Sweep the World

Chapter 837: What a fool!

Constantinople has only been a capital for thirty-two years. Before it became a capital, it was a trading city on the coast.

Because of the direct connection to the sea, it is also at the intersection of East and West. Merchants are willing to come to Constantinople to do business, which gave the city extraordinary prosperity and made it a crystallization of Eastern and Western civilization. city ​​of.

It’s the first time that the Han Chinese who came to Europa saw a serious city wall, or a towering city wall built of bricks and stones. Most of the cities they had seen before had no city walls, even if there were low rammed earth walls, or It is simply a defensive circle formed by a fence.

Everyone knows that the fence protection circle is at most a defense against wild beasts. If there is an army attack, the fence can only play a very slight blocking effect. It does not need any siege equipment to destroy it. It can be pushed only by soldiers. Its function is a little bit stronger than that of a fence. But whether it is in the Persian Sassanid area or the Greek peninsula, most cities only have fences.

"The city wall on this side of the sea is not the tallest. I heard that the city wall on the strait gate reaches 50 meters, and the city walls on the north and east sides are even more than 58 meters." Cai Mian said in admiration, "The base of the city wall is. The use of boulders, mud and gravel as the core and masonry, can withstand the continuous bombardment of catapults for ten days without collapsing."

Everyone was on a boat on the sea, and because they were close enough to the city wall, people had to hold their heads up if they wanted to see the flag on the city wall, which was more able to bear the magnificence and towering of the city wall.

The ships at this pier have been driven away, and the city defense forces from Constantinople are doing this work. Waiting for the ships on the wharf to be driven away, it was when the Chinese envoys landed ashore.

"Some other small countries have also sent people." Marus Utansis seemed very dissatisfied with this: "It's like a thief!"

"What about those co-ruling people?" Cai Mian asked curiously, "Did they send someone?"

The expression of Marus Utansis suddenly became very strange, full of pride, and a strong smile.

The so-called co-rulers are actually the opponents of Constantius, that is, Constantine II and Constantine I. The three of them are fighting for the only name Augustus.

Rome fell into a civil war, but their civil war seemed very strange. For example, no one would easily slaughter the city, and then they were all fighting and never severing contact.

The sphere of influence of Constantine II is Spain, France, Germany (partially), and Switzerland. He has three younger brothers who are not so reliable. They are Frank, Burgundy and Alemanni.

Before the defeat of the three Constantines II, Frank, Burgundy, and Alemanni had been flirting with Constantius, and later became a vassal state of Constantius. The last time Constantius sent an envoy to Han, the envoys of the Three Kingdoms accompanied him.

The sphere of influence of Constantine I was Italy, the birthplace of the Romans, and he constrained the Greek peninsula together with Constantius.

The news on the Han side was seriously lagging behind, and the Romans did not disclose to the Han people. In fact, Constantine II and Constantine I had died one after another.

The death of Constantine I took place eleven years ago. He led an army to invade the sphere of influence of Constantine I, and was resisted by Constantine I. That time became his last attack. Was killed after the defeat.

Constantine I died in the hands of his subordinates, but he also believed in the wrong person.

Magnus Magnentius rebelled and killed Constantine I. Before Magnus Magnentius integrated the power belonging to Constantus I, Constantius led the army to kill. When Magnus Magnentius was defeated and killed, Constantius did not immediately annex the territory that originally belonged to Constantine I, but adopted division.

In other words, the current Rome has actually been unified again, but these Persians who knew it didn't talk about it, nor did the parties themselves mention it.

In fact, as long as the Han nation thinks about why only Constantius sends an envoy, it will dazzle. After all, if Rome is really still in the civil war, the other two forces will not stand by and watch Constantius. Si seeks new allies, even if he does not jump out of the competition, he should do his best to stir up the pornography.

In addition, the second royal family member who appeared in Rome was also Julian. The Egyptian part represented by Julian was not hostile to Constantius at all, and could even act in unison with orders.

However, the Romans could not hide these things for long. The reason why the Romans concealed them was to test and test Han. For example, the Han Nationality would not seek cooperation with the enemies of Constantius.

I don't know that Rome has been unified by the Han people. They heard a rush of trumpets before they had time to think about it. At the same time, there were many more people wearing monks' robes on the dock.

It was not a monk. It was actually a clergyman from the 1st church and 1st church. This cross is very beautiful, the surface seems to be plated with gold, and it is decorated with gems. Under the sun, it is golden and shining.

The clergy's robes are mainly white, which seems to have different colored edges and corners depending on the class. At the same time, the patterns and colors on the robes are also different. They still wear a small round cap on their heads, or they wear it diagonally, making it doubt whether the small round cap will fall off if the movement is larger.

When the Han people didn't know why, a beautful sound appeared abruptly, listening to what should be singing hymns.

"The Lord's servants are simply everywhere." Marcus Marka has obvious rejection: "They will not let go of any important occasions to show their presence."

The hymn was sung by dozens of people, and the voices were both men and women. They even had their heads covered in their cloaks. Everyone put their hands on their lower abdomen. When they sang it, their bodies trembled.

The sound of neat footsteps mixed in, and a very young-looking young man appeared first on horseback. He was wearing a white silk robe and an olive laurel crown on his head. He got off his horse and walked towards the dock while the servant waited on him.

"Julian..." Marus Utansis looked quite excited: "Augustus sent Julian to greet him. It is a surprisingly grand guide."

Wang Meng and Cai Mian finished looking at each other in an instant, and they could see surprise in each other's eyes.

In the message of the Han people, Julian was an ally of Constantius, he ruled Egypt and a continent of Africa, and he was the most powerful of all co-rulers in Rome.

Allies are nothing more than allies. The rulers of both sides will never go to the other's capital easily, let alone accept assignments to do some work.

Wang Meng and Cai Mian, who noticed something wrong, did not change. No matter what the political situation of the Romans was, and no matter what important Romans came, they knew that unless Rome was going to war with the Han, there would be absolutely nothing. People dare to hurt.

Roman soldiers wearing red shirts and heavy armor began to appear in large numbers. They were all cloaks with pouches. After they arrived, they formed a cordon around them. At the same time, they stayed on the street every two meters in a guard mode. The next person formed a cordon that was blocked by soldiers on both sides of the street.

After Wang Meng and the others got on the pier, they looked to the street and was surprised to find that the red carpet was spread out to the far corner that was out of sight.

There were a lot of people onlookers, they were already cheering when Julian appeared, shouting Julian's name. Julian frequently waved to the onlookers, greeted with greater cheers.

"Friends from far away..." Julian smiled very well, and stretched out his right arm to Wang Meng: "Welcome to you."

Wang Meng knew that Roman etiquette was to hold each other with the right hand, but not the palm, but the small arm. What's the story behind this etiquette?

Julian greeted in Chinese, and the Chinese sounded very pure, without a weird accent. He spoke in Roman language behind him, translated by Marcus Marca, and said that he could only say that, and he had practiced for a long time.

The distance between Han and Rome is too far away. The Han people are very unfamiliar with Rome, but they know some systems of the Romans. For example, the emperor was named Augustus, and the Romans would also appoint Caesar. Caesar was the deputy emperor of Rome. , Can have more than one Caesar.

If Wang Meng heard it right, Marcus Marca just called Julian Caesar, so Julian who came to greet him and others was one of the Caesars in Rome?

But that's not the case. In fact, Julian has just ended his exile. He was in Maseru, who was staying in Cappadocia (belonging to Turkey), and he regained his noble status a year ago. He was not one of the Caesars in Rome. It was Constantius who had revealed the news that he wanted to canonize Caesar, and the people under him would also call it Caesar.

Julian has a half-brother named Gallus. Gallus is one of the Roman Caesars. There are also two Caesars, both heirs of the same brothers (cousins) of Constantius. In charge of Europa and the Roman territory of Africa.

"No, I'm not Caesar." Julian heard Wang Meng also called Caesar not sloppy on this kind of diplomacy. After denying it, he said: "I will marry Helena this year, and I will be appointed later. Caesar."

Wang Meng heard the implication in an instant, that is to say, Julian was jealous by Constantius, and he needed to kiss him before he could be trusted.

Helena is the sister of Constantius, and Julian is the nephew of Constantius. If Julian marries Helena, then Julian will become both the nephew and brother-in-law of Constantius. , The relationship is really messy enough, but this is the characteristic of the Roman royal family.

In the history of Rome, close relatives married in the royal family were very frequent. For example, a brother married a sister, or a sister married a younger brother, or even a biological father married his own daughter. They called it "Keep". Pure bloodline, and then gave birth to a lot of deformities or mental retardation.

In the history of Roman royal family, even if they were not deformed or mentally handicapped, the children born from the marriage of close relatives also had congenital diseases. For example, in a movie called "The Kingdom of Heaven", the king of Jerusalem, Baldwin IV, was a close relative. He had a serious skin disease since he was a child. He was tortured by skin disease all his life, and later died of severe skin inflammation. (This movie is highly recommended to watch)

"It might not be Helena." Julian's mouth twitched, shrugged, and smiled: "If the emperor of your country is willing to marry Rome."

Wang Meng's expression remained unchanged, but he noticed in his heart. It was not the first time that he encountered such a situation. For example, when he went to Tessie, Shapur II of Sassanid of Persia sent someone to try it out. Later Shapur II personally dispatched and talked about the marriage with Han. It can be the Persian Sassan who marries a princess, the princess can be the daughter of Shapur II or the sister, so that the two countries can become a country of blood relatives.

At that time, Wang Meng's reply was that he needed to return to China for instructions before he could give a formal reply. Shapur II did things very straightforwardly, choosing the most beautiful sister and daughter to go to Han by boat in the name of pleasure.

"Helena is very beautiful. It is the most beautiful flower in Constantinople." Julian walked side by side on the red carpet with Wang Meng, always showing a talkative appearance: "She is not only beautiful, but also a very knowledgeable girl. Scholars and artists."

Of course, the conversation between Julian and Wang Meng was conducted under Marcus Marka’s translation. They talked and laughed along the way, until they reached the gate of the city~lightnovelpub.net~ when they were far away. I have seen that the city gates have been specially decorated, and some olive branches and leaves and some colored satin are indispensable. When they got a little closer, the air petals were already on the city wall, and the sound of the trumpet was not cut off.

"My fief is in Egypt, Nicomedia, and Cappadocia, mainly Asia Minor." Julian saw Wang Meng's relatively obvious stunned for a while, and said, "I don't know what the purpose is." One thing angels need to know is that Rome is not in a period of division."

Wang Meng stopped all of a sudden, and his stop also brought the whole team to a halt.

"Obviously, the Persians did not tell your country?" Julian smiled very brightly, but what he said was a bit gloomy: "The Persians have never been qualified allies. They have too much thought, strength and ambition. There is never a match."

Indeed, the Persians must have known that Rome was restored to unity, but they have never mentioned it to Han, or even misled Han in certain directions.

The Romans themselves didn't mention it, but there was no place to blame or blame the Romans in Han. After all, the Han did not ask, why did the Romans say it?