from the water, but the next moment Huang Chi suddenly had an arrow on his neck and poured directly into the sea.

It is a very common thing to die on the battlefield. Lu Chao couldn't be too sentimental. He didn't stop his steps, but his eyes subconsciously looked at the position where Huang Chi fell, until he saw two wearing vines. However, a colleague with a red cross tied to his arm went over to fish Huang Chi out of the sea before he diverted his attention.

   Battlefield ambulances are standard equipment for the current Han army. Their role on the battlefield is to deal with minor injuries nearby, but they cannot deal with serious injuries on the spot. In this landing battle, the ambulance was specially equipped with cane armor, which was specially purchased by the military from the Indochina Peninsula.

   Two ambulancemen wearing rattan armor picked Huang Chi from the water and checked the wound according to his own experience. One of them picked up a pair of pliers from his waist and cut the arrow shaft directly, and then quickly pulled out the arrow stick. Another ambulance swiftly picked up the gauze and began to bandage.

   "Looking at the mouth, I found that I couldn't breathe and deal with it immediately."

   "The trachea was not injured, just bandaged, no need to insert a trachea in the lungs."

Huang Chi's eyes couldn't be opened completely. Squinting his eyes, he could vaguely see the ambulances who were busy, and he knew what had happened to him. Hearing the diagnosis of the ambulances, the fear in his heart disappeared, but his inner annoyance appeared: [Why didn't I stand up with the shield first? 】

   What I have to say is that Huang Chi is both unlucky and lucky. The unlucky nature is that he hits arrows twice in a row just after getting off the ship. Fortunately, there are experienced ambulance soldiers in the army.

In fact, when the ambulancemen were treating them, they did not miss arrows, but the vine armor had a great defense against arrows. Even if they were hit by a rocket, they would just soak their bodies into the sea. The only trouble was the body. Wearing rattan armor, there is always a feeling of being floated by the buoyancy of the sea.

   Not everyone is as lucky as Huang Chi. At least Huang Chi can be saved after hitting an arrow. Watching the sea water in the beach area starts to redden, and then looking at the floating corpses, proves that war has always been full of cruelty.

   After wading for about twenty meters, Lu Chao finally stepped his legs on the land on the beach. Before he arrived, his colleagues who went ashore were organizing the shield formation, and they happened to be a squad.

   "All the monarchs have listened, regardless of the organizational system, they all listen to certain orders!"




   Lu Chao immediately followed the rhythmic call, and every time he shouted, he took a step forward with his shield. He is breathing with his surrounding colleagues, and is also living and dying, in order to advance to a sufficient position, when the time comes, he will split the shield array and fight in, or organize a more shield wall on the spot. The officer has the final say. .

The person responsible for the defense on the Gupta side is Picard Malik. He was the first batch of Kshatriya to be redeemed after being captured. To be able to join the war again, he must thank his family for sufficient influence, just don’t think of any beauty. Difference.

No, even though Picard Malik has re-entered the war, he was assigned to this port because of his disreputable experience, and he was unable to act as the highest commander. He was under the control of another named Samir Vikas. Kshatriya temperance.

To be reasonable, the Vikas family really can’t compare with the Malik family. It’s the kind that is incomparable regardless of wealth or manpower. If it weren’t for Pical Malik’s dishonesty, it would be extremely difficult to restore his reputation and kill him. Will not accept being directed by Samir Vikas.

   Picar. Malik knew it was bad when he saw the defeat of his own fleet. The last time they had a landing battle, the troops who landed ashore after the defeat of the fleet were completely wiped out.

   Although they are acting as a defensive party this time, they are not on the mainland, but a base far away overseas. In addition to the sea to receive reinforcements, they are full of land in wild areas.

"Our arrows are almost exhausted." Although Samir Malik became Picar Malik’s immediate boss, he really didn’t dare to show off to Picar Malik too much. They were from the ancestors of the two families. A matter of brilliance and strength. He frowned and said, "Even if the arrows are still there, our archers will soon be unable to lift their arms~lightnovelpub.net~ That's a normal thing. People are not instruments and can't do it forever. For those who have good stamina and endurance, they must also take into account the limits of muscles and ligaments. Generally speaking, it is very good to be able to do the bow and arrow action twenty times in a row.

"What do you want to say?" Pical Malik would actually have no respect for Samir Vikas from the heart. He looked at the frowning Samir Vikas and said: "Don't try to surrender. "

   Samir Vikas's face stiffened, but he didn't refute it.

It’s not that people with strong family strength can surrender. The last time Asan admitted that they failed and surrendered, it was because they didn’t think that it was a war of annihilation. The surrender of local conflicts is nothing in Asan’s concept. The war of annihilation has its own moral standards.

"We have been operating here for less than three months, and we can't stop the Han army from landing." Samir Vikas took advantage of the height to get a panoramic view of the battle on the beach, and turned to look to the east without seeing the end. Forest, said: "It's not wise to stay dead. Maybe we can withdraw to the forest and continue to fight against the Han army?"

Gupta threw more than 14,000 land-based solid defense troops here. Before the outbreak of the naval battle in the morning, Gawara Kangding Warren estimated that he knew that he could not defend it at all, and transferred more than 6,000 troops to the navy. In fact, Only less than seven thousand people remained on defense.

  Pikar. Malik looked at the densely packed Han ships on the sea, and watched more and more Han troops landed on the sea, he couldn’t help thinking deeply...