Sweep the World

Chapter 842: Please die here

People including Wang Meng and Cai Mian were not disarmed, their sabers were still hanging around their waists, and what weapons or weapons were the soldiers originally holding.

Dou'a stayed in the Xicheng District. Although the fighting there had stopped, the Han army still controlled the Xicheng Gate and even completed control of the wharf.

It is not a good thing for the Han to control the city gate all the time. Dou'a got a signal from Wang Meng to transfer the control of the city gate to the Romans, and at the same time the wharf must be handed over to the Romans again.

The Han army returned control of the West Gate and Wharf to the Romans, but did not give up control of the ship. They also set up their own security zone in the area of ​​the wharf. The Han troops who had withdrawn from the city returned to the ship, and another group of Han troops who had not entered the city were on guard at the demarcated area.

After all, Wang Meng really didn't come to declare war on Rome. The killing was really an accident. The Romans maintained restraint, and it was a bit outrageous for the Han to control the city gate firmly.

reason? This is Constantinople, tens of thousands of miles away from Han State, and the Han people only came about 3,000. Although both men and women can take up arms, the number of real soldiers is only less than 1,700. With the addition of about two thousand Persians, the total combat strength is about five thousand.

Constantinople has 30,000 garrisons, or the elite guards of the Romans. There are still 60,000 to 70,000 Romans in the city, and even more slaves. It is guessed that it can arm 50,000 to 60,000 people. More than ten times the number of Han and Persians, not to mention that the surrounding area is full of Romans, and the Romans can dispatch a steady stream of reinforcements as long as they are willing.

If the Romans really make a decision, no matter how much the price is paid, the Han Chinese, including those Persian soldiers, can be annihilated in Constantinople. Continue to control the city gates will only make sense when the Romans want to do it, which will cause the Romans to flow. Some blood also expressed the timidity of the Han people.

Wang Meng was sure that the Romans would continue to do it, but it was not a large-scale battle between the army. It should be an invitation to the Han people to select warriors to participate in the arena battle, so as to fight back and forth to save face and suppress the arrogance of the Han people.

As long as the Romans mentioned it, the Hans would never refuse to participate in arena fights. Every Han knew well that he would be timid when he went to a foreign country, or he would be arrogant.

The Han people are not willing to be arbitrarily unreasonable, nor will they be arbitrarily bullied. If the history of foreign races entering the Central Plains is ahead when they are being treated unfairly, it would be five steps to show the spirit that the Han people should have, because they already know that a weak nation must encounter misfortunes and can’t do it. You should also make your own shouts, telling the foreign Han people with their bloodliness that they are definitely not easy to provoke.

"The angel is sure of what the Daqin people will do next, and we continue to control the ship. We are also making a statement." Dou'a didn't get on the ship. He stayed in the control area of ​​the dock: "We need to be wary of ordinary Daqin people. "

Huang Zhan respectfully complied with "No!", they had expelled several groups of Romans just now, and Roman soldiers came to form a cordon to prevent other Romans from approaching. Everything showed that at least the top Romans did not let the situation go. Out of control willingness.

Wang Meng and others have entered the inner city of Constantinople.

The so-called inner city is actually Miyagi, which also has an inner city wall and multiple gates. The scale of the inner city wall is not as high and thick as that of the outer city wall, but from the outside, it is much newer than the outer city wall. After entering the inner city, you can see an empty square, and you can see the buildings from a distance. Things.

The entire square is paved with bricks and stones, and there are some sculptures of different appearances. Most of the sculptures of human busts, while the number of animal sculptures is relatively small. There are even statues made of huge stones or something with people and horses. Placed in a distributed manner.

Starting from the city gate, there are Roman soldiers standing on both sides, about one Roman soldier standing every two meters apart, extending to the far end of the stairs.

This group of them is walking in the passage separated by the guard area of ​​Roman soldiers. Every time they stepped, the soles of their boots and bricks clashed, and the sound echoed in the square.

There is a staircase at the end of the passage, which looks like it was paved with marble from a distance. Above it is a large building with a strong Greek palace color.

In fact, it is indeed a palace. You can see the towering thick columns from a distance. It’s not easy to say how many layers inside it. From the outside, the large load-bearing columns lead all the way to the roof, which makes people feel deeply. The magnificence and tallness of the building creates a sense of insignificance.

It took about ten minutes before everyone reached the stairs at a normal pace. Julian signaled everyone to wait a while, but he stepped up the stairs and entered the palace.

"There is no majesty without being magnificent, it really is."

What Cai Mian said was a famous saying that Xiao He once said to Liu Bang. The whole sentence is, ‘the sky is undecided, so I can go to the palace because of it. Moreover, the emperor's son is home from all corners of the world. It is not magnificent without majesty, and it does not allow future generations to have a plus. ', which means that the royal family should have the majesty of the royal family. There is nothing more awe-inspiring than the construction of gorgeous and majestic buildings. Then no matter how the palace is built, the buildings must look tall and tall enough. People standing by the side feel that they are very small.

The Han State was building the new Chang'an City, because it was built from nothing. When planning it, not only was it delineated reasonable streets in the city, but it also imposed rigid requirements on official and private buildings. The requirement for private houses is to be tidy, but they can't be random one by one, making it look like a chaotic mess. The official buildings are required to be majestic and magnificent, so that people know at a glance that they are government agencies.

"Any palace in New Chang'an is more majestic than the current palace, and the load-bearing pillars are bigger than them." Wang Meng paid attention to the fundamental issue: "Constantinople has a population of 100,000, and the population of New Chang'an Will exceed one million."

So far, the permanent population of New Chang'an is actually only 270,000, and most of them are wealthy households in various counties and counties, as well as the noble class of the entire Han nation.

Those wealthy households are not forced to move to New Chang'an, but they believe that living in the emperor will have more opportunities, whether it is the opportunity to make a fortune or become an official.

It is inevitable for Xungui to live in the imperial capital. They will not be far away from the political center of the country. Otherwise, they don’t know what will happen. Knowing the news will be delayed information. In many cases, the delay of information will be harmful to Xungui. Very deadly.

According to Liu Yan’s instructions, those who participated in the construction of the new Chang’an later are eligible to purchase real estate. If the money is not enough, they can apply for an interest-free loan from the government, and then pay off in the number of years, but a household can only apply once and only use it for Purchase a house.

With the convenience of interest-free loans, the number of people who are willing to become residents of the new Chang'an has surged. Once the loans are launched, the permanent population of the new Chang'an will soon exceed 500,000, but this will only fill the huge Chang'an city. Three or four out of ten, it can hold at least one million people.

In Zhuxia, it is not a big deal for a city with a population of over one million. In fact, the population of Linzi in the early Han Dynasty exceeded one million, and Chang'an, the administrative center of the Western Han Dynasty, had the largest population of 500,000. about. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, Luoyang's population exceeded one million, and Linzi was also a city with a population of one million. During the Jin Dynasty, Jiankang had a population of over one million, and when the population of Jiankang was the largest, it was more than 2.3 million.

Linzi has a profound foundation that is Guan Zhong’s legacy. Some idioms such as hanging curtains, hanging curtains, sweating like rain, etc. have been used for a long time to describe the grand occasion of Linzi, but all the glory is due to the collapse of the Eastern Han Dynasty. To become history, if history has not been changed by Liu Yan, Linzide will only break through one million population until modern times.

Constantinople, under the rule of the Romans, had a population of only close to one million when it was the largest, but it quickly dropped from 850,000 permanent residents to 150,000 (Battle of Constantinople). If there is no deviation in history, Constantinople will increase to two hundred and fifty thousand in twenty years, and it will continue until Baghdad becomes a city with a population of close to one million, and the population of Constantinople will be It has slowly increased again, which means that the permanent population of Constantinople will be capped at 250,000 within a long period of time.

Julian who entered the palace reappeared. He smiled stiffly after seeing Wang Meng and said, "Angel, please come with me."

Wang Meng could already detect from Julian's smile that moths would emerge next, which seemed to be a bit more serious than Julian's minor situation. He smiled and nodded, turned his head and said to Cai Mian: "Wait, don't come in no matter what you hear. If the Romans do anything unfavorable, please die in this square."

Cai Mian subconsciously took a deep breath, solemnly saluted Wang Meng, and then replied with his firm eyes, without saying a word from beginning to end.

Julian heard all the words without fail, but the expression on his face became more rigid, and he wanted to say something without saying anything.

Wang Meng slowly and steadily stepped up the stairs, stepping on the frosted marble step by step, and then looking back at all the Han people, including Cai Mian, at the top. They maintained a salute gesture.

"This is our House." Julian lowered his voice: "Augustus and the House of Representatives are already inside. Wait a minute... Some members of the House may speak badly, please exercise restraint."

"No, I will not restrain." Wang Meng said forcefully: "This envoy represents the emperor, the eight wilderness and the Liuhe, the sky and the earth, the cosmos, no one can be disrespectful to the emperor!"

Julian smiled bitterly, and he would still say: "Then please wait a moment here, the angel, I...", followed by a series of bitter smiles.

Wang Meng was still willing to wait, and this time Julian didn't let him wait long.

Julian came out from inside and silently compared Wang Meng with a pleased gesture.

After they got up the steps, they had to walk a certain distance to reach the gate of the palace. On both sides of the door stood Roman soldiers holding short spears. The opening and closing of the door was also done by these Roman soldiers.

When the door was opened, looking from the outside of the door inward, you could see a rather deep passage. There was not enough light to make the passage a bit dim, and there was a "buzzing" sound inside. It was not because there were bees in it, but because there was too much light. The noise caused by the speech of many people.

When Wang Meng walked in the dim passage, he could still vaguely see the Roman soldiers standing guard on both sides. When he got out of the passage, he saw a dense crowd. They were sitting in a semi-circular ladder seat. The bottom is full of people.

In addition to the semi-circular ladder seats, you can also see the second to fourth floors. There are also a row of ladder seats, and they are also full of people.

The Roman parliamentarians have not changed their outfits for many years. They wear a white dress (robe?), with either a red cloth ribbon or a purple ribbon on their shoulders. In fact, the ribbon is more noble in purple, while red is ordinary. Even now, ribbons of yellow and other colors have appeared.

Wang Meng's appearance made the scene suddenly quiet, and then there was a loud noise like an explosion. The ambassador of the volume had tinnitus, and even wondered whether the roof would be overturned.

Opposite the semi-circular seat is a high platform, where the most conspicuous one is a slightly larger throne, or a throne with a golden cross on the top of the backrest, and the deputies on both sides are doing it like spreading their wings. The eagle's backrest is also carved with the eagle head, but the cross is too obtrusive, making it look like an eagle suppressed by the cross.

In addition to the throne, there are four relatively smaller seats. There is nothing special about these four seats. To say that there are some animal furs, nothing else.

Julian stopped at the exit of the passage~lightnovelpub.net~ He watched Wang Meng not stop, and walked soundly and sonorously until he reached the center.

At this time, a trumpet of "toot" was blown, and the noise slowly stopped, leaving only the sound of the trumpet.

After the trumpet stopped, there was a sound of footsteps coming from a distance. There was another passage. A middle-aged man in a white silk robe walked out. He had two hands free and no ribbon on his shoulders. Wearing a crown on his head, he is the current Augustus Constantius II of Rome.

Following the people close to Constantius, there were three women. One of the middle-aged women should be his wife. The other two women looked younger. The three Roman women all wore well-fitting silk dresses. Shows a beautiful figure.

In addition to women, there are two other young men who look very young. It is not known whether they are the heirs of Constantius or blood relatives across the blood. Others seemed to be personal guards and the like.

It has become common practice for Roman rulers to take guards from Gaius Julius Caesar to be assassinated on any occasion. No one wants to be the second highest authority in the palm of his hand, but he is the hapless one who is pierced into a sieve by a dagger.