Sweep the World

Chapter 813: Mainly because there are too few Han p

It’s not that Liu Yan is addicted to killing people, and it’s not that he is always annihilating the clan to show the authority from the emperor. It is the really bizarre evil sect in this place. The Xianbei clan was raised first, followed by the Khitan and Mokuxi after the split of Yuwen Xianbei. , And then there are Jurchen and Post-Jurchen. If you want to say which piece of land is rich in foreign races and can dominate or gain the world, it is really not the land that contains Liaodong and the north and the east.

   Liu Yan didn't know how those nations came into being, and he didn't know whether killing all the savages of this generation could prevent the birth of those nations. He had already given orders specifically to target Khitan and Mokuxi, but it was not an order to exterminate them, but to fuse if possible, and if it was difficult to fuse, he would really kill Guang.

   It must be said that the current Khitan and Mokuxi have not yet shaken up, they are the remnants of Yuwen Xianbei after the split, with a population of tens of thousands, and they have not yet mastered the metal smelting technology.

Khitan and Mokuxi didn’t know that they would develop in the future and become masters in the Central Plains. They didn’t even know that their soldiers would approach West Asia. At the same time, they didn’t know that in a certain period of time, Westerners saw only Liao in the East. one country. They only know that if they want to survive, they can only become a naturalized Hu. They must work for at least ten years. During this period, they must work hard to learn the Chinese language and the living habits of the Han people, and strive to become a Chinese nationality.

   "They are very smart, and a very small number of talents resist." One of Lu Tai's responsibilities is to supervise Khitan and Mokuxi: "In comparison, savages are more difficult to tame."

   Savage is a collective term. They do not yet have their own clan name, and they have descendants from many defeated tribes such as Fuyu, Yilou, Quwo, Shennu, etc., and hundreds or thousands of people gather to form tribal settlements. Some of the tribes actually mastered primitive farming skills and also mastered the skills of weaving, but the number is very small.

  The footsteps of the Han army have advanced to the Heilongjiang region of later generations, and the farthest place to explore is to the Waixinganling. In fact, this piece of land is currently in a primitive condition. The difference between the environment and the undeveloped Indochina Peninsula is the rainy season on the Indochina Peninsula, but the climate here is extremely cold.

   Liu Yan will not continue to the northeast immediately when he arrives at Gaoxian. Waiting for the follow-up troops to come is one aspect. The other is that he did not pause to inspect the counties when he came. You can take a good look at Gaoxian.

"It will snow here in October?" Liu Yan walked along the streets of Gaoxian City, looking at the buildings on both sides that were obviously newly built, and seeing the triangular eaves that were steeper than the inland. Snow. He led people into a room. The people inside had been temporarily invited to leave beforehand. When he got to the bedroom, he sat on a big Kang: "This thing is a magic weapon to ensure a stable sleep."

   In fact, it is not that the ancients were unwilling to open up here. They really couldn't stand the ice and cold, and they didn't have effective cold protection methods.

  Han has developed wool textiles, and has also obtained cotton and developed it. This place is the priority to provide. With basic cold-proof clothing, other means are needed. Don't think about heating or anything. The fire kang is really a magic weapon. At the very least, you don't have to worry because you can't get up the next day because of the cold.

There are thick quilts on the big masonry bed. Liu Yan didn’t feel the warmth when he sat down on his buttocks. The main reason is that it’s not the season for kang burning. If it’s not cold enough to burn the kang and cover the thick quilt, it won’t work. Will toss myself to death without mentioning it, it should be too hot to sleep.

   Because of the fire kang, it is really needed, and the difficulty of making masonry is almost no. The masonry industry is developing rapidly in the north and east of Liaodong, and the logging industry is temporarily one of the two major economic pillars.

In Liaodong and the Northeast, there are open-pit coals, but the quantity is not large. The real open-pit coal production area is on the side of Jingchu, but there is also a large open-pit coal mine on the adjacent grassland. convenient.

   Speaking of grassland, it’s not that there are no resources. It’s not about the livestock industry, but there is still a huge iron ore reserve, especially without deep excavation. It has been explored by Han.

   The nomads have always lived on the grasslands, but they did not use smelting technology, and did not extend the ore exploration skills. That super large iron ore has stayed quietly underground, and had to wait until modern times to be found.

   Speaking of metal mines, in fact, the reserves of various metal mines in the Northeast are also very rich. In some places, it is not difficult to mine the mines. The difference is whether they can be found.

   The resources of this bitter cold land will not be the priority mining sequence of Han, but mainly as a grain production area. It is necessary to wait for the completion of the construction of the grain production area of ​​the Northeast Great Plains before proceeding with detailed exploration of various resources.

  According to Liu Yan's meaning, any resource is prioritized to use outside the local area. Any local resources will be reserved. That is to say, transportation will be a big trouble.

For example, the Han people have discovered large copper mines in the Luzon Islands. If purely transporting copper ore back to local smelting is an extremely cost-effective way, it is better to smelt the gold and silver ore found, as is iron ore. The same situation.

"Clean up all the valuables first, and then deal with the resources of inferior value." Liu Yan is not sure whether the Han people can permanently occupy those overseas places. Subconsciously, he does not want to leave any valuables: " If the immigration goes well, the widow will not have such troubles."

  At present, the territory of the Han Kingdom has been expanded repeatedly, but quite a few areas have no people at all. If there is a colonial army, the labor force basically depends on arresting the indigenous people.

They are all said to be indigenous, that is, they are so stupid that they are jaw-dropping savages, especially the natives in Southeast Asia are the most exaggerated, to the point where they don’t understand anything. To live is to sleep and pick the food given by nature, which means There is no such concept of labor.

"So in comparison, although the savages in the northeast are rebellious, they don't have to teach everything from the blank." Liu Yan thought of the memorials from Nanyang and didn't know what his expression should be: "Those monkeys are very tame. But they can’t teach, and those who can are unwilling to become diligent."

Don’t think that the Han people’s arrest of slaves is only aimed at killing the Northeast savages who are not tamed. The places where they are really killed are the Indochina Peninsula and the Nanyang Islands. Although the monkeys are afraid of death, they would rather be lazy to die and kill them. Batch after batch can have a deterrent effect, but they are more afraid of work than those monkeys who are afraid of death.

Liu Yan just thought of it. No wonder that the economy of future generations of Nanyang relies on Chinese immigrants. Even Westerners colonize the main labor force and create wealth. Chinese immigrants. The problem is that those Chinese immigrants are used as leeks. Westerners were cut off when they colonized and waited for monkeys. After they became independent, they continued to cut.

   Looking around the surrounding areas of Han, those who are industrious are also Japanese. They also belong to the type of hard work and no complaint. The result is that Han’s preference for overseas labor is the Japanese.

   So far, excluding those Japanese people who served as servants, the population sent out from the Wa Islands by the Han Kingdom has reached an exaggerated 470,000, almost evacuating three to four out of ten of the Wa Islands. In addition to serving as a servant army, men became the main labor force of the Han country overseas, while women of school age were transported back to China.

   Sometimes Liu Yan wonders a little, is he helping the Japanese in an alternative expansion? If it continues like that, the mainland of Han will not be said. At least there will be a large number of Japanese descendants in the Nanyang Islands. If Australia is found and a large number of Japanese people will be transported in the past as labor, I am afraid it will become an alternative version of "black slave proliferation". .

   African blacks were sold because of the slave trade, except for Zhu Xia. Although their ancestors were miserable, their descendants were at least much better than African blacks, and they had successfully moved to the world. (Modern Guangzhou has a lot of black people)

"The big man will soon increase the source of slaves." Sang Yu was talking about the Asan continent: "General Zhengnan has already entered the realm of Gupdo. As long as he can annihilate the main force of Gupdo, Asan over there will be left at the disposal of the big man. "

Huan Wen is still consolidating Gitanadu, relying on the recognition of the privileges of the local Brahman and Kshatriya high caste, he came to Asan to rule Asan, and made full use of the local manpower and resources, that is, Asanzhen. Not suitable as a source of troops, at least the highest number of untouchables are really not suitable.

   "Huan Wen is a surprise to many people this time." Liu Yan originally thought that Huan Wen would use iron and blood, but he did not expect it to be a more sophisticated means of political differentiation: "He can be alone."

   Asan should be one of the most conquered nations in the world. As long as it is a high caste who can win over them and ensure that the high caste continues to live in luxury, in fact, they will not care about the life and death of the low caste.

It was not the British who found this characteristic, but the Spanish and the French. They relied on the means of bribery to make the Asan high caste accept their existence and be willing to cooperate, and settled on Asan’s side and began to colonize. The British defeated the Spanish and French colonists later, but they did not defeat Asan to obtain colonial power.

The British continued the Spanish and French policies towards Ahsan, and they encountered the Sikhs in a few decent wars. At certain times, the British suffered defeats against the Sikhs and relied on having a huge colony. The "mass" of the country, and that set of means of buying and dividing, has "squeezed" the Sikhs to death.

   The Asan continent is very special. The more southern Asan, the easier it is to conquer. The more northern Asan, the higher the spirit of resistance.

According to the Persians, the life pressure of the southerners on Asan’s side is not great, and the city-states are generally wealthy. They are more interested in religion than others. The Yue people used to recognize their religious status and caste system. In order to conquer Ah San; the rest of his life in the north is relatively bad. In addition, San A San in the north mostly lives in mountainous areas. They have more connections with Central Asian countries, especially those who defeated and prevented the conqueror of Europa, Alexander the Great. In terms of glorious history, the spirit is more than twice as high as that of Asan in the south.

   Liu Yan must conquer Asan, but there is no clear concept of how long the Asan continent can be turned into a colony. The Gupta dynasty should be cleaned up first, and then the surrounding lands should be sealed off.

It’s not wrong. Although Liu Yan agrees to the development of each family in the Indochina Peninsula, it is not a division. Each developed family can only obtain a tax exemption policy for how many years, and can also obtain a piece of land under the family name, but most of the land Including resources are still nationalized.

   The Indo-China Peninsula is close to the mainland, so it won’t be too difficult to digest. It also has a history of being a local since the Western Han Dynasty, and it should definitely not be used as a place of enfeoffment.

   The three continents of Azerbaijan are not far from the native light on the map. In particular, Liu Yan must have included the plateau within the territory. From the map, the two places are actually connected. The important point is that the map appears to be connected, but there are the Himalayas. Then, the plateau cannot be climbed by ordinary people. Even if there is no Himalayas, the plateau alone is enough for Han to drink. pot.

In fact, if you recover the Western Regions and advance for a thousand miles or so, you can turn directly into Asan from there. Chang'an can be used as a starting point. The total length is 20,000 to 30,000 miles. If it is from the hinterland of the Central Plains or south of the Yangtze River or even then In the Liaodong region, the journey is really terrifyingly long.

  The distance and geographical barriers determine that the first choice for the mainland to go to Asan is by sea. The sea is full of dangers and uncertainties. Furthermore, the country has a ruled stability line. The farther that line is from the center, the greater the cost of governance.

According to Liu Yan's idea~lightnovelpub.net~Asan Continent can only exist as a plundering resource in the future. It is not time to be included in the local area anyway. Maybe it will not be possible to wait for him to die. The reason is that the local area is apart from distance. The number of three is really too much.

The population of the Gupta dynasty alone was nearly 30 million. Before counting the rest of the countries, God knows how many people are on that continent. Considering that the Gupta dynasty has nearly 30 million people, Vajdauga seems to have a population of 1,500. One million, including the population of twenty or thirty countries such as Satrap, Abiro, Gidoruo, Dongguishuang, Yodhya, and Nara, and at least 50 million people.

For at least ten years, the Han State cannot swallow the 50 million Asan. If you really want to “eat” it, it means that the Han State has two major ethnic groups, which are extremely unstable internal national structures. The most stable national structure should have only one dominant nation, and it is best that the entire country has only one nation.

"The best way to reduce Ah San's population by any means in the future is to consume them in various labor processes." Liu Yan didn't think there was anything evil. It was because the Americans hunted the Indians in modern times. Regarded as a legitimate act by the powers of the world, genocide is no one cares about these years: "Road construction and mining are what Ah San should do."

   At present, Han State is building major roads. Don’t think that road construction is safe. In two years, more than 120,000 slaves have died on various road sections. It is not Han State’s intention, it is a pure accident.

   Liu Yan said in a deliberate tone: "Wait until the road is nearly completed and enough ore is dug, Asan guesses it should be almost consumed."