Sweep the World

Chapter 764: What to expect

Not only the territory once ruled will be firmly believed that it should be guarded, even if it is lost without being guarded for a while, it should be regained by all generations.

There is another thought that the ancestors once visited a place, but as long as there are records in history, it is best to leave something when the ancestors go. It can be pottery, porcelain and the like that have obvious Zhuxia characteristics. Something, and then I thought that since there are the relics of Zhu Xia civilization there, it must be our territory "since ancient times".

It must be said that "since ancient times" is a very good word, especially when it is used when there is a dispute about the division of territory. You can also find it from Henggu’s maps of various generations. If an area is drawn in when the ancestors drew the map, the descendants of Zhuxia will have a natural responsibility to ensure that the land is still owned by Zhuxia. Do it in 10,000 generations of time.

According to Zhu Xia’s specific thinking, if an ancestor was brave enough to draw the entire earth into the map of Zhu Xia territory, believe it or not, future generations will have a firm belief in the unification of the world, and generation after generation will regard the unification of the world as Great cause?

For things that can’t be helped, Zhu Xia has a characteristic since ancient times. When his father’s generation can’t do things, he hopes his younger generations can do it. Zhu Xia who advocates filial piety can disappoint the elders, and one generation will urge the next generation. Treat it as a goal until you really accomplish that goal.

Therefore, in modern times, the 224 countries in the world will also sacrifice a big killer when the territorial justice appears. He was immediately stunned, and felt that "Nima, there is even such an operation."

When my family heard the phrase "Since ancient times, XX is the inherent territory of the celestial dynasty", they would feel aggrieved and angry. The first thought was "That place was originally owned by ours, and those turtles and grandchildren actually came to grab it." , But other people have been trapped in bewilderment and bewilderment. There is no "since ancient" divine logic in their concepts, and they are talking about "immediateness."

Except for Zhu Xia, any country and nation seems to be more "open". For example, the "daughter country" suddenly lost one-third of its territory, but they couldn't beat Mao Xiong, so they confessed their fate with just a few words. How to live or how to live. If this kind of thing happened in Zhuxia, it would be nothing to say. If the authorities don't counsel, there will be a thought in the people's head that the last man will **** him unswervingly if he is dead!

In Zhuxia, there has always been an option for the authorities not to counsel. When it comes to territorial disputes, the people at the bottom will only have one idea, that is, standing stabbing. That is a characteristic cultivated through thousands of years of culture, and it can be regarded as Zhu Xia's greatest spiritual wealth. It depends on whether the authorities know how to use it.

Oulus Sykestus Cicero has been in Han for a year and a half. There are frequent contacts between the high-level and grass-roots of Han. He already has a certain impression of Han people. First of all, Han people basically have a This kind of "heavenly kingdom" complex.

There is no other way. Zhu Xia was a giant in the land of the East. He was a well-deserved overlord for a long time. A member of a powerful country may have nothing to do with his fellows. Once he interacts with a foreign race, he will have This kind of natural superiority.

Oulus Sykestus Cicero didn't feel anything wrong with the superiority of the Han people. The strong must be more confident than the weak. In his understanding, the Han people are actually quite humble. The Romans will also show superior attitude towards any non-Romans. The Hans express their superiority and at least their attitudes are not bad. The Romans have always treated the weak and foreign races as "killing". "Fuck with", the Romans' urinary **** has not changed even for thousands of years.

[Perhaps it is this difference that leads to a difference in the development of civilization? 】Oulus Sykestus Cicero has been thinking: 【The Cyris occupied the land in the process of conquering, making any foreign race a member of themselves, and their civic foundation is constantly increasing during the conquest. Digest all the conquered nations. Rome was unwilling to absorb alien races. The ethnic distinction was very obvious. The land increased, but the population did not increase. 】

Rome has always been a minority dominating the majority. It is not only reflected in the ruling structure, but mainly in the number of Romans and slaves. It is not an exaggeration to say that the glory of Rome is based on the bones of slaves.

[Caesar had done something to absorb foreign races, he was assassinated in public in the Elder's Court...] Oulus Sykestus Cicero could not know Caesar, just like Zhu Xia could not bypass the Emperor, the Romans also bypassed But Caesar: [For a long time after that, it became taboo to absorb foreign races and become Roman citizens. 】

Oulus Sykestus Cicero knew that Han was now a country after integration. According to the data he knew, the so-called "naturalized Hu" accounted for nearly one-third of Han. , I also know that "Naturalized Hu" did not respond at all after becoming a Han. On the contrary, the Hans absorbed "Naturalized Hu" and regained many life skills (such as grazing), and at the same time the source of troops was also guaranteed.

[The absorbed aliens completely regard themselves as real Seris people. They are loyal to the emperor Seris and are willing to fight for the emperor Seris to the last breath. 】Oulus Sykestus Cicero has done a special understanding, and was almost beaten once, the reason was to ask a "naturalized Hu" why abandon his own nation: [Those people (naturalized Hu ) I firmly believe that I was originally a member of Zhu Xia, but my ancestors took the wrong direction. I was originally a member of Zhu Xia, and returning to the big family is a great and right thing to recognize the ancestors and return to the clan. 】

Zhu Xia not only likes to name anything, but also likes to do something to find ancestors for foreign races, but the cause of finding ancestors for foreign races is very profitable after the Western Han Dynasty, even many of the Huns who are deadly enemies think He was a descendant of Zhu Xia, and it was the Huns who came up with "recognizing ancestors and returning to the ancestors," so Zhu Xia understood that finding ancestors for foreign races was an extremely correct thing.

Zhu Xia went to fuse foreign races from the beginning of finding ancestors, flicking Dafa, plus its own strength, can succeed every time. There are basically no repetitions in the fusion of alien races. Facts have proved that it is a correct thing. It is unreasonable that future generations will reject it. It should be a university specialty.

When he was strong, Zhu Xia was to take the initiative to fuse foreign races. When I was weak, I used culture to blend passively. Zhu Xia never relied on blood to ensure the continuity of the nation, but used culture to ensure the continuity of the nation. Therefore, Zhu Xia never looked at blood lineage, talking about "China enters Yi Di, Yi Di is in China, and Yi Di enters in China is Hua Xia Zhi ".

The cultural characteristics determine another point. When Zhu Xia's main bloodline is strong, he really doesn't care about the existence of strange-looking people among his own clan. Wearing the same clothes, the same hair styles, and the same values, even the traditional appearances of the summers will feel nothing to do with fair-skinned, blond, and blue-eyed people.

Of course, if Zhu Xia enters a period of weakness, then conservative and stubbornness will appear, exclusive and xenophobic thoughts will be flooded, not only refusing to absorb the advantages of other countries and ethnic groups, but also falling into extreme self-enclosure.

As individuals, people have two sides, and countries and nations are naturally the same. It is certain that the strong will be strong if they are not able to absorb the advantages.

The current Han people are in a kind of contradiction. On the one hand, they are full of confidence in becoming the absolute hegemon of the East again, and on the other hand, they have a strong exclusivity. The phenomenon is that you can absorb any merits and become your own resources, but you can't accept the fair-skinned, blond or blue-eyed people to become your own clan.

"Sure enough, the ancestors of the Jie people were brought to the Central Plains by the Huns." Shi Bo pointed to the corpse all over the floor, and stabbed the clothes of the corpse under his feet with a spear: "White skin, brown hair, green eyes. , Is exactly the same as Jie Ren!"

They had just experienced a sudden and short encounter. The battlefield was a valley surrounded by two low hills. The two men and horses met in the woods. They were stunned when they saw each other. Knowing who screamed first, a fight broke out.

Shi Bo and his group are about fifty people, they are a serious cruising squad, they ran into about thirty people from the Western Regions, they did a battle with mutual casualties, but the Western Regions lost their lives and fled. Since there is no one who understands the Western dialect, they have not figured out where these Westerners come from and what they want to do.

Lin Mi sat aside and asked his companion to bandage the injured arm, constantly scanning the forest.

"The terrain of this valley is a bit complicated..." Lin Mi was one of the first wave of people to rush up just now. His arm was injured and the leather armor on his chest was also damaged. He learned that his arm could heal after only half a month of training, and the burden on his heart was minimized, but he had to worry that another enemy would suddenly appear: "The team led people to explore, why haven't they come back?"

The geographical environment of the Western Regions is very complicated. Compared with the Central Plains, there are more Gobi. There must be mountains, forests and other large areas of grasslands that the Central Plains do not have.

They will enter this valley with patrol missions. Naturally, the reason is that the people of the Western Regions have become relatively active recently, and even coalition squads have infiltrated ten miles from the camp. The Han army wants to strengthen patrols.

After a battle, they killed four people. The bodies were carried aside and waited for the mules and horses to go back.

A few people are busy putting ropes on the mules and horses, and some people are cutting wood and are making stretchers. That is to let the seriously injured people lie on the stretchers of the mule horses.

Someone is also busy with other things, cutting off the left ear of the Western Regions dead, searching for the valuables on the Western Regions' corpses.

When the people who had gone out came back, Shi Bo quickly learned about the situation. The Western Regions people encountered just now were only a part of the team. The team led people to explore. The remaining Western Regions found in the valley and three other groups, especially outside the valley. Arrived at the camp of the Western Regions.

"Go back." Song Ran smiled with joy on his face: "Leave immediately."

Encountering enemy forces and discovering a large number of enemy forces are two different situations. They have made gains, and they have also found a large number of enemy forces. No matter how they go back, they can be regarded as a credit.

How to go back is another knowledge. Song Ran is a standing army system. Although he is only a corporal leader in the standing army, he is the team leader because of the peculiarities of the Western Regions Corps, but the common sense that he should have is still there. He was exploring in person just now, and he didn't forget to send people to check the surroundings. What is certain is that the Western Regions arrived near the valley, and no Western Regions were found behind.

This valley is about forty miles away from the Han army camp, and there are other complicated sections on the road. Song Ran has considered whether to set up ambush and vote again, and then gave up this idea.

It took them a long time to get back to the camp. Song Ran immediately found his boss, and after reporting it, he learned that no one else was reporting, and the joy on his face couldn't hide.

"Close to five thousand people, isn't it?"


"Well, it should be the forward of the Western Regions."


The head of the village was questioning, and there was a knife-bi official next to him who was making relevant records. Song Ran looked at the knife-bi official frequently, and the knife-bi official knew why.

For people like them who detect the enemy and come back in time to report, a collective contribution is not trivial. If high-level officials pay attention to it, it is not impossible to directly upgrade to the first rank. What kind of reward will be notified later.

Song Ran returned to his team, and immediately a large number of people gathered around him, and he knew what the robes were thinking.

The Western Regions Corps is not an official name or designation, but their own name. In the central records, they are called reclamation groups. Similar reclamation groups are found in the Indochina Peninsula, northern Xinjiang and northeastern China. They are the largest reclamation groups that have come to the Western Regions.

"Captain, how is it?"

"What do you think, even if it is considered a great achievement, it is not something you can know now."

Song Ran didn't show a smile when faced with his expectant subordinates~lightnovelpub.net~ Anyway, the battle was indispensable. On the contrary, Song Ran instructed everyone very seriously: "Hurry up and check the armor and weapons and rest. "

Everyone suddenly agreed to "promise", no one dared to be sloppy.

Since they are not a regular army, even counties and counties are not counted as soldiers. Before they left Yangguan, the military was only given a jersey for easy identification of the enemy and ourselves. The armor and weapons were either carried by themselves or could only be carried out after borrowing. Buy.

When editing and training in Yangguan, people with armors are naturally assigned to one group first, and then they are classified again because of the weapons they are good at. If there is a habit of maintaining armor and weapons before, that is also a minority of talents, or After training, it was stipulated that maintenance must be carried out.

"The battle is finally here." Shi Zhong is checking his armor, which is a set of metal armor with a tie style. You must carefully check whether the armor is strong. He grinned and said to his fellow townsman: "Kill the Indochina Peninsula again. Just like that, killing the Western Regions is counted as military merit!"

That's military merit. You can get a knighthood. Only when you have a knighthood can you live the life of a master. Even if you want to enter the standing army, you have more hope. Everyone is full of expectations for the upcoming war.